View Full Version : tecate spark problem.

09-29-2013, 04:47 PM
I have a fist gen kxt250 3 that I fixed up and rode it a wile no problem's...Then I started having no spark.......changed the spark plug no spark, changed plug coil no spark,changed the plug boot no spark, changed stator and flywheele just when i fixed it up and there was spark then on and off for a lil,checked and put ground from motor to frame even to the black wire and plug coil no spark still,changed the cdi and i had spark so i started it and it died after 5 sec...the stator has a red-white wire, cdi has white-red wire,same plug and they match up..Idk about that but I tested the stator and I have black-blue 173 black white-red 197 and white-red bule 25 ohm's....I have now clue where to go from here but to think some how idk I blew the new cdi...Please any help would be greatly appreciated..

09-29-2013, 05:24 PM
On the 3 plug in wire coming off the flywheel/coils area on the left side of engine I have had many a problem with one of the three wires not making good connection. Both on the engine side and the wiring harness side.
Also, have you left the lighting wiring disconnected to make sure no short in that part of the system, just something I would try I suppose.


09-29-2013, 05:33 PM
Yes thanks, I for got to say I cut the plug off and soderded them one by one...No light's or kill switch hooked up also...

09-29-2013, 05:52 PM
Do you think I blew out the new cdi if so how-why,Do I have wrong stator and or flywheele (different wire red-white wire not white-red) I think it's a rick's kit,is the ignition coil on stator is bad? the range I think should be from 170-250 and I have 173 ohm? <--- I think that's why but why did it run 5 sec with new cdi then same no spark again...Thanks I have no clue any help is greatly appreciated..

09-29-2013, 05:54 PM
Sounds like my experience with Tecates. I love the machine but hate the electrical problems. Regarding your new CDI, I believe you can ruin them by running current through them without grounding the plug. If you kick it over with the start switch on but without the plug grounded the current has nowhere to go, hence the risk of damaging the CDI.

09-29-2013, 06:01 PM
Ya thanks, I thought some how I back fed or something. I know the pug was clipped on the whole time then I put it back in to start it. She ran around 5 sec then no spark again.

10-07-2013, 07:46 PM
If anyone can confirm what I think it is or any information on what it is,I would greatly appropriate it!! I'm out of Ideas of what it can be and sick of putting money in it. thanks.

10-07-2013, 09:14 PM
Tecate owner for many years. Meter the coil and if it's not over 200 ohms and 40 ohms you are screwed. You can question me but 3 years of wet mud riding and no issues at all

10-07-2013, 09:34 PM
I have black-blue 173 black white-red 197 and white-red bule 25 ohm's..the book says black-blue 170-250 black white-red 185-280 and blue white-red 20-30...The fist one for the Ignition Coils is only 3 ohms above the lowest...Do you think its that and that might of fried my new cdi or just the Ignition Coils? thank you!

10-07-2013, 10:31 PM
Tecate owner for many years. Meter the coil and if it's not over 200 ohms and 40 ohms you are screwed. You can question me but 3 years of wet mud riding and no issues at all


The stator coil set is only $40 and an hour to change. Do it and eliminate the variable.

One have my 85s had similar symptoms. Intermittent spark with the plug out and grounded on the head. I don't remember the meter readings since I've slept since then but they were low. Would cough and spit and act like it wanted to run but never would.

I put in a Ricky Stator stator coil set a week later and it started on the second kick. Ran great. Literally ripped a couple of knobs off the original back tires.

10-08-2013, 07:49 AM
I've seen this a bunch of times are people SWAPO coils in CDI's and in the end it's always just the stater. I've even had stators that metered pretty good but wouldn't work. Did show a little bit of spark when you pump it over and help the plug to the block but then the machine wouldn't fire. Put in a new set of ignition coils and fire is right up first to second kick. I just change mine out once a year as a kind p.m. and haven't had any issues sense.

The only other oddball thing that I've seen once or twice is one of the plugs will get pushed into the three prong connector and not actually make up.

10-08-2013, 05:13 PM
ok thank you all!!! I ordered ricky coil's I hope that's it, I hope my new cdi is still good. The last cdi was bad someone took it apart to get to the board, the wire's pulled out... idk why it ran with the new cdi around 5 sec then the same. I hope this will do it, I will let you know this weekend when I get it. Thanks again every one!

10-12-2013, 07:26 PM
178825178826178827 up date...I put the ricky coil's on, in the book they tell you to hook it up a different way. switch the red and blue wire's, is this rite? I have spark now but it's a lil shitty,it won't work if I switch the wires the way they where in the start..I think because I had to switch the wire for the ground....If some one can help and or confirm this is rite I will finish it up...the book says if its like pic 3 hook it up like pick 4..any help would be appreciated I finally want to finish it lol. thanks.

