View Full Version : Oil Recommedations

12-12-2013, 01:30 PM
I have a very nice vintage 200X desert racer with a Sparks built motor. The thing is a monster. I really want to dyno run it. To extract the most out of it but to insure it won't be on the cus of engine damage, I'm thinking of running Royal Purple XPR, 5/20 viscosity. Royal Purple claims high zinc content for flat tappet motors. That's the reason for my choice. What do you think?

12-12-2013, 01:38 PM
Oh boy, another oil thread. PM Barnett468 he will have all of your answers, along with pricing info.

12-12-2013, 01:46 PM
Ya know, briano....I tried doing a search but came up empty. Believe me, I know. Oil opinions are like bung holes....everyone has one and I was surprised that my search didn't reveal a big debate like every other automotive, motorcycle, atv website on the planet.

12-12-2013, 02:12 PM
5w-20 is awfully thin for these engines. There ya go. I started the oil war for you... :naughty:

12-12-2013, 02:30 PM
From what I've read, the additional zinc content is good. However, I wouldn't run that viscosity. Run what the manual suggests. If I'm not mistaken, the general viscosity recommended (for all-temperature use) is 10W40.

El Camexican
12-12-2013, 02:42 PM
I was surprised that my search didn't reveal a big debate like every other automotive, motorcycle, atv website on the planet.

Look harder!

Mickey Dunlap
12-12-2013, 03:50 PM
I have a very nice vintage 200X desert racer with a Sparks built motor. The thing is a monster. I really want to dyno run it. To extract the most out of it but to insure it won't be on the cus of engine damage, I'm thinking of running Royal Purple XPR, 5/20 viscosity. Royal Purple claims high zinc content for flat tappet motors. That's the reason for my choice. What do you think?

Talk to Curtis,he ran the same Kendall as is now called Brad Penn http://www.penngrade1.com/Zinc.aspx

tri again
12-12-2013, 04:00 PM
I asked about oil for my 1947 jd 2 cyl tractor and neighbor asked me what they had back then.
Not even sure they had multiweights.
When did synthetics appear? 80's?
Yeah, flat tappets and zinc is a great topic so I'll just bow out and hope my new battery is on the porch.
Almost can't go wrong with the manual recommendations but they keep changing formulations on us...supposedly to keep the catalytic converters from being contaminated in the name of pollution so who knows.
Hope I didn't start any trouble.

12-12-2013, 04:37 PM
I have a very nice vintage 200X desert racer with a Sparks built motor. The thing is a monster. I really want to dyno run it. To extract the most out of it but to insure it won't be on the cus of engine damage, I'm thinking of running Royal Purple XPR, 5/20 viscosity. Royal Purple claims high zinc content for flat tappet motors. That's the reason for my choice. What do you think?

Oil opinions are like bung holes....everyone has one…

The following are my “bung hole” suggestions, lol.

I agree with dave8338 and Wonderboy.

BREAK IN OIL - If your engine is new, I would run it on non synthetic oil for around 40 hours before using any “blended” or synthetic oil. According to Amsoil and some other companies that claim to have done scientific tests on piston rings during break in using both std and synthetic oil, they determined that the rings not only seated faster but in some tests, better with non synthetic oil. This information is available online.

Mobil 1 has a different opinion.

RECOMMENDED ZDDP LEVELS – It has been said by many companies including Joe Gibbs racing, that the recommended levels ZDDP on engines with flat tappet camshafts is at least around 1800 ppm for break in, and after break in, levels should be reduced to between around 1100 and 1400 ppm.

OIL VISCOSITY – I agree with others that said 5w-20 is too thin especially if it is going to be a recreational vehicle that will not be torn down and rebuilt frequently like professional race vehicles are. If you plan on flogging the heck out of it I would suggest using at least some sort of 30 wt synthetic or 40 wt non synthetic. You might find some comments and/or dyno comparison sheets regarding thin oil vs thick oil etc. on the internet but in general one will get slightly more hp by using lite oil instead of thick oil and your engine “should” survive the dyno test at the very least with a high quality 20w oil. If I was to use 20w, I would buy a bottle of ZDDP and add it to increase the level to around 2000 ppm. As you can see in the list below one of the Motul oils has 3000 ppm [3%]. At least one of the Lucas oils has around 2800 ppm.

If it’s around 40 degrees or below where you ride I might use around a 5w – 30 or 10w-30 synthetic and maybe 15w – 30 above that temp imo.

