View Full Version : 200s pullstarter help please

12-15-2003, 06:11 PM
ok big problem with the pull starter on the 84 200s, you know that bumbass coiled up junkass spring they put in this pullstart how the hell you get that back in, i got a new putt start rebuild kit and i can't get that thing in the new one or the old one.... any help would be great.......


12-15-2003, 06:21 PM
they are ,,, ummm ,,, a real %$#@& some times.

i can scan and send you what it say in my clymer manual if you'd like aaron. maybe you can understand it.

i think there are a hundred ways to do it + i can't explain how i've done it on re-coils. it's either i get it in 10 minutes or spend a hour on it.


12-15-2003, 06:40 PM
yes please send the scans


12-15-2003, 06:49 PM
okay aaron ,,,, i gotta eat supper first. wife is tapping her toes , looking mean and all. got to wait a little bit.


12-15-2003, 08:28 PM
okay aaron ,,, you got a bunch of e-mails from me.

hope they all open up okay. personel message me if you have quistons ,,,, and hey,,, good luck with that pull rope issue !


12-15-2003, 08:53 PM
Yeah they are a pain, I'd like to watch someone do one. I ended up asking a board member for help. He ended up doing it for me. :D great guy! that thing kicked my but. Dumb thing was I had it all together and went to double check it and twang!