View Full Version : Smoking Issue

10-24-2013, 12:34 PM
Not sure what exactly I may or may not have done to cause this, but my 200x has recently started smoking upon a cold start up. However, it only lasts for a matter of a few seconds and quits. I put a new clutch in not too long ago, I went by the book and it went flawlessly. I drove around the yard multiple times for just a few minutes, then took a long drive down the roads. The next time I went to drive, it started smoking. So, after that I changed the oil, just figutred it was good measure when breaking in the new clutch. Smoking seemed to stop until I went for long ride again a few days ago, same story, fired it up the next day and puffed blue smoke for a few seconds. Not sure if there was anything during the clutch process I could have done to cause this? Everything sounds fine, no knocking or ticking. Anybody have any thoughts?

10-24-2013, 01:57 PM
that is your valve guide seals. it is leaking oil through the seals into the cylinder area and after startup it burns off. can be fixed with a standard top end refresh or better yet basic top end rebuild.

10-24-2013, 02:37 PM
x2....valve seals. Completely unrelated to you changing the clutch out. Just so happened to occur at the same time.

10-24-2013, 11:41 PM
Yup... Just a sucky coincidence...

Honestly, leave it be... Check the oil when you ride it and don't worry. Its not going to use a lot, its like a few drops of oil that leaks down past the seal when its cold, as it warms up the seals warm up and then they swell a bit and reseal the valve stem. So unless your super paranoid about a few puffs of smoke after a sit don't worry about it unless it starts smoking all the time.

Now when your ready to do a full top end refresh, hone and rings, or even a bore and hone and new piston and rings, and new timing chain and guides and really go through it, then you can worry about that pesky valve stem seal leak.

Your just gonna open up a can of worms doing a tear down just to replace the seals, and end up with a case of the "you might as well's" in the process. Been there... LOL

10-25-2013, 06:56 AM
good advice...thanks for all the help everyone