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View Full Version : ATC 200 pulse generator grinding??

11-25-2013, 09:15 PM
Hey everyone, so i got my machine back together to find out it sparked 1 time per pull.. I knew it wasn't my stator as it was great before it sat indoors in a warm house. So I checked wires, and my brand new coil. It was neither. I went to check the pulse generator and the silverish thing that springs on the camshaft. It was ground down(it has been doing this for months and months but never stopped firing up first pull so i didn't care). By ground down I mean the magnet on the PG is slowly digging into the top of the silver thing(not sure on name of part so silver thing works haha) I ended up changing out that pulse generator, and the silver thing with one that was in mint condition. All was great, sparked 3 + times a pull but still the machine isn't starting.

I popped the CDI cover off again to find this pulse generator started making marks in this silver thing as well. I have a new camshaft and new head AND the camshaft has absolutely zero play. To be honest.. i can't find anything with play in it. I even tried pushing the PG plate up to take pressure off it but it doesn't move.

The machine was fine with the new stuff and now when i pull it over it gets real hard to pull over because the PG is getting stuck on the silver thing.

I can get pics if they are necessary! Thanks for any help.

11-25-2013, 09:26 PM
Are you sure your cam jurnals and cam is ok? It might be hard to tell with the head on. I put a new top end on a 200es motor with a bottom end I bought used, put new oil in before I started it. Ran it for an hour and destroyed the new top end because it turned out the guy scraped all his gaskets into the crank and clogged the oil pump.
Just sayin' I don't think there is any adjustment up and down for the pulse generator, just clockwise and counter so the cam would have to be moving it to hit it.

Did you remember to put the little tiny plug back in the hole for the cam oil supply if you took it out to clean it? Its really important to keep the oil directed to the cam hole.

Also like you said, those PG's will fire even all ground and beat up sometimes and you say you have spark... Are you timed right?

11-25-2013, 10:56 PM
Well my old plate for the PG didn't allow me to move it. Well I took a PG off a 86 200s and it allowed me to move it up and down so i figured that out and now have great spark! I still can't get my machine to run though.. =/

11-25-2013, 11:13 PM
Check to make sure you timed it right.