DETERMINING AN OILS ZDDP LEVEL – Most companies list this info in their MSDS’s. Many of these are available online.
It’s a little difficult to find full synthetic oils designed for motorcycles that have “high levels” of ZDDP especially in the weights I mentioned above, below are a few.


5w-30 synthetic has 1.4% zddp this is very good
5w-30 synthetic blend has 3% zddp that’s a ton


Motul 300V 5w-30 synthetic motorcycle oil with 3% ZDDP 2.1 qt bottle








5w-20 synthetic has zddp in unknown levels call for info
5w-30 synthetic has zddp in unknown levels call for info


Lucas 5w-30 synthetic motorcycle oil with ZDDP 1 qt bottle

$7.25 1 qt bottle




Lucas products MSDS list.


Motorex Pro 4t

5w-30 ? synthetic zddp?
10w-30 synthetic zddp?



01-08-2014, 01:06 PM
Lot's of great input. Thanks everyone. I'm also looking seriously at the Joe Gibbs line of oil which has specific break in and racing oil....all with the recommended ZDDP levels. I didn't know Kendall changed names. Will check into that line as well.

01-08-2014, 02:33 PM
Here's my $.02. 5w20 is way too thing for these engines, as everyone else has said. I'd stick to the typical 10w40, which almost all atv mfgs recommend. Me personally, I run Honda GN4 in my Hondas, and I run Yamalube in my Yamaha. Only other oil I have run is the Valvoline atv/motorcycle oil. I change mine pretty frequently, and tend to lean on the factory oil. What can I say? I'm a loyalist. lol. I do, however, run 20w50 in my one bike come summer.

01-08-2014, 03:10 PM
I thought synthetic was bad for the auto-clutches in our old machines? My contribution to the war... :beer

01-08-2014, 03:18 PM
5w-20 is awfully thin for these engines. There ya go. I started the oil war for you... :naughty:

No, I agree with you..older engines have much broader engine clearance tolerance.

The thinner oils are to avoid starvation on the newer engines with much smaller bearing clearances..

Stick with the 10/40 as recommended..

01-08-2014, 03:42 PM
I have a very nice vintage 200X desert racer with a Sparks built motor. The thing is a monster. I really want to dyno run it. To extract the most out of it but to insure it won't be on the cus of engine damage, I'm thinking of running Royal Purple XPR, 5/20 viscosity. Royal Purple claims high zinc content for flat tappet motors. That's the reason for my choice. What do you think?

I have about the same motor you do and I run the Maxima "Premium 4" oil in 20W50. I have no complaints.

El Camexican
01-08-2014, 04:36 PM
Believe it or not my 200 ran on 10W30 or 10W40 “whatever was within my reach” on the garage shelf. Usually half empty cans left over from snow blower or lawnmower top ups. Mix and match till the oil hit the dipstick. Change it once a year whether it needed it or not.

Dad always bought what was cheapest so my trike saw everything short of Amsoil including Canadian Tire NuGold and plenty of gulps of water that seemed to evaporate out of the crankcase before too long returning the oil to black from creamy white.

Yet somehow in a world void of synthetic oil, ZDDP, ATV specific oils and regular maintenance the motor managed to run almost daily for 10 years and sporadically for another 10 or so without so much as a sparkplug change. It went through 3 sets of tires, 2 sets of axle bearings and a set of brake pads in this time, but the bore, clutch, trans, cam etc. were all decent when it finally got opened up years later.

Would I do this again? Heck no! I can afford good oil now and respect that the machine is 31 years old, but the idea that running plain old 10W whatever in a stock trike could in some way damage it makes me want take a big gulp of milk and squirt it out my nose while laughing.

I run Mobil 1 in everything I own now, car, truck, street bike, with the exception of that old trike. I don’t want to spoil it, so it still gets whatever is left over from the lawnmowers oil changes which has been Penzoil for the past couple years (got 10 gallons of 10W40 for real cheap, Dad would be proud!)

01-09-2014, 01:31 AM
The following is a partial quote from post 15. I abbreviated it. As ALWAYS, no words have been INTENTIONALLY added or changed.

Believe it or not my 200 ran on 10W30 or 10W40 “whatever was within my reach” on the garage shelf. Usually half empty cans left over from snow blower or lawnmower top ups. Mix and match till the oil hit the dipstick.

