View Full Version : trying to find case saver

05-27-2013, 10:11 PM
Can anyone tell me if the case saver for a 84 200x is a compatable part from other models?? Like the 350x or 250r, cus i can get them i just dont know if they fit mine. Thanx

05-27-2013, 10:42 PM
You don't mean the cover correct? your wondering about a case saver? IDK if they had them, I imagine something could be made but suggest keeping the chain in spec with good sprockets and chain wax and you should be good. Any swinger pivot or axle bearing play has to be fixed beforehand.

05-27-2013, 10:47 PM
Na its all good. just a security type thing. I know i've been told by a few guys on here that its def a good idea to have one on. And i know that i can find em cheap enough so id prefer to put one on rather than one day have the chain snap n have a hole rip thru my case.