View Full Version : Anyone know....

12-27-2003, 07:28 PM
how to fix this broken case? It's on my 250R motor. I was thinking of getting my local honda shop to weld it in with whatever welder they use for aluminum cases. What do you guys think?

I don't really want to buy used cases on ebay for a high price.

Here's the pic, check it out.

12-27-2003, 08:44 PM
Your local honda shop isn't going to weld it for you. They will tell you its junk, you need a new one. They make their money from parts sales remember. It is repairable, but you need to find someone who can weld aluminum really good. If you can't find someone let me know, I have a friend who can weld that for you and you will never be able to see where it was welded. This guy is one of the best I have seen, He used to be a welder for GM until he retired to open his own shop. His personal welder is worth twice as much as anything GM ever had to offer him. He builds old cars from the ground up and has been in many car magazines. His prices are really fair to boot. I'm working with him to start making extended and shortened swingarms for my 250r's.

12-27-2003, 08:58 PM
Hey thanks for the reply, didn't ever think they would tell me it's junk, but I guess thats how things go.

How much would he charge for that? That is the only broken spot on the both cases. What would I need to do to get it prepared for him to repair it?


12-27-2003, 09:41 PM
I would strip it down as far as possable without having to replace bearings unless thats what you want to do while it is tore down. All I would need is the case half that needs repair. I cant say for sure what he would charge but I wouldn't think it would be more than 20 to 30 dollars for the finished product, that would probably even include shipping it back to you. Just make it as light as possible to save on shipping costs. I would look around locally first though. Look up welders in your area. I know most guys want at least 20 to fire up their aluminum welder around here but again they are in business to make money. You may be able to find someone locally to do it and keep your motor together the way it is now. That would probably be the cheapest way out of it. Check your yellow pages for welders and fabricators.

12-27-2003, 09:47 PM
Hey that doesnt sound bad, but I'm gonna need both cases repaired since they're broke the same way, so it will be 2 cases and I probably will take all the bearings out, I'm gonna have to split it anyway since it needs a new rod and I'll go ahead and replace the main bearings.

I'll check out my yellow pages first though, if I think they're not reasonable I'll send the cases to you so your buddy can repair them. It might take a while cause I need a flywheel puller and I know I got one somewhere I just can't find it right now.


12-27-2003, 09:49 PM
It looks like it got both case halfs. I just looked at one of mine and those are empty cavities that broke. You are going to want to tear it down anyway to clean out all the small pieces that broke off and got down into the bottom end. You might as well do a rebuild if you have to tear it down that far. Check your crank and bearings and gears for wear. Also inspect the inner case halfs for more cracks or damage. How did that happen anyway.

12-27-2003, 10:16 PM
I'm going to need to clean it anyway, the crankshaft wont even move up and down so I'm guessing theres some aluminum stuck in there somewhere making it not turn.

The guy I bought it from said the guy rode it and didn't mix it right or let it get to hot and blew up or something like that. Also I'm going to need a new sleeve cause it broke the bottom os the sleeve off to, on both sides So it needs a new rod and sleeve to. Did you notice the rod is bent over?

12-27-2003, 11:06 PM
Didn't even look at the rod, was looking at the case damage. I would be surprized if you dont find more damage inside the cases in the crank area. Better tear it down and inspect it before you go looking for a welder.
Look for damage like in this pic attached.

12-27-2003, 11:16 PM
Hey i dont deal a hole lot with 2 stroke, but i got can have a 83 250R for free, the cylinder and piston are off, but all the rest is there, i am putting in a 4 stroke motor, so if you need all the bottom end and tranny, make me an offer, and you will need to pay the shipping, i know that there was nothing wrong with it, but he blew up his 81 250r, and it was in better shape so he took off the cyl and piston from this 83, email me at skidoo149@hotmail.com, i dont get on here to much

12-27-2003, 11:27 PM
I would be interested, how much are you thinking?