Dad always bought what was cheapest…

Yet somehow in a world void of synthetic oil, ZDDP, ATV specific oils and regular maintenance the motor managed to run almost daily for 10 years and sporadically for another 10 or so without so much as a sparkplug change.

…the idea that running plain old 10W whatever in a stock trike could in some way damage it makes me want take a big gulp of milk and squirt it out my nose while laughing.

I’m not really sure exactly what this person is trying to say, but my interpretation of their post is, they are implying that ALL engine oils irregardless of brand, type, quality and/or ZDDP level etc., offer the same level of wear protection. When I think about that "idea" [whether that is their point or not], it occasionally causes me to temporarily laugh and/or gesticulate uncontrollably.

Irregardless of what they are trying to say, the FACT is, there is a HUGE difference in the amount of wear protection between some oils.

They also say that when they think about the idea [concept] that running what I interpret to be, the lowest quality [cheapest] “10w whatever” oil one can buy, can damage an engine, they want to perform what imo, is a "special" and "rare" "talent"/ability which s one that I can only guess they possibly developed for some type of Carnival or Circus show etc. It may also simply be an ability they were "gifted" with from birth.

Either way, I really don’t want to know why or how they achieved the ability to perform this "function" nor do I want to see the video

So A N Y W A Y….., some oil companies spend lots of time and money to make engine oils that offer good wear resistance/protection.

All these oils are not only tested by the mfg’s to determine at least some of their properties, but many are also tested by independent labs.

Below is a link to a severe test which compared several different brands of synthetic oils ability to protect against wear. Next to each bottle you will see a small round steel bar with score marks in it. This is the bar that was used in the test for the oil the bar is next to.

If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see the bars with the least amount of wear next to the oils that were used in those particular tests.

None of these oils have high levels of ZDDP in them if they had any at all. I saw no ZDDP in any of the several I checked, including the Royal Purple, which was one of the best in this particular test.

This does not mean that ZDDP would not increase any of these oils wear resistance. It simply means that this test was simply to compare the wear resistance of some oils and was NOT a ZDDP vs NO ZDDP test.


01-09-2014, 02:00 AM
The following is a partial quote from post 16. I abbreviated it. As ALWAYS, no words have been INTENTIONALLY added or changed

irregardless of brand, type, quality

Irregardless of what they are trying to say, the FACT is, there is a HUGE difference in the amount of wear protection between some oils.

Like nails on a chalkboard......

01-09-2014, 02:18 AM
Post addition.

It is also a FACT that the more wear resistance/protection an oil provides, the longer it will take the parts lubricated by said oil to wear a given amount.

This means that the more wear protection an oil provides, the longer an engine will run before needing repairs or rebuilding.

Even though my ATV, motorcycle or automotive engine might last 10 years using a "cheap"/inexpensive oil, I still prefer to extend their life as long as possible by using an oil that provides a higher level of wear resistance/protection than others even if it might cost a bit more.

The possible additional cost of a "high quality" oil over a cheap one will easily bee offset by the additional life I get out of my engines.

Since the engine in one of my cars costs around $12,000.00, using high quality oil even at an additional cost, seems like a prudent investment at least to me.

I have no edit button.

El Camexican
01-09-2014, 02:29 AM
.As ALWAYS, no words have been INTENTIONALLY added or changed.

As ALWAYS? Really?

Why do you lie? Seriously, what is it that makes you come on here and just makes stuff up? I hate to change the topic of the thread, but I'm not sure which forum would be best to start one about pathological lying, so I have to do it here. You know exactly where, when and why you changed my words to berate them and I’ve given you plenty of opportunities to explain it, but you haven't. Instead you just posted yet another lie to try to make it appear as though you’ve never manipulated a post.

You remind me of my dog when she takes a dump in the house and then won't come near it afterwards as though she doesn't know where it came from and just waits for me to clean it up so that she can go on running around like nothing happened until she drops the next one. Unfortunately for you I have no intention of just cleaning up your crap and moving on. Instead I will take whatever opportunity I get to rub your nose in it. Today, for your benefit I will post it in a style you are very familiar with.

POST #28
Posted by me, and not edited since.

this means that some larger fragments will never get picked up by the pump and taken to a filter. Perhaps they didn’t teach this in engineering school, but let me assure you it’s a fact.

POST #31
Posted as a quote by Barnett468

I assume some larger fragments will never get picked up by the pump and taken to a filter. Perhaps they didn’t teach this in engineering school, but let me assure you it’s a fact.

