View Full Version : Need help/suggestions removing rear break drum on 200es

03-23-2013, 10:44 PM
I need some suggestions on how to get this brake drum out?:wondering I soaked it in P B Blaster & WD40 on and off all day long. As with most 30 yr old trikes the drum is seized to the splines of the axle. I found some threads using the search feature but all I found are removing a drum that is not receded like this one. There is nothing exposed to hit on or pry at. I'm sure someone on here has removed these. Can the axle be removed once this is removed? Protect the end of the axle and knock through with a BFH? Help me out here guys.


03-24-2013, 01:00 AM
Try heating the area around the splines with a torch and then spraying your penetrant on it. The liquid will be pulled into the small gap created by heating the metal. Repeat a couple times if it's really stubborn.

Otherwise I would think a local machine shop could press it out for you.

03-24-2013, 06:55 AM
Hate to be a bearer of bad news but I recently lost a 250r axle and brake rotor hub both due to living and buying in the rust belt Ohio. It would help a lot Mike if you could get that thing level on its side. Another little trick I have used now and than is to find a small piece of rubber hose similar in diameter to the brake hub center and hose clamp it around the rotor center so you can fill the area with penetrant and let it soak. That way it does not just run down all around the axle. I also suggest the famous 50/50 mix of acetone...aka nail polish remover and transmission fluid to soak on it. It has gotten me out of a few jambs that no other penetrant would. If all else failed, you could always drill 2 small holes opposite each other and try some mega heat and a reverse blow slide hammer with a steel hook thru the holes?? Seal the holes back up after ya get it off with silicone?? Good luck...

03-24-2013, 07:55 AM
Get in there and clean all of that the best you can with a wire brush. Heat ,soak with the acetone/tranny mix. And do yourself the best/smartest thing you can possibly do for yourself here. Take it out and pay to have it pressed. That is a mess. It MAY break,,but beating on that is just gonna give ya carpel tunnel earlier! I would do the smart thing and pay someone else with the big tool on this one.