View Full Version : Water in the gas, long story short

tri again
11-23-2013, 04:40 AM
Fired EVERYthing up today.
All the generators, and any engine that sat for more than a month.
Put old gas into the 47 jd tractor which will run on nail polish remover.
Replaced all fuels with fresh non etoh gas with stabil or seafoam looking fwd to any 2 am
emergency...2 stroke chainsaw included.

Rolled the generator out and it clunked.
slosh, clunk.

The gas tank of the house generator has at least
1/2 inch of ice in the gas tank.

Instead of getting too aggravated, I broke the ice into chunks and
dumped them on the ground.

THE easiest way I've ever gotten water out of a gas tank.

Welcome to winter everyone.

11-23-2013, 08:22 AM
I just sorta did that the other day,,a month too late in these parts :)My main concern was my pressure washer/ steam jenny that I have pumped dry for the last 11 years. Yep, I know it's the wrong way, and I should just pump her full of antifreeze. But it has worked for over a decade :) It didn't pump any water out after unhooking the hose. So,I know the heat coil is still full, gonna have to break down and get anti freeze in it this year. You sleep better that night huh?!

tri again
11-23-2013, 07:33 PM
Yeah, stuff has a way of getting ahead of us (me).
I had to run up the mtn at 2am to cut a carport off a friends cars.

Big storm, power out, he was in Mexico and she was home with 2 little babies.

I ALways try to put stuff away working for just that reason.

yupp, easier to sleep for sure.

We had an old steam jenny years ago.
Yellow and blu as I remember. Hope it comes around for you.

11-23-2013, 10:00 PM
I'm in a constant state of emergency preparedness here... LOL

I run the gen every two weeks, the chainsaws get exercised at least once a month regardless of need for use, and everything gets gone over ever couple months if they end up sitting. I was about the only one that didnt get caught with his pants down when the tornado hit us in 2011. I had generator, fuel, chainsaws for tree clearing, and a bunch of good friends that came with more saws. After that my neighbors realized i wasn't so crazy. LOL

11-26-2013, 01:28 PM
Love this post!!! thanks for the reminder... we had a terrible windstorm here in mid June... got caught with my pants down... power was out for 3 days.. only about a gallon of gas in the generator & none in the cans... all the gas stations around me were closed or outta fuel... I was almost at the point where I was going to siphon gas from the blazer, but luckily my mom was on vacation in the mountains & had a 5 gallon jug at her house... living out in the sticks w/ well/septic means no power- no water :(