Sorry, but I’m confused, you say “I assume some larger fragments will never get picked up by the pump” followed by “let me assure you it’s a fact.”. If I understand your comment correctly, you are “assuring" me that your “assumption” is a “fact”.

Here is yet another chance to explain why you changed “this means” to “I assume” so you could attack my (your) words. Just fess up, admit your issues and I’ll leave you alone, or would that be opening Pandora’s box as it applies to the facade of barnett468 and his tales of grandeur?

01-09-2014, 04:45 AM
Hello Blister;

A small group of people "stalk" me on the site and hijack threads I post on for the partial or sole purpose of “attempting” to berate me without just cause, unfortunately, you might see more of those types of posts on your thread.

From what I have seen, some will continue to post until imo, they feel like they have the upper hand and had the last word.

Imo, they also appear to become agitated when I am thanked by others for my posts, which happens frequently, just put my name in the search engine and see.

At the bottom of this post are 2 pm’s I received in the last week from other members. I removed the names of the senders so no one can badger and berate them for saying what they think.

Unfortunately, what is often the case imo, it seems much easier for some people to attempt to criticize others for whatever "reason" rather than to simply say nothing at all.

The following is a partial quote from post 16. I abbreviated it. As ALWAYS, no words have been INTENTIONALLY added or changed

Like nails on a chalkboard......

Uhh…I don't know the point of your post nor do I see how your post benefits the op of the thread and/or ANY others that might have an interest in the subject of this thread, but just for your information, unlike you, El Camexican and others, I do NOT have an edit button and have NOT had one since around 1 month after I first signed up, therefore EVERYTHING I post stays as is unlike any posts from you, El Camexican and others that do have an edit button and therefore have the ability to edit their posts.

This means that if your quoting of part of my post, and your comments regarding it, are intended to agitate me and/or insure that I will not go back and change any of my wording, it has absolutely NO effect on me or my posts and simply suggests to me, and imo, others, the type of person you are.

It's also my guess that the op of the thread has no interest in posts like this especially since they have NOTHING to do with his questions.

Below are 2 pm’s I received in the last week from other members. I removed the names of the senders so people cannot badger and berate them for saying what they think.

Hey Barnett468,

I just wanted to send a PM and say thanks for your information in my thread about "…………….". I liked your info and am taking your advice as much as possible.

I'm just sending this because I was reading on another thread and saw some very negative comments towards you and feel that they were a bit out of line.
I just wanted to say thank you. I hope you have a very nice Christmas!

Hey how's it going barnett.

I just wanted to thank you for all the help and advice you have given the community at 3ww.

I know i have been missing from this site and have focused on other areas of my life, but I really hope to get back into the sport as soon as time permits.

Once again thank you for everything. Your words are much appreciated.

01-09-2014, 06:34 AM
Barnett the entirerty of you last post is exactly what your saying your against. So by submitting your last post you just added to the problem of thread jacking.

Now here is my input to the op. I used to have a 91 Toyota supra with a 2jz twin turbo swap pushing around 500 HP. I was never picky about the brand of oil I just made sure to run the same weight synthetic oil every time I changed the oil. Now in my Audi I am picky about the oil I use. Its not cause I like a certain brand its cause the oil I use only requires me to change my oil every 10k. Older engines have a higher tolerance when it comes to clearances even if it is hopped up. I do agree with using a break in oil then a racing oil. There is my input probably not much help but its what I got.

Louis Mielke
01-09-2014, 08:46 AM

Your posts are so long winded I've stopped reading them. I haven't read it all but for some reason again 90% of the text in this thread seems to be from you. It's like you think there's word minimum requirement to post. The board is quickly becoming comprised of your typing. I don't know if you've said anything wrong because I don't care to read it all but I give you two pieces of advice.

Think of typed words as something you're going to run out of and choose them wisely.

If you can't reply without quoting 80% of what everyone else says then don't reply.

I have no idea what this thread has been about because I have no desire to mire through anymore of the novels you write, don't get long winded in a reply to this post or I'll prune the whole thread and remove everything you've said. His thread seems like it's on it's way out of control and once again you're in the middle of it. Whether you've done anything wrong or not is not of concern, it's that you're a common theme. I suggest you go with less is more.

To everyone else: remember you can put him on your ignore list and you won't see any of his posts.

