View Full Version : need new seat foam and custom cover for 350x

11-15-2013, 12:05 PM
I need a new seat made.lol.I have the pan.I need new foam and a custom cover that I have in mind.do y'all have any recommendations ( other than cosmic quads) ?

11-15-2013, 01:14 PM
Nope, cosmic quads only. Tammy is the sh** and her work is second to none.

Here is my Z seat she just finished 180733

I assure you will not be disappointed, otherwise good luck with your search.

11-15-2013, 01:27 PM
Yeah,I emailed them through their site two days ago.I've got no reply? That's not the way i do business man.if they can't even take the time to answer my email,what makes me want to do business with them? I heard a lot of good things about them on here,that's why I went to them first.who knows,maybe one of them will see this and try to help?

11-15-2013, 02:33 PM
Tammy and Rob are pretty busy people. Only two days you allowed for an email response and you move on....hmm. I would send Tammy (Mrs.Mosh is her username) a PM and I am sure she will respond to your satisfaction. I had my custom seat done by Tammy a year ago and her work is second to none.

11-15-2013, 02:55 PM
Yeah,I emailed them through their site two days ago.I've got no reply? That's not the way i do business man.if they can't even take the time to answer my email,what makes me want to do business with them? I heard a lot of good things about them on here,that's why I went to them first.who knows,maybe one of them will see this and try to help?You bash her and then say maybe she will help? If I were her I'd tell you to piss up a rope.

11-15-2013, 03:49 PM
I have looked at the website but never tried to order from their. But I have bought a few things from the Mosh's and asked many questions and they always respond with the right answer. They are great people and do excellent work. This site is lucky to have them as they provide a lot of hard to find parts and head up custom Maier plastic orders. Not many people willing to step up and do that kind of work for us 3-wheeler guys. Tammy's seat works is absolutely a work of art based on my experience and that of many other users of this forum. be patient grasshopper and you shall have your answer :lol: but like yaegerb said above just PM her on this site. She is a busy with other things too I'm sure but she will get back to you.

p.s. hopefully they don't see this thread that way you don't end up pissing up a rope as bkm suggested :lol:

11-15-2013, 05:35 PM
You bash her and then say maybe she will help? If I were her I'd tell you to piss up a rope.for starters,there was no bashing.thank you.I don't bash people on the internet. I simply stated that it had been two days ( three now) and no reply back? I understand they are busy,but the first and last thing I do before going home is reply to emails and voice mails.if you had read the post I actually gave them props and only hoped they would see it and help.that's why I went to them FIRST.its people like you that take stuff the wrong way and stir the pot my friend

11-15-2013, 06:22 PM
That's not the way i do business man.if they can't even take the time to answer my email,what makes me want to do business with them? If this is your way of giving someone "props", I'd hate to see how you talk bad about people. There are a lot of wonderful people on here that will bend over backwards for others, but this type of attitude will get you nowhere fast.

11-15-2013, 06:30 PM
Sorry man,that was not bashing.that was a serious question.if you have no input or advice,kindly stay off this thread.I was looking for advice on anywhere else to go.

11-15-2013, 06:45 PM
Go to ebay, no need to wait on others to answer your emails.

11-15-2013, 07:41 PM

Cosmic quads put together a seat for me with a custom cover anf (I believe) Hi-Flite desert seat foam.

I think you can order from Hi-FLite directly.

11-15-2013, 09:32 PM
Already ordered the foam from ceet for my daily rider seat.I am in need of something special for my race seat.I will figure something out

11-15-2013, 10:01 PM
I need a new seat made.lol.I have the pan.I need new foam and a custom cover that I have in mind.do y'all have any recommendations ( other than cosmic quads) ?

I wouldn't get too excited about 2 days. They are a damn hard working family. And the job you're looking for is what she does... Good luck finding what you need.

11-15-2013, 11:12 PM
I wouldn't get too excited about 2 days. They are a damn hard working family. And the job you're looking for is what she does... Good luck finding what you need.I understand that she is supposed to be the best!!! That is why I contacted them first!!! I just thought it was kinda unprofessional to wait three days(and counting)to make a potential customer wait? Am I wrong? If I did this I would lose customers left and right

11-16-2013, 03:30 AM
She won't claim to to be the best in the world, but she will tell you has allot on her plate and to get in line for a quality seat cover.

I have 2 that were made years ago and look great, so just wait your turn........

11-16-2013, 07:59 AM
My wife gets approximately 75 emails per day and at least 30 phone calls. Sometimes emails get held up in a spam folder due to her server. If you are Matt , she just searched her folder and have one from you on the 14th. I alerted her to this and she will be in touch Monday first thing , if you still want her to do your work. It will be a 6 week wait minimum. I will tell you that up front. It takes 5-6 weeks to get the foam alone.
We have not been on the site all the time or I would have seen this earlier.

11-16-2013, 04:43 PM
Yeah man.please tell her to either email me or call me at the number I listed

11-22-2013, 04:53 AM
Talked to Tammy on Monday,said she'd call back Tues afternoon. haven't heard back? Real professional to me? They may do the best work in the world,but with this kind of customer service,I just believe I will do it my self and save the headache!!!

11-22-2013, 07:59 AM
It obvious you are just completely way off base here and probably never had any real intention to do business with us.

