View Full Version : atctim - New Dune Trike

Mr. Clean
04-04-2013, 06:07 PM
So at the Invasion I had the pleasure of being able to assist atctim, keister and triznate in another great dune excursion. I promised atctim to keep an eye out for his next dune trike. Well I stumbled across this trike for $350 bucs...I bet we could trade something that goes boom or maybe even an xbox or some crap and get this baby on the cheap!!!

Think of the possibilities with this beast!!! I can picture myself sitting in the back and holding on like a roller coaster!!! Need a little more body english I can lean....I am thinking inverts on the front end, not like we use the front tire anyway and some paddles!!!. Check out the compartments on each side of the driver's seat you could put all kind of stuff in there!!!......and NIGHT Rides for sure with that headlight setup......


Let me know when you want me to pull the trigger!! :lol:

04-04-2013, 06:17 PM

maybe trade him that fo-fitty!

that three wheeled contraption should be drug to the top of comp hill and set on fire. maybe a light shove and it would really put on a great show rolling toward the masses at the bottom

it really fits in well with the other things that nice gent is selling...

04-04-2013, 06:19 PM
I love it. How big of a paddle can I buy??

04-04-2013, 07:16 PM
You uys are too harsh! I'd buy that three wheeler for puttin around the neighborhood to the various bonfires on the weekend

Mr. Clean
04-04-2013, 07:38 PM
I love it. How big of a paddle can I buy??

With a welder and my bitchin set of tools the sky is the limit for some big paddles!!!

You uys are too harsh!

If you mean harsh on Tim all I can say is he is the coolest, nicest guy I have ever met. He is like a brother to me and so is his brother Bill!!! I wish they did not live so dang far away.

If you mean harsh on that trike cart, well then I am guilty as charged!!!

04-04-2013, 09:11 PM
Tim.. I want a ride to the shoe tree on your new trike!!

MIK6/ Mike

04-04-2013, 10:20 PM
I'd call that the shoe tree taxi........ some coin to be made here...