10-12-2013, 08:07 PM
now i'm only getting 168 ohms and the old was 173 ohms...what is going on!?!

10-12-2013, 10:09 PM
I wired mine per their instructions with no issues but I don't remember the readings when I was done.

10-12-2013, 10:45 PM
Thanks I think I'm going to hook it up the way it was and check it. It was a ricky kit I think,I know it was some kind of kit. idk what to do!!!Thanks.

10-13-2013, 11:05 PM
Thanks I think I'm going to hook it up the way it was and check it. It was a ricky kit I think,I know it was some kind of kit. idk what to do!!!Thanks.

What do the magnets in your flywhell look like? have they been glued in? there is a North and a south on each magnet, If they fall out ans someone puts ine in backwards it will keep it from running too

10-14-2013, 08:26 PM
178967It was a "new ricky's kit" There is one big magnet in it..It got a lil wet but should sill be good rite? thanks.

10-15-2013, 01:54 PM
I hooked it back up the way it was when I took the old one's out, still only 168 ohms. Do you think this new ricky's coil's are bad? I'm going to hook it back up the way the book says and try it idk what to do lol......also it wont matter what way I put the big and small coil's in will it? The way it was small out and the way the wire's are I want to put that in..thanks.

10-15-2013, 11:19 PM
178967It was a "new ricky's kit" There is one big magnet in it..It got a lil wet but should sill be good rite? thanks. That one is bullet proof, someone correct me if I'm wrong but there are 4 magnets behind the ring you see. Regardless the Rotor is fine! Do you have the timing mark lined up correctly?

10-15-2013, 11:22 PM
Call Rickys and talk to them that's what I did. Also are you sure it's a spark issue now and not a carb problem?

178825178826178827 up date...I put the ricky coil's on, in the book they tell you to hook it up a different way. switch the red and blue wire's, is this rite? I have spark now but it's a lil shitty,it won't work if I switch the wires the way they where in the start..I think because I had to switch the wire for the ground....If some one can help and or confirm this is rite I will finish it up...the book says if its like pic 3 hook it up like pick 4..any help would be appreciated I finally want to finish it lol. thanks.

10-15-2013, 11:23 PM
What do the magnets in your flywhell look like? have they been glued in? there is a North and a south on each magnet, If they fall out ans someone puts ine in backwards it will keep it from running too

Do not let Dan make your magnets! :lol: J/K !!

10-16-2013, 09:03 PM
Thanks, I called them and sent it out last night. the gm told me he was testing them there and cant get over 170-200 ohm's lol, I sent him a pic and he told me I did it rite.. ..My old one's had 173 ohm's no spark, new one's 168 ohm's no spark, now we will see. I told them I want it on the higher side of 200-250 ohm's.

11-07-2013, 12:31 AM
recap.2 weeks later I just got my stator back from ricky stators,Still only 168-170ohms :crazy:. Mike from rickys said that is what they all are,they have been making them over 25 years that way....so now I have less ohms from when I started(173) and still no spark :mad:..Do you think that the stator is good and my new cdi blew out when I put it on and it would only run for around 3sec, if so how and why? Thanks.

11-07-2013, 12:38 AM
Haven't gone through and read your thread but just gunna ask the obvious question that killed me:

Have you gone through and cleaned EVERY ground spot?

When I put my Suzuki back together after it sitting for 14 years, and fresh (THICK) coats of paint on both engine and frame. After I put it all back together I was testing spark (my harness is kinda botchy so I wanted to make sure it didn't need replaced) and I was only getting spark every 10-15 kicks and then it was a stupid full spark. Well I went through and cleaned/scraped EVERY ground and connection and walla I had a beautiful blue spark. It hasn't failed me yet

11-07-2013, 12:45 AM
Yes I did,but even put a ground from the coil on the frame to the motor.All the wires are good,replaced every thing and no kill switch.

11-07-2013, 12:49 AM
Is the stator plate grounded to the engine? It sounds dumb and simple but it happens ya know?

Did you charge the new stator? Held the hot wires to the block and kicked the bike over until you saw sparks between them?
Done this with a bunch of 90/110/185/200, 200, 230, 500, 175, 160,,,,, they all had "dead" stators but after doing the "re charge" they worked perfect.

I understand you've got a new RS piece but still, it would be worth a shot.

What I do is check for any kind of fire all the way until I lose it

11-07-2013, 12:51 AM
I also noticed when I kick it I lose all the ohms. thanks

11-07-2013, 12:53 AM
I will try to charge it. how do I do it, Put the blue wire to the block and kick it?

