View Full Version : BigRed engine rebuilder in UK?

Hair Bear Bunch
10-23-2013, 03:32 PM
Does anyone know where I could get a 250ES engine rebuilt in the UK and what sort of cost?
Thanks in advance.

10-23-2013, 03:45 PM
HI MATE, they are fairly easy to do.im in the middle of rebuilding my own 200 es engine and im going to attempt my 250 one soon aswell. do u not know any bike racers or riders who will do it the parts arent realy that expensive

Hair Bear Bunch
10-27-2013, 04:15 PM
Hi Toddy,
I've made acouple of enquiries to race engine builders and they seen interested in doing the work but I'm not sure they would know the machine. I have a spare engine but have no way of knowing it's condition without installing it and all the time the old engine kept going there seemed little point in trying to change it.
As far as I'm aware the problems are 1, requires rebore. 2, Sprag clutch failed. 3, Starter reduction gear toasted and bits of teeth and filings swilling in sump. 4, Charging stator toast due to starter teeth caught between rotor and stator. 5, carb requires rebuild.
If it was straight forward top end I don't have a problem with that. It's when splitting cases and trans is involved I lose interest.
Best case would be if I could find someone local to me to oversee what I'm doing over the course many weekends while scourcing the neccessary parts I'd be at it straight away. I guess it's a lack of confidence in dismantling small engines.

10-27-2013, 04:40 PM
Do you have the service manual? The manuals are pretty good at giving you step by step for teardown and rebuild. I have them on my website if you need them, link below in my signature.

Hair Bear Bunch
10-27-2013, 06:00 PM
Thanks, I do have the Clymer manual so I guess I've no real excuse apart from being very far out of my 'comfort zone'.
I know for example the spare engine I have has the lower engine mount bolt siezed in place with both ends sheared off, and I suspect my engine will likely be the same... And thats before I even start trying to get to the gubbins of it!

10-27-2013, 07:43 PM
Since you know the engine has been fouled with flakes of aluminum from the starter drive failure, I'd say nothing less than a FULL tear down and cleaning in in order..

If you don't get all that out the likelyhood of small particles being stuck in the oil galleries is too great.

Having a crank bearing or transmission shaft bearing fail later after the rebuild is too great!!

Hair Bear Bunch
10-28-2013, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the input everyone, there's no way out of a piece-by piece stripdown and clean out is there.
I'm going out to the shed. I may be sometime...

Hair Bear Bunch
11-27-2013, 02:55 PM
Well, I had a look at the spare engine and the stater reduction gears are damaged so the sprag has probably gone in that one too. So I picked up a third engine for $50 sight unseen and guess what - no reduction gears or starter! Never mind I now have a chance of having most of the parts I need.
3 questions...
When I wind over the original engine I get a loud clank that appears to be in time with the crank, obvoiusly in the starter gear train somewhere, not present when running. any ideas?
If I take the right cover off, can I turn the engine over on the starter without loosing any parts?
What actually causes the sprag to fail - is it repairable or just easier replace?