View Full Version : Question about the Corey Sprock heads.

05-02-2013, 08:57 AM
Anyone have the Part # for the squish bands? Tri-z.


05-02-2013, 09:17 AM
The Orings?
I am confused by your question. The squish bands are incorporated into the domes and there is no part number for them other than rated cc and bore size.

If you need replacement Oring gaskets for the heads, I have bags full of them. I can send you 2 complete sets for 12$ shipped.

Or you can try finding them somewhere else if you prefer. Greg at Offroad Innovation would be the only person I know that may have extras for sale.

05-02-2013, 03:50 PM
I was also wondering has anyone got the new head stay motor mount plates for the first gen tecates??

05-02-2013, 06:23 PM
Hey Mosh, I have a question along these lines...

My brother in law just bought the Sprock head for his Tri-Z from you recently and as of last weekend has not received it yet.. Don't worry, that's not the issue..

I was just wondering a few days ago if it is an O-ring type head and that question has been answered thanks to this thread.

My question just out of curiosity is, Will Eric need to have O-ring lands cut in his cylinder deck or are the O-ring lands in the head??

I'm just curious because the suspense is killing me! LOL!

Thanks :beer

05-02-2013, 08:47 PM
Hey Mosh, I have a question along these lines...

My brother in law just bought the Sprock head for his Tri-Z from you recently and as of last weekend has not received it yet.. Don't worry, that's not the issue..

I was just wondering a few days ago if it is an O-ring type head and that question has been answered thanks to this thread.

My question just out of curiosity is, Will Eric need to have O-ring lands cut in his cylinder deck or are the O-ring lands in the head??

I'm just curious because the suspense is killing me! LOL!

Thanks :beer
Eric bought that head from me, not Mosh. It is on it's way. I had a problem locating the nuts that are suppose to come with it. So I threw in a second set of O rings with his head.

05-02-2013, 08:52 PM
Eric bought that head from me, not Mosh. It is on it's way. I had a problem locating the nuts that are suppose to come with it. So I threw in a second set of O rings with his head.

Oops, sorry about that. We aren't worried, the Mosh's are great members to do business with in both of our books! :beer

It may already be there as Eric's job keeps him away from home all during the week.. (truck driver)...

I was just asking about the O-ring design for my own curiosity.

Thanks Mrs. Mosh :)

Bryan Raffa
05-03-2013, 12:02 AM
is there up dated o ring set that dont crack in a year?.................. I need 4sets! STAT!!

05-03-2013, 07:03 AM
Well apparently the undeniable king of the TriZ has alerted to me that after 7 years the first I have heard that the Sprock O rings are junk.
So I will NOT be selling anymore replacement O rings for the Sprock Heads.

I have never had issues after a year but I never had to open up my Z engines more than 3 years or so, for maintenance top end work.
But I can't argue with the main Z man..He would know better than me.
Thanks for the alert Raffa. I will forward the info to Sprock asap.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

05-03-2013, 11:11 AM
Funny you mentioned the updated o ring sets. Just so happens I have an updated o ring set for the triz. I have only had about 5 people ever have issues with the o rings out of all the heads Ive sold. Many of the problems were cutting the o rings when bolting the head down, because they popped out when installing the head, other issues included reusing "used" o-rings. Once ran, if you need to remove the head, you will need to replace the o rings. Other problems included the head nuts loosing up because they were not properly torqued down, this can cause the o rings to crack because of the direct exposure to exhaust gases. Just like your exhaust o rings that go around the head pipe on a tecate, They dont last forever.

Back to these updated o ring kits.... Unfortunately they are expensive... They are made from high quality rubber, and the dome o ring are made from high quality viton. They are about $50 dollars a set, and include instructions for proper installation and torquing of the head. Also a tube of high temp grease to help protect the orings in the installation process and operation of the machine.

05-03-2013, 09:21 PM
Where would one order one of these updated o ring kits? Please let me know. thanks

Bryan Raffa
05-03-2013, 10:20 PM
AWESOME Cory! I'll git pictures of the cracked O rings... and I tear my stuff down every year...

05-04-2013, 12:52 AM
Thanks for the info guys. I have to say I've never had problems with the old ones. I put a tiny bit of yamabond on them to hold them in the grooves when mounting the head. Been good for 3 three years.

05-04-2013, 07:53 PM
Where can I get a tri-z dome already trimmed down for straight pump gas?