11-07-2013, 12:05 PM
With the fly wheel on and I kick it I lose all ohms,with the stator plugged in or not..With out the fly wheel on when I kick it I don't lose ohms...Is the rickys fly wheel shot,did the magnets some how switch polarity, how or what? Thanks....pretty soon time to get the 3" out and put it to rest for good!

11-07-2013, 12:21 PM
Which ever wore is the "hot" side of the ignition loop that's coming from your stator. You put that one to the block. You've gotta have the flywheel on though.

Have you considered going to a PVL ignition? Only problem $ wise is They can be spendy unless you find a used one.

11-07-2013, 12:39 PM
Ok I will try thanks! yes I would love to get a PLV but I can't put any more money in it!

11-08-2013, 10:19 AM
Are you sure that the 3 prong black connector is making up? I had one of the contacts push backwards once into the plastic and it wouldn't make up. Had absoutely no spark and it drove me nuts until fabiodriven told me about the same problem he had

11-08-2013, 11:21 AM
Try to find someone local with a running bike, take your cdi and coil and put them on their bike to test it to see if they're working

11-08-2013, 01:48 PM
Are you sure that the 3 prong black connector is making up? I had one of the contacts push backwards once into the plastic and it wouldn't make up. Had absoutely no spark and it drove me nuts until fabiodriven told me about the same problem he had yes i'm sure, I had the same problem be 4. thanks!

11-08-2013, 01:52 PM
Try to find someone local with a running bike, take your cdi and coil and put them on their bike to test it to see if they're working I wish I could,Thanks though.

11-08-2013, 01:54 PM
why when I kick or even tap the kicker I lose all ohms,Fly wheel F'up some how? I'm at my stress limit again with it,Idk what to do!!!It wont turn out good!

11-08-2013, 02:00 PM
any help is appreciated . thanks.

11-08-2013, 08:26 PM
:wondering can any one help? thanks.

11-08-2013, 08:41 PM
Try posting this on the Tecate Facebook group. There are some guys on there that don't come on here.

11-08-2013, 08:44 PM
I don't have face book,thanks though.

11-08-2013, 09:24 PM
No, it ain't the flywheels fault. I have never ever heard of the flywheels switching polaritys (only when I have put the stock ones back together wrong but we won't go there :) )
It sure sounds like you have a dead short when the magneto is turned (that is the type of system you have on Tecates).
Whether it is the CDI (that is the next item up the electrical chain chain of command) or farther down the electrical system,,,, it sounds like dead short.

11-08-2013, 09:31 PM
That's what I thought,but I'm at a point idk lol. I have a good ground to the motor,frame,cdi and coil.The cdi Is grounded to the frame under coil no kill switch,So I pretty much only have wires from stator-cdi-coil. I replaced every thing and when I did the cdi I had crappy spark but it did run around 3sec then died. did the new cdi go and why? thanks.

11-08-2013, 09:38 PM
should I take a wire and put it from the stator plate bolt follow the other wires out and put it to the frame under the coil? even know I have continuity through them points. Idk thanks.

11-08-2013, 10:43 PM
You need to start grounding hot wires and looking for a physical spark. Not the meter readings.

Go up your line of fire


Ground the hot wire coming from the stator, kick it and look for a spark at where you've grounded it off at (it'll be a orange/yellow spark). If you've got spark there, connect it into the CDI wire and check for spark behind that connection (the connections in my picture are the boxes with the dashes through them).
If you've got fire after that connection then pull the hot wire from the coil to the CDI and check it for fire coming OUT of the CDI. Again it'll be a orange/yellow spark.
If there's fire there then plug into the coil and check for fire all the way up to where the wire goes into the coil.

That's how I trace firing problems. It has NEVER failed me before.

How about posting up some pictures of your stator too. I got a "new" blaster stator one time that was missing the ground strap from the primary coil to ground it to the stator plate. A really quick simple fix that almost forced me into buying another parts bike just to get the CDI and coil off of.


11-08-2013, 10:59 PM
I will try that thank you! I have tried the blue wire from the stator to the frame-motor and no spark from wire,I just got the stator back from rickys.. I will take pic's after work 2 morrow..I appreciate the help!

11-13-2013, 01:59 PM
Any update?

11-20-2013, 12:54 AM
Any word?

Sparks are better than words though

11-20-2013, 02:32 PM
Sorry,Update 181040181042181041181043 Thanks to a member on here!!!He asked me not to say who he is,He instead to go out of his way and send me a whole ignition system to test..He also let me have some part's like in the one pic. I can't believe that anyone these days would do some thing like this! I Can't Thank You Enough!!!!

11-20-2013, 03:27 PM
Also Thank You all for the help!