View Full Version : There is Nothing worse than a thief..

05-05-2013, 10:58 PM
Just want everyone to see this. If mods do remove it. I apologize..But I want to make sure Everyone possible sees this. Hopefully he will get pics up. Good luck finding your bike man.


05-05-2013, 11:22 PM
You got that right Bill!

05-05-2013, 11:54 PM
I couldnt imagine my new 250r being takin, i think ima get Dad to get a surveilllence system as well as chaining my 250r to the floor.

05-06-2013, 07:34 AM
The reality of it is,,,Very unfortunately. Most everyone should have a surveillance system. Very good ones can be had for very cheap,when you consider what they are protecting. I personally have the best ,as I live in the absolute middle of Gods country and lost FIVE machines,3 different hits,to scumbags 10 years ago. Now I sleep like a baby knowing everything going on anywhere here is being recorded. Put 2 scumbags in jail last fall for poaching deer up on my hill. I never in a million years would have even known they were here but for this system! Police tracked them down,,they denied everything,,,till the video came out :) :) :) Once I was shopping security systems,I was very surprised what IS out there and how cheap I consider them to be. 6 live feeds right to your phone for $100 system.That's what a buddy of mine has,he bought a very cheap system at Wal Mart,,literally. Had the phone company change something about his static IP and wa la. Anywhere in the world,he can sit there watching EVERY move being made on his complete property,and being recorded.:) On his old IPhone 3. He is by no means a computer junky.

05-06-2013, 11:02 AM
You got that right Bill!

Kind of ticked me off a little bit that someone implied it was 3wheelermaniac's fault it was stolen! What's happening to us!

Did you even bother to read what i said?

05-06-2013, 11:36 AM
The reality of it is,,,Very unfortunately. Most everyone should have a surveillance system. Very good ones can be had for very cheap,when you consider what they are protecting. I personally have the best ,as I live in the absolute middle of Gods country and lost FIVE machines,3 different hits,to scumbags 10 years ago. Now I sleep like a baby knowing everything going on anywhere here is being recorded. Put 2 scumbags in jail last fall for poaching deer up on my hill. I never in a million years would have even known they were here but for this system! Police tracked them down,,they denied everything,,,till the video came out :) :) :) Once I was shopping security systems,I was very surprised what IS out there and how cheap I consider them to be. 6 live feeds right to your phone for $100 system.That's what a buddy of mine has,he bought a very cheap system at Wal Mart,,literally. Had the phone company change something about his static IP and wa la. Anywhere in the world,he can sit there watching EVERY move being made on his complete property,and being recorded.:) On his old IPhone 3. He is by no means a computer junky.

I really like the sound of all that!

05-06-2013, 05:52 PM
Did you even bother to read what i said?

OK, just saw your reply.. It's sometimes difficult to interpret the tone of a statement or question in type..

I apologize as it seems I misinterpreted your intended question... My fault....

Above post edited....

05-06-2013, 08:08 PM
Its happens, its understandable.

05-06-2013, 10:01 PM
I have 24/7 video surveillance of my home here as well.. I can bring up all the cameras one at a time or in a matrix on my phone, Android App called IP Cam Viewer, it works with more than just IP Cameras it also does most DVR systems as well. Mine currently has 6 cameras that gives me a 360 of my entire property, i have two more cameras planned for added resolution of things like faces coming up the doors, license plates going by, etc.. I can watch all 8 cameras from my phone anywhere in the world. The system is run by a computer but video storage is in the cloud, so even if they broke in and stole the system they wouldn't get the evidence of them doing it. I also find it comforting that while i am in the house i can peak at what the kids are doing outside.

05-06-2013, 11:04 PM
What is worse than a thief is the one employing them. If you are buying stolen parts you are giving a thief a job. Most thieves are not stealing bikes to keep for themselves.......

05-07-2013, 12:40 AM
Man, that sucks I hope you find that r, if I were you I woul be cryingy eyes out if someone stole new 250r :), I would defiantly invest in a survalence camera, but around here in the country were I live all our neighbors are good friends and we live half an hour from any city, again I hope you do find your trike sooner or later. We will all keep our eyes out for you

05-07-2013, 06:09 AM
Trust me Colton,,where you live is city to me.I live straight up in the middle of nowhere.I thought JUST like you, No one could possibly DARE to steal here !! I was very wrong :) Scumbags have NO limits :). Lots on this site have seen where I live. Just because you're rural doesn't stop theives in the least. Neighbors,dogs,Guns,,pole lights,,.A human has to sleep,and they know all the angles. Now,,they're movie stars if they try anything,and like KB said. It's all stored where they can't access it :)

05-07-2013, 08:33 AM
has anyone on here, a mod or whatever, ever considered a trike vin registry? or, at the very least, a stolen trike vin database? lets face it. WE are the community of 3 wheelers. although it is a needle in a haystack to find a stolen trike, it would be easier to find than almost anything else, due to the relative rarity of the item itself. i'd bet 60-75% of all trike sales in this country have a member as either the buyer or seller. i think it could work. I'd list my vin's for sure.

05-07-2013, 09:18 AM
While that's a great idea. I can Promise you this. For every 3 wheeled freak out there,maybe,1 in 6 - 10 is a member, or has even heard of this place. The majority of major collectors I know,won't even turn on a computer. Having said that,I would estimate your 60-75% at maybe 9%. JMHO though. Most states have a " stolen" list at your registering body. PA's being DCNR. You simply call the VIN # in and they tell you yes or no. As mentioned a lot already,,PICS would really help this case!!!

05-07-2013, 09:30 AM
Man, that sucks I hope you find that r, if I were you I woul be cryingy eyes out if someone stole new 250r :), I would defiantly invest in a survalence camera, but around here in the country were I live all our neighbors are good friends and we live half an hour from any city, again I hope you do find your trike sooner or later. We will all keep our eyes out for you

What 007 said.

Don't kid yourself Colton, living in the country DOES NOT mean that you are safe from thieves. Quite the contrary actually. Thieves know that in the rural areas your neighbors can't or won't see everything that goes on at your house since they don't watch your home 24/7. Live back in the woods off the main road a bit? Perfect for thieves since your house can't be seen from the road. Do you have friends or neighbors stop by to pick something up or borrow something even tho you aren't home? This can create the illusion that someone may have stopped by to "borrow" something when in reality it could be someone stealing from you, since your neighbors can't possibly know what all of your friends cars look like.

Thieves may be thieves, that doesn't mean they are stupid.

Buck Snort
05-07-2013, 11:38 AM
My buddy had thieves get into his shop, steal his quad,boat motor and generator. His dog was in the shop which is attached to the house. The thieves had to push the quad past his bedroom window to get it to the road and this is while he and his wife were in the house, either sleeping or watching tv. These scumbags can be pretty determined but if people quite buying stolen items there would be no market.

05-07-2013, 12:02 PM
Yep,,we had a dog,they pushed everything by my Dads window. And he was loaded for bear guns n ammo wise,and had no problem adding another CK to his list. They do not care.

05-07-2013, 04:17 PM
I had a 92 YZ250 stolen back when i was in highschool. Later found out it was the kid down the road who was 16 years old at the time i was 18. He got caught with a bunch of stuff later on and did a few years in jail. He got out when he was 24 and thats when i caught up to him at the local mower shop one day. Thats the day i put many lumps on his head and shoved a few teeth down his throat for him. To this day i dont trust even the neighbors.

05-07-2013, 10:59 PM
This makes me really think about installing some sort of security. My dads a cop though, so thats a little deterrent. Wouldnt wanna steal from the cops house. Or ill at least take the keys out of my bikes. :p