Also. What is the best way to install one of these cool heads. I want to make sure I use the right high temp grease, and do it right.

05-05-2013, 09:52 AM
Thanks for the info guys. I have to say I've never had problems with the old ones. I put a tiny bit of yamabond on them to hold them in the grooves when mounting the head. Been good for 3 three years. Yeah Shawn I got your message on still wanting the old style O rings. I am truly sorry, but I just don't feel comfortable selling them if they are having a few problems. As stated, Sprock has some new ones made up, and I would suggest buying from him.

Where can I get a tri-z dome already trimmed down for straight pump gas?

Also. What is the best way to install one of these cool heads. I want to make sure I use the right high temp grease, and do it right.
Sprock was going to send me some custom cut domes. But since I have no involvement anymore in testing them nor do I want to mess up the results, he will have to get them to someone else that can be a better help than me to be tested.

Bryan Raffa
05-05-2013, 09:34 PM
Thanks for the info guys. I have to say I've never had problems with the old ones. I put a tiny bit of yamabond on them to hold them in the grooves when mounting the head. Been good for 3 three years.

you should use grease! and this is old news,, I have known about this for over a year ....Cory $50 bucks on the o rings??????????? I will talk to my supplier this week.. talk about bent OVER! ......:cry:

05-08-2013, 01:53 AM
Ok.... hehe, There are no updated o rings. But if you want I can call them updated and sell them for $50 to you. I was trying to be sarcastic.... Like I said earlier, if you install them with a little high temp grease or yamabond will work too, it will help protect them from any gas and or heat etc. Even though they are somewhat chemical resistant, I would take the extra precaution. Anyone who takes apart an o ring head will find the o-rings to be a little flattened, or have some cracks etc, this is somewhat normal. The o rings will last many years without a problem..... Raffa, if you are going to your local supplier, make sure the compression o ring is high quality viton. Retail is $10 per set of o rings, you supply the lube.

Bryan Raffa
05-08-2013, 07:01 AM
So why do they crack like a dryed out rubberband.... I use hight temp grease ???????????

05-08-2013, 01:43 PM
This is a coolhead that was on an engine for 2 years, blown up by another guy,then he tried to re-seal the head with orange RTV... Then I got it and did a teardown. These are the orings as you see them. No cracks, still pliable and that is after the coolhead sat in a box of parts for 2 years..

http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m40/cosmicquads/Z%20sale/RedCoolhead2.jpg (http://s100.photobucket.com/user/cosmicquads/media/Z%20sale/RedCoolhead2.jpg.html)

http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m40/cosmicquads/Z%20sale/Redcoolhead1.jpg (http://s100.photobucket.com/user/cosmicquads/media/Z%20sale/Redcoolhead1.jpg.html)

Back when Sprock made the first head for testing, I thought I had an install thread/post on what to use.

You can NOT use grease. Most grease contains petroleum which is known to eat rubber seals. If you do use grease it must be 100% silicone.I suggest using this product calle Hi-TACK..It glues the orings into the grooves and will not attack the rubber.


05-08-2013, 10:34 PM
This name calling crap and attacking each other is going to stop and it's going to stop now!!!!!!!!!!!
Enough is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can we just leave it that Mosh has had good luck with these o-rings over the years and Raffa has had bad luck? Both have their opinions and both have stated their opinions. We do not need or want a 10 page thread with most being heated replies trying to prove the other wrong.

Can't just agree to dissagree with each other on this topic without attacking each other and causing other members to get dragged into it?????

Me Personally: There is a lot of stuff posted in lots of threads that I totally dissagree with. You don't see me attacking others that post wrong information. I try to calmly explain what I know is right. I don't need to trying to prove my Johnson is bigger. If the member don't agree with me and still thinks they are right then so be it. And some times I find the way I have done something in the past wasn't really the right way to do it. Some think I know it all, and I will be the first to tell you I DO NOT know it all, and I still learn new stuff daily. I am Human, I put my pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else. NOBODY is perfect.

I'm going to offer some solutions here:
Raffa, Cory replied that he was joking about the $50 o-ring upgrade ( reply #16 ). He stated $10 retail for the O-ring.
Now if you don't like the o-rings he is selling, then by all means go out and find better ones. When you do you can sell them as a upgrade and try to make some money.