01-09-2014, 10:35 AM

Every oil thread turns into a disaster but at least it's usually entertaining... :lol:

I'm assuming a :lock: is coming soon...

El Camexican
01-09-2014, 11:36 AM

Every oil thread turns into a disaster but at least it's usually entertaining... :lol:

I'm assuming a :lock: is coming soon...

Like the Brits say: “Oils well that ends well”

01-09-2014, 11:48 AM
Hello Louis Mielke;

Guys, easy up here a bit. Mr. barnett strikes me as the odd type a bit, for sure, and I don't see any serious name calling or denigrating stuff here in this thread technically, but does it make a good impression for other people reading it?

don't get long winded in a reply to this post or I'll prune the whole thread and remove everything you've said.

Ok, since I don’t understand what “long winded” means to you, I will simply try and make it as brief as I think is reasonable and still have it hopefully make some sense.

I have no idea what this thread has been about because I have no desire to mire through anymore of the novels you write,
Ok, I have tried to make it a bit easier for you by posting a portion of its latest topic below from post 19.

You remind me of my dog when she takes a dump in the house and then won't come near it afterwards as though she doesn't know where it came from and just waits for me to clean

it up so that she can go on running around like nothing happened until she drops the next one. Unfortunately for you I have no intention of just cleaning up your crap and moving on.

Instead I will take whatever opportunity I get to rub your nose in it.
does it make a good impression for other people reading it?

Oh, I’m CONFIDENT that comments like the ones posted by El Camexican above make a GREAT impression for other people reading it and are also GREATLY APPRECIATED by RESPONSIBLE parents of CHILDREN WORLDWIDE that read the posts on what I was recently told by a moderator, is a "FAMILY FRIENDLY" site, lol.

Since many of my posts are frequently thanked by the op of the thread I post on, as well by other people, it has always seemed to me that the length of my posts was NEVER a problem for the ones they were directed at therefore I was under the impression that the length and content of them was acceptable.

Whether you've done anything wrong or not is not of concern, it's that you're a common theme.I don't understand how being a common theme for the good is a negative thing. In the instances where you think I might be "a common theme" for what you think is bad, it is simply because non of the moderators EVER appear to send out warning messages to the few of those that make unwarranted negative comments to or about me.

My belief is supported by the FACT that Mrs. Mosh recently told me something to that effect in a pm which I still have, but also because these few people are still doing the same thing.

Below are 2 pm’s I received in the last week from other members. I removed the names of the senders so people cannot badger and berate them for saying what they think.

Hey Barnett468,

I just wanted to send a PM and say thanks for your information in my thread about "…………….". I liked your info and am taking your advice as much as possible.

I'm just sending this because I was reading on another thread and saw some very negative comments towards you and feel that they were a bit out of line.
I just wanted to say thank you. I hope you have a very nice Christmas!

Hey how's it going barnett.

I just wanted to thank you for all the help and advice you have given the community at 3ww.

I know i have been missing from this site and have focused on other areas of my life, but I really hope to get back into the sport as soon as time permits.

Once again thank you for everything. Your words are much appreciated.

To everyone else: remember you can put him on your ignore list and you won't see any of his posts. I guess since you quote "have no desire to mire through anymore of the novels you write",you can simply put me on your ignore list as you are suggesting others to do if they don’t want to see my posts.

The FEW people that do ever complain about my posts for ANY reason are well aware of the sites “ignore” feature but have yet not put me on it. hmmm...

01-09-2014, 12:24 PM
Hello glamy;

When you "gesticulate" uncontrollably.......do you loose bodily fluids prematurely ?I’m sorry, but even though I might find your comment extremely humurous, and related to the threads topic in at least some way, it was made very clear to me recently by a moderator that I am not allowed to post ANYTHING that might even be remotely interpreted by ANYONE as being funny, therefore I am unable to answer your question with anything other than, I plead the fifth.

If so...it could be the oils that you use! Perhaps.

Maybe try a higher viscosity for less friction and premature failure !The oils I use always have high levels of ZDDP therefore any potential for premature failure is greatly reduced.

I love your posts please don`t stop.Unfortunately glamy, you are either mistaken or are seriously misguided and therefore, imo, may need psychiatric consultation . There is a ban against liking me and/or my posts.

01-09-2014, 12:46 PM
Don't get my post? Here's an explanation that won't take much time to read.

"Irregardless" is not a word that is "generally accepted". I had a hard time even getting my tablet to spell it, and by "it" I am refering to the term "irregardless".

