View Full Version : atc lovers

12-22-2003, 08:54 PM
well about 1130 this morning all 3 of my dogs( boxers) started goin crazy.. i was sleeping and my sister came to wake me up saying that someone with a truck was outside looking at my 3wheeler.. i jumped out of bed threw on some cloths (thinking they might think it was "free".. and went out to meet a guy that was actually just stoping to compiment on it. he said he had had a 200x and would love to buy it off of me i told him it wasnt for sale and gave him the guys number i got it from and we echanged storeis and what not for about 15 to 20 minutes and he then left for work.. upon giving him the number i asked if he knew about a site called 3 wheeler world.. he had said no so i wrote that down along with a couple of other sites for him to check out i told him he sould check it out......hes owned a 200x/tri z/tecate/and a work horse one.. very nice guy just thought i should say that ppl should remember to spread the word of the site and our obssesion of 3 wheeled atvs

12-22-2003, 09:09 PM
i went riding in pa. no one was out with trikes. all dirt bikes and quads. we got lots of looks and lots of props. it was pretty cool. everyone would come by and say what trike they have owned or currently have and dont use.

i cant wait to go riding again.

happy holidays,

12-22-2003, 09:13 PM
No one rides 3 wheelers were i ride,matter a fact ive never seen a 3 wheeler out where i ride.

12-22-2003, 09:31 PM
same here in va. ,you should see all the people staring at the gas pump,or asking what year it is ,or the best of all"are'nt those illegal?,i thought they were banned by the government" :evil:

12-22-2003, 10:05 PM
I always loved the looks i'd get with my mint tri z in the back of my truck, everyone would just stare. I'm sure it'll be the same with my 350. :D

12-22-2003, 10:41 PM
i remember driving in my truck with my dad and a guy in front of us had to mint 350x's and everyone was just staring and lookin over and it was weird to see.but they had 2 in the back of a truck wich was very kool they fit just right

12-22-2003, 11:05 PM
when I rode at englishtown I got remarks all over the spectrim. Most were half way intelligent one and complilents on how I can jump it that well(If not better than half the quads), when I was clearing the big tabletop, boy did I get looks. It was funny when one beat a guy on his quad and his friends were ripping him to pieces(earlier that day I heard him talking all kinds of crap about "that old, ancient, dangerous trike". I am the only one who rides a trike at chattsworth and englisthown. On sunday at chattsworth a few guys video taped me clearing the "so called" big table top, Its really like a very ungroomed tt track compared to e-town. Long live trikes

12-22-2003, 11:11 PM
i remember when my and a buddy of mine shawn were out on his 220 bayou just riding around by the powerlines and a huge family came up on 3 four wheelers a dirtbike and a tri z that was the first tri z ive ever seen it was ok condition.. i was talkin to the guy about it and he had told me that he had fallen on it and was scared of it ... lol but he was the first one i saw flyin around the corner.. so he mustnt have been that scared of it

12-22-2003, 11:48 PM
in my travels today i had a stop to make in mendon, michigan. i had taken back roads to get there looking at back yards and all for old trikes sitting. anyway,,, i get to my stop and there is about 4 kids taking turns on a 110 kawaski trike pulling each other around on a snow sled. there ain't hardly any snow left around here right now but they were having a grand time with that little 110. decent shape too and i remarked about how nice it looked and sounded. the one who own's it said very proudly that it was free ! i done my thing with the propane tank i had to work on and sat twice as long watching those kids screw up the yard ,,, i wanted to join them - lol !
down the road a little ways i did spot up a 85sx sitting in tall weeds.
got a phone number, spoke to the "husband" but want to give it time to age a little more ( i think his wife wanted me to load it up and go,,, just take it kinda thing )

12-23-2003, 12:14 AM
Good Deal-Bring on some more trikers to the board.

:) tri-z :)
12-23-2003, 12:48 AM
I live in QC canada and I got alot of friend thatactually have trike... I had a bigred 200es 84 but It was in poor condition... I wanted to rebuiled it but I had to spent to much money on it... so I sold it about 5 months ago.... My bro have a tri-moto 225DX 84 that he just finished to rebuild 2 days ago !!! I pretty like this trike it's small fast and sweet to ride !! one of my friend have an ATC 125M 84 and another an 200X in 250R frame ! so alot of guy like to ride togeter ! I plan to buy one next summer to join the ride next winter !

Dan Tenn
12-23-2003, 09:57 AM
"arent those things illegal" has to be my favorite question about trikes. My reply: Why yes they are illegal, Im an outlaw. If you know anybody that wants to get rid of theirs before they get caught by the law, give me a call. :D

12-23-2003, 10:17 AM
I was out on my big red the one day. And goin afound this turn when a mini van drives by me. I know were this van goes iv seen it parked. Well the van picked up some speed to there house. When i drove by there house they were looking in there shed for there 3 wheeer. I guess they thought I stole it.

12-23-2003, 10:30 AM
i get the isnt that thing elligal all the time and your going to kill your self on that thing. lol wheelying all the way up pit walls on my tri z freaks the other guys out a bit expecialy when i get air off the crests of the pit walls when i get to the top lol i love my 3 wheelers 2 strokes are my favorite :twisted:

12-24-2003, 12:07 AM
3 wheelers rule

12-24-2003, 09:54 AM
:-D 3 weeks ago we had 4 inches of snow,pulled the kids on thier sled/snowdisks. i have written permission to ride in the field that abutts our property with the exception that when crops are planted no riding.
the farmer and i get along great.
well,a state trooper pulls in my lane and walks over to where me and the kids are taking a break,i'm thinking to my self here comes trouble,he was cool about everything,showed him my permission slip from my wallet.
thought somebody driving down the road may have narced on me or something,he said no, thought it was cool that my trike after 18 yrs would even start, much less pull my kids in the snow. he was talking about how he had a 200m and sold it after they became iliegal,i said thier not iliegal to own or operate,just banned from production. i think after talking with him awile, he seemed kinda interested in purchasing a trike for himself.
told him to get a cycle/atv trader and when he finds one i'll help him work on it and stuff. now if the rest of the cops would be this open minded,maybe they lay off our asses. i'll keep you posted. :-D