Good info for everyone about Hi-Tac: If you get Hi-Tac on a area you don't want it can be a pain to get it off with a dry rag. Now on the other hand if you wipe it off with acetone and a clean rag and it will come right off. What happens if it is 3 years later? Simple and effective: acetone on a clean rag and it will wipe off.
Source: I have personally been using Hi-Tac for 17+ years and have NEVER had a problem cleaning parts that I used it on 6+ years ago. This stuff is the best stuff I have ever used and I highly reccomend it.

05-08-2013, 10:40 PM
The next person that does name calling like has already been done in this thread WILL get at least 1 week OFF!!!

Bryan Raffa
05-08-2013, 10:45 PM
Raffa, I thought I made myself clear. Re Read the quote above. I said the oring kits are $10, I was being sarcastic about the $50 oring set. You didnt even have a problem with the head leaking or anything, you took used o rings and stretched them to see the cracks. You are not going to come up with a better o ring kit, they dont make them out of better materials. After running them, and you disturb them by pulling your head, you cant reuse them. Just like a standard head gasket, you are not suppose to reuse them after they are disturbed.

I dont understand why you are such a pain in the rear, I have always treated you extremely well. I hooked you up with fenders, clutch baskets, lectron etc. What did I ever do to you? You freakin boycott me on ever issue, every product. I am not perfect, my products are not perfect, Sorry.... Crap doesnt always work out. All you had to do is call me and tell me your concerns about the oring. I would have given you 4 sets for free and asked that you run them untill you have a problem. But no.... you have no respect for me or my product, you just pipe in with ..... The o rings are junk and crack.....

Mymistress is right... This kind of stuff needs to stop. I get on this forum for the first time in months to post up info on the new piston coating that is available. IMO, this is great info for vintage engine building etc. I get some dummy coming in the thread with both barrels blazing, tell me I'm wrong about pretty much everything. Not respectfully, just tearing me apart....

Then this post...

What more is there to say?

I never re used a gasket...and obviously you didnt listen the first time.....a year ago.. the rings were junk... you offerd free ones then....:rolleyes:

dude why would I lie about a product that support and run... THEY DONT HOLD UP TO RACING CONDITIONS... whats the excuse for the intake ripping in two pieces on MTS bike in the dunes? I recall you gave him a new one... thats makes it all better when a melt down happens..... YES I'M MADE OF MONEY...:postwhore

oh wait you coated a free piston for him.. that your trying to push coating's and he still melted it LMAO!!! good job JOSH!!!

this will be my last post on this matter! one lies the others swears to it..

05-08-2013, 10:57 PM
I just got done personally removing any post with name calling. Got a problem with me removing your post then PM me. Want the info you posted in the thread then repost it in according to the rules.

05-08-2013, 11:35 PM
I've got Sprock heads for both my Tri-Z and Tecate and have had no problems with the supplied o-rings. I've also used a little Lucus red grease to keep them in during installation. In a pinch, I even reused a set and haven't had a problem after many rides. Just reporting my experience.

05-08-2013, 11:37 PM
I never re used a gasket...and obviously you didnt listen the first time.....a year ago.. the rings were junk... you offerd free ones then....:rolleyes:

dude why would I lie about a product that support and run... THEY DONT HOLD UP TO RACING CONDITIONS... whats the excuse for the intake ripping in two pieces on MTS bike in the dunes? I recall you gave him a new one... thats makes it all better when a melt down happens..... YES I'M MADE OF MONEY...:postwhore

oh wait you coated a free piston for him.. that your trying to push coating's and he still melted it LMAO!!! good job JOSH!!!

this will be my last post on this matter! one lies the others swears to it..
Look, im not picking sides on this one, and ill keep this short and sweet, as my last attempt dissipeard when i hit the refesh button by accident:rolleyes:
The first intake i had from sprock Riped in two becuse i had a multitude of engin mounting problems, you remember the busted swinger bolt?
fast forward to this year and yea, i melted it down, my GENERIC intake boot I modified failed down in the dunes, it worked fine all summer here, i suspect it may have shrunk a bit over time from use and sitting.
Now that being said the Piston coating deal was one of cory's idea's I liked it, i dont mind trying "new" things with my bikes, i run trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro HARD i break it, i fix it and i try again. i may not race every weekend or ride for that matter but when i do its a good pounding on my machines wether it be for an hour or 8, im not made of money, i work for a small company and have to deal with products and customers on a daily basis, so i can see where some of this is coming from, not trying to piss in anyones cornflakes just trying to keep some of the facts that I know straight, hopefully this will all settle itself out.