Interestingly enough, the spell check wants me to type "I regard less."

When you use the word FACT, the next descriptive term used by an engineer will almost never be HUGE.

My opinions on oil.... Fill to the specified capacity with the recommended oil and check it regularly. So complicated.

El Camexican
01-09-2014, 12:48 PM
.Oh, I’m CONFIDENT that comments like the ones posted by El Camexican above make a GREAT impression for other people reading it and are also GREATLY APPRECIATED by RESPONSIBLE parents of CHILDREN WORLDWIDE that read the posts on what I was recently told by a moderator, is a "FAMILY FRIENDLY" site

I don't see a problem with my example. Like the title says, everyone does it, some just have a lot more of "it" in them;)

01-09-2014, 01:48 PM

"Irregardless" is not a word. I had a hard time even getting my tablet to spell it. Unlike some people, if I'm trying to help someone by “correcting” them, I prefer to be sure of what I’m saying before I say it to insure I will not look a FOOL if I am WRONG.

Irregardless of what the author of the quote above says, according to Websters Dictionary, “irregardless” is in FACT a word, and has been for a very LONG time.

Irregardless of these FACTS, I guess there is a possibility that these sources could be wrong.

Irregardless of the comments I posted above, one can see AND hear for themselves, that the statements I made above, regarding the word ‘irregardless”, are in FACT, true, hmmm...

See the short video from a Websters Dictionary staff member in the link below telling viewers so.


Below is a portion of the text from Websters online dictionary regarding the word "irregardless"

adverb \ˌir-i-ˈgärd-ləs\

Usage Discussion of IRREGARDLESS
Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that “there is no such word.” There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.


They also said they quote, “"had a hard time even getting my tablet to spell it.".[/QUOTE]I have no idea why someone would have a hard time getting a "tablet" to spell it [or even need to get a tablet to "spell" it], especially since my spelling of it was correct. I guess it would have been easier look up the definition on the Dictionary if that waas their intent.

01-09-2014, 01:53 PM
This guy is systematically destroying this forum...

01-09-2014, 01:57 PM
Barnett, stop with the long winded BS and quote after quote replies. Nobody wants to read through pages of your crap. What is wrong with you? Penis envy or something? My post is bigger than your post. Stick to the topic and a short n sweet reply, that would be awesome. OK so now bring on some more quotes I'm sure.

01-09-2014, 02:35 PM
Nobody wants to read through pages of your crap.Those that don't want to read my posts can put me on their ignore list as Louis Mielke suggested, however you and the 2 or 3 others that occasionally comnplain about my posts have yet to do that. Why is that?

Stick to the topicYour request should be heeded by others imo, and I always start out that way, but occasionally, 1 or 2 others, take it a different direction by making unwarranted comments to me as you very well know, HOWEVER, I plan to make a diligent effort to do just as you ask from here on out. I hope this makes you and others happy.

My failure to respond to those that post those types of comments may result in them becoming agitated and subsequently "cause" them to post even more, unwarranted, off topic posts, but that is out of my control.

01-09-2014, 02:49 PM
If "irregardless IS a word, then you are not using it correctly. The same as if irreversible means NOT reversible, "irregardless" would mean NOT regardless.

"Badonkadonk" is also in the dictionary. Take that however you want, you always do.

You were already put in detention over the holidays, so at this rate, I doubt you'll be around here much longer anyway. Im stepping out of this conversation now, because "thats how my daddy raised me."

Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

More oil opinions of mine, just a recommendation from a regular guy, read further into this thread and there"s a good chance someone will explain why i am so wrong.

I use Rotella Triple Protection in all my bikes, because its the only oil available at Wal-Mart that exceeds JASO-MA specs. Not approved, just exceeds the specs.

If im out riding and I need a quart of oil, i wanna be able to get a quart easily.

Louis Mielke
01-09-2014, 08:14 PM
This thread maybe locked but what went on has not gone unseen. Barnett you did exactly what I said not to do and made a long winded asinine reply. A simple 'No problem I get the message' would have sufficed but you just couldn't resist quoting and replying smartly. That won't get forgotten. As far as I'm concerned you have contributed nothing of quality to this board and that won't be ignored either.

As to everyone who baited and kept going on with him, he has no fuel if no one argues or replies to him. We aught to give everyone involved who made any low quality posts some timeout. It's being discussed. I suggest you put him on your ignore list and stay out of his messes.