View Full Version : My first ever ride in the snow!

12-10-2013, 02:45 PM
So, I said I'd give an update when I got it going. I got it going! I used the idea of heat & a tarp, my heat came from the dryer heat exhaust. I think pictures speak louder than words, so...


I couldn't get any action shots, I was home by myself, but it was a another experience riding the stud duck & the front wheel staying down! On a serious note, the plug looked great, as did the gas. So, when I get the notion I'll tear the carb apart & go thru it again. The mud is an irreplaceable blast, but it was great time slinging snow around. Don't get me wrong, the past week I've doubled the times in my life I've seen it snow, (minus a trip to MN) & once my time here is done, its back down to Dixie with this family!!

12-10-2013, 03:26 PM
I hope you enjoy your time in PA. I enjoy the nice winters but also having nice springs and good hot summers. You get to experience it all here. And the mountains where i live.

I wish i had that much snow here. Barely got a sprinkle today. And the schools were closed. Most it did was make the roads wet and its not even frozen. But hey, nobodys complaining except me lol.

El Camexican
12-10-2013, 03:44 PM
Stud Duck? :lol: Good one!

12-10-2013, 04:12 PM
hahaha nice bike love the name did you do that? looks like fun, just enough snow to have a blast!

12-10-2013, 04:37 PM
nice looking tri moto!

12-10-2013, 05:28 PM
There's just something cool about a tri-moto!!! especially in the snow!

12-10-2013, 05:45 PM
Stud duck is a good one! lol.
we had the first snow of the season here in CT today also, looks like you had quite a bit more than we did but it was still just enough to have some fun on the grass.

12-10-2013, 09:59 PM
The guy that gave it to me had called it that & I liked it. He had it painted camo & had put Stud Duck in the back. I took a picture of it & decided to get it put on the seat & bar pad. So I sent a picture to Mrs. Mosh & she did wonderful work. I think it looks good, but when it comes to tuning & riding I really haven't done much of either. I know the plug looks good, but other than that I maybe go thru half a tank of gas a year. Sometimes I feel like I drain gas & fill the tank more than I ride. With me in school, we always live in the suburb area, so I ride it a few minutes at the time, just to keep the neighbors on their toes. Here I stay in the backyard, & in Mobile we lived on a dead end road, so while the neighbors were at work, I'd wheelie down the street.

Here's a before picture182203182204

I did go to the grocery store this morning in the snow, I locked the Z in 4 high & hammered down! Hammer down all the way to about 15 mph, as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I think we had about 7 inches here today. The clerk at the grocery store said that the snow we had gotten Sunday was more than this area had all last year.

12-10-2013, 10:15 PM
did you clean the paint off the fenders or just paint over them? i love seeing these little trikes all cleaned up

12-10-2013, 11:41 PM
So, I said I'd give an update when I got it going. I got it going! I used the idea of heat & a tarp, my heat came from the dryer heat exhaust. I think pictures speak louder than words, so...


I couldn't get any action shots, I was home by myself, but it was a another experience riding the stud duck & the front wheel staying down! On a serious note, the plug looked great, as did the gas. So, when I get the notion I'll tear the carb apart & go thru it again. The mud is an irreplaceable blast, but it was great time slinging snow around. Don't get me wrong, the past week I've doubled the times in my life I've seen it snow, (minus a trip to MN) & once my time here is done, its back down to Dixie with this family!!

you can always move to Virginia, North carolina or Tennesee. you will be back in dixie and im sure we have alot more snow then Alabama ;)

12-11-2013, 10:11 AM
I had chemical stripped them, and wet sanded them. Fun times. My wife & I had talked about moving to NC when school was over, but the sugar white beaches of the Redneck Riviera in 'Bama is the place for me!

12-11-2013, 04:32 PM
My brother lived in Navarre, FL for 4 years... ohhh the sugar sands.... best beach I've been to yet!!!

12-11-2013, 06:32 PM
My brother lived in Navarre, FL for 4 years... ohhh the sugar sands.... best beach I've been to yet!!!

OBX is nice but i also have nothing to compair it too