My wife called you Monday as promised , you were very polite on the phone and stated you wanted my wife to call you after 5 to fit within your 3rd shift schedule. She said she would try to accommodate you. We are open until 5pm est time. That is because we have a life also. If you wanted a seat done that badly you would have not lied about a 3 day correspondence of emails when it was not even 48 hours and you should be able to find time to call her during her business hours.

One thing we always tried to do was make everyone happy and go out of our way to do so sir. But we also have learned to spot problem customers pretty fast. At this time we feel there will be no pleasing you.

We are old school from the days when stores hung signs in the window that " reserved the right to refuse service to anyone ".
We do not believe in entitlement and special treatment and we certainly are not ebay that is open 24-7.

This thread was nothing but a pre meditated call out with no substance to it or intent to purchase.

Please go somewhere else for your work. We have hoards of people that wait patiently in line without complaints and it would not be fair to them to stop and appease you every second of the day.

I hope other can learn something about you from this thread.

Good luck to you sir.

11-22-2013, 09:36 AM
Because you are better business people than me, I understand your wanting to try and please a potential customer. But it looks like you should have told him to piss up a rope.lol

11-22-2013, 02:09 PM
First of all,I did not "lie" about the emails! I emailed and it took three days to get back to me!!! I also am from the old school way of doing business,if you say you will do something,by god you do it!!!and by god the customer is all ways rite!!! I am by no means a problem customer! I am however a person that believes in someone's word,I was told something and it turned out to be a lie!!! Its all good though man. I have covered my own seats prior to contacting y'all and will be doing it for myself from now on judging by the way people provide customer service these days.the old saying holds true,"if you want something done and done rite,do it your damn self"!!! And further more,you say there is a five week delay in getting just the seat foam? I will be a nice person and not put up what I have received from ceet and high flight.all I've heard is excuses for poor customer service.but I assure you life will go on.I already have both seat foams in my possession and it didn't take five weeks for either.so thanks for wasting my time

11-22-2013, 03:00 PM
You sir emailed me @ 12:35 Thursday the 14th and started this thread Friday the 15th @ 11:05. Not a full 24 hours, but you said it was 3 days?

I called you and we discussed your design details. I told you I would have to look at the image and see if I can accomplish what you were wanting. I was working on a proof to show you and discuss when I call you back.

I am clearly not fast enough for you and that is fine with me. I will not bump you ahead of the other people also waiting.

You were very polite on the phone, so your internet representation of yourself is very surprising to me.

I think it is best you just finish up your seat. As far as wasting time, I did spend some time on your design, but that is ok my son saw it as I was working on it and said it was cool. I may switch it up a little and finish it for him.

This can end civil. Take care.

11-22-2013, 03:09 PM
I am not going to argue with you. You can not count. You emailed us on the 14th, then posted on the 15th you waited 2 days,
Yeah,I emailed them through their site two days ago.I've got no reply? That's not the way i do business man.if they can't even take the time to answer my email,what makes me want to do business with them? I heard a lot of good things about them on here,that's why I went to them first.who knows,maybe one of them will see this and try to help?

Then posted again on the 15th
I understand that she is supposed to be the best!!! That is why I contacted them first!!! I just thought it was kinda unprofessional to wait three days(and counting)to make a potential customer wait? Am I wrong? If I did this I would lose customers left and right It was going on 3 days wait..

How in the heck do you count..... 14th-15th= 2days, and 14th-15th again= 3 days.. so who is lying here?

So If my wife is so horrible at customer service how does she accomplish this stuff.









Ahh I don't even have time to find all the threads..


So yeah..sorry we are doing such bad customer service.

11-22-2013, 06:25 PM
Just checked my email.I sent it on the 12th.I don't know why it got to you on the 14th.I have had this happen before.in this case I am sincerely sorry.it looks like I jumped the gun on a technical error.again,I sincerely apoligize

11-23-2013, 02:17 PM
I sure would fire you as a customer. Get in line and wait. Also, piss up a rope. I had a communication problem with Tammy myself, I will not bring the details here, but when I'm ready she will be doing my seat. Not everybody can be pleased.

My buddy had a great sign at his shop that said " I can only please one person per day, and today ain't your f-ckin day".

11-23-2013, 06:56 PM
Draino,did you not see that I apologized for my mistake? You my friend can piss up a rope

11-23-2013, 09:48 PM
Mrs Mosh, I need a factory looking Tri-z seat done and would like to know how long it would take before it would be completed? (If shipped out to you Mon. 25th of Nov) Could you Pm me a price?

Thanks Dean

11-29-2013, 09:26 PM
Mosh's Haven't heard from you all!

11-30-2013, 12:05 AM
Give em a minute bud.I ground out real quick how busy they are.and it is the holidays after all

11-30-2013, 08:53 AM
Dean, I wouldn't ship it right now. I will be closed all next week for hunting. I will pm you.

11-30-2013, 09:35 PM
Dean, I wouldn't ship it right now. I will be closed all next week for hunting. I will pm you.

Sounds good Tammy.. good luck on the hunt!

12-01-2013, 12:55 AM
Sounds good Tammy.. good luck on the hunt!

She used your foam as bow hunting practice :lol: