View Full Version : Picked up a little 90:D

05-21-2013, 08:25 PM
Picked this little guy up for $350, Needs some things here and there but all together solid. Worst thing is the ugly rubber in the front, and the back tires are mismatches but similar enough to deal with. Fenders decent. Already painted the rear rims silver with clearcoat but need to get to the front soon. Its got what i believe to be a cobra exhaust which i'm not pleased with. I went to take it off but broke the bolt straight off from being rusted so much. I even soaked it in liquid wrench before trying. So I have no idea where to go about the pipe. Can i get a helicoil put in? But overall runs great, brakes work, shifts all gears. Tell me what you think.

05-21-2013, 08:30 PM
Things i need to change; Tires, give me some options i want something smaller so they don't rub fenders but not something that will beat up the frame too much. Throttle lever is very loose with play so may need a new one of those. Brake shoes, they squeal and stick a little bit when i brake hard. Front fender has been rubbed through from a tire so might wanna pick one of those up. Headlight glass is broken so i want one of those. An air box because there's a dumpy k&n on the carb and i wanna be able to take this out on wet days. Then last but not least a stock pipe after i get this whole broken bolt thing squared away, Though is someone has a supertrapp i might be interested depending on price and how it looks. Please message be if you got anything from this list as it would be nice to buy things from fellow member's instead of fleabay.

05-21-2013, 09:05 PM
Looks pretty good to me. Most of them need a little TLC.

05-22-2013, 07:20 PM
i have seen some people put 4snow's on the 90's and they look pretty good and some what close to the original look

05-22-2013, 07:37 PM
Not too bad for the price!

05-22-2013, 10:04 PM
Great price and looks like a keeper .