View Full Version : Tightening Swinger Bushings 250r

03-18-2013, 02:40 PM
I'm using the white bushings from the 3ww store. I did find one post where x.system said to tighten until side play was removed. But there was no side play, they were a snug fit going in.

Here's my question, Does the bolt pivot with these bushings or do you tighten to the point where the bolt is stationary with the frame like the traditional bearings? It just seems a bit snug when I do that.

03-18-2013, 02:45 PM
Bolt shouldn't rotate with the swingarm. If it does, your "bearing surface" becomes the hole in the frame where the bolt goes through. No good...

03-18-2013, 04:22 PM
Bolt shouldn't rotate with the swingarm. If it does, your "bearing surface" becomes the hole in the frame where the bolt goes through. No good...

I agree 100%; If you cannot torque the swinger bolt down, you will end up with egg shaped frame holes down the road.

Whatever is in between the 2 inner collars (now replace with nylon or UHMW or Delrin) plus the black thig a ma bopper should allow very little side play when the pivot bolt is tightened down.....

03-18-2013, 06:32 PM
Thanks Guys. That was exactly my thought on the bolt. It's just weird not having a hard stop to torque. You just have to squeeze everything together till you feel it's tight enough. Maybe the swinger will loosen itself up.

This was my first time using these bushings. I removed all original parts. Which left- swinger, 4 bushings, and motor mount which floats in the center, that's it. I hope that's right.

03-19-2013, 11:06 AM
All frames vary as well as swingers over the years.

You may be a mere "ten thousandths" too wide or too short because of the bushings.