View Full Version : engine unseized ....what to do next??? also carb not sending fuel to head.

10-15-2013, 02:13 PM
Firstly....What a great site this is! I hope when i gain some knowledge i can return some favors.

picked up a decent 1985 250es that was seized for 10 yrs...with plug out. Poured in some deisel fuel for couple weeks...nadda. Left the deisel fuel in all winter.....spring came .....walla! The sole reason the plug was left out was due to the owner not getting spark because the shifter drum cup centre nut had loosened and the cup fell off of its pin/slot and NOT moving the shifter into nuetral (hence no spark)and no nuetral switch (green light) opperation....then the shifter return spring stud snapped off causing the shifter to jamb. $8.40 fix.

Fastforward to now....i sprayed the cylinder with deisel fuel and filled it/circulated it with the turkey baster ...3 fills/ rinsed till no more grime was coming out. Took the carb off and cleaned the h@ll out of it but still will not feed fuel to the engine. Ive got the engine firing with gas in the plug hole now. Ran a piece of rebar wire into the plug hole and felt the walls.....no pitting was discovered. Im guessing mice/insects will not go into smelly holes....lol

Could the reason its not feeding fuel from the carb to the head be because i have not installed the air box behind it yet or do i have further cleaning issues to do on the carb itself?

What should i do once i do get this thing running to prevent wear on the walls....anything...or just run er slow for a while?

10-15-2013, 03:31 PM
A better carb cleaning might be in order (I know a great thread with instructions ;) ) my 1st suggestion would be..GIT R DUN!! You didn't mention if you checked for good fuel flow from the tank!!

Clean and flush fuel tank, petcock and line while you're at it. Then change the 10 year old oil that will surely be contaminated with diesel fuel and install a fresh filter!

Start it up and run it..gently for the 1st few hours. Give those rings some time to free up in case they are stuck to the piston..and for the rust ridge to clear from the cylinder.

Then just ride it..it'll start blowing blue smoke to beat hell or it'll last forever. Not much you can do to prevent or predict how it will do!

10-15-2013, 04:16 PM
Need to make sure the carb is actually getting gas like said before. Pull that petcock out and see how the filter looks. If the engine was that bad, I'm sure the tank is rusted to hell. You might need to soak those jets in cleaner for awhile instead of just blowing them out with carb spray and compressed air. Are the valves good. I would think if the intake valve is stuck or the tappet is off you'd have low or no fuel to the chamber.

Just clean the cylinder and piston as good as you can. Pre-oil the cylinder with some atv oil and change the old stuff in the case like doug said. Run it for a few hours (10 most) and then change that oil again (that's if you're wanting to take down the top end).

10-15-2013, 09:30 PM
I would take the top end apart as soon as it freed up, and rebuild it, or at least inspect it to make sure everything looks okay. If it was seized from sitting, it needs some attention! The steel rings wont magically "unfreeze" themselves from the piston, there is corrosion and pitting there! You may be looking at only new top end gasket kit (including valve seals), and rings with a fresh hone, which is well under 100 dollars. By the sounds of it, its worth sticking a few bucks into to have it last for years to come.

10-15-2013, 11:43 PM
thanks guys. Yeah doug ....the tank was rusty and the petcock was gummy and I had very little fuel flow from the tank...but i do now.
He...He ....took the carb off tonight and man there is still some stuff i did not get so im borrowing my wife's crock pot permanently, filling it with some sort of cleaner (maybe vinegar) and then placing my palm sander atop for some redneck cleaning. If that wont do the job nothin will. Yeah also doug...i did already find that great carb cleaning post on here....man its great. I guess i better find a .08 drill bit for the cold start port as this is an 85 unit. Ive always wanted a Big Red as ive driven and hunted with a 200m pretty near all my adult life. What I may do is get er goin and run it lightly for a while drain the oil then fill the block with diesel fuel for a quick rinse/flush. Then perhaps a compression test may be in order to see where I am at. Oh...doug...was it you that had the carb cleaner instructions on here....i thought it was another fellow..? I will take the link if you have one. Im not much good a using the search area on websites. Thank you guys for all the advice. I will post up some pics soon of the $58.40 machine sometime soon.