View Full Version : Bad Day For My Trikes

12-13-2003, 06:17 PM
:x Well, the lil holic and I wanted to do some snow riding around the yard, mom said it was ok, so we went out to the barn. I was gonna ride the 350X and he was going to ride his zinger. The 350X would not start, again! (I parked it in there last time it showed some attitude not starting) So, I unlocked the 86 200X, wich fired right up. I left it running with the choke on, and went to start the zinger. The zinger started, the dog started barking and I noticed the 200X having trouble, so I ran over to un-choke it, and it stalled anyway. then the zinger stalled, so I tried to start it again and the dang rope broke! So, we decided to ride double on the 200X and then IT wouldnt start! I now have 3 trikes down and out in one day! WTF??? I have been having a bad week.

Ace Mon
12-13-2003, 06:23 PM
Well bro , I dont really think its anything BAD , being there is probally some carb adjustment needed . I know you were most likely pissed . I know I would have been . Sometimes when it rains it pours . But hey remeber , the Ace Mon still loves ya . Thats enough to brighten anyones day ....right ? LOL Ace

12-13-2003, 06:35 PM
we've all had those days holic.

12-13-2003, 06:45 PM
I'm Having Days Like That Over & Over...Like The Movie Groundhog Day :shock:

12-13-2003, 06:46 PM
hey atleat the pull cord broke at home and not 20 miles from home


12-13-2003, 06:50 PM
:x Well, the lil holic and I wanted to do some snow riding around the yard, mom said it was ok, so we went out to the barn. I was gonna ride the 350X and he was going to ride his zinger. The 350X would not start, again! (I parked it in there last time it showed some attitude not starting) So, I unlocked the 86 200X, wich fired right up. I left it running with the choke on, and went to start the zinger. The zinger started, the dog started barking and I noticed the 200X having trouble, so I ran over to un-choke it, and it stalled anyway. then the zinger stalled, so I tried to start it again and the dang rope broke! So, we decided to ride double on the 200X and then IT wouldnt start! I now have 3 trikes down and out in one day! WTF??? I have been having a bad week.

hopefully it is something as simple as stale gas....the broken rope cant be too difficult either...good luck holic...ps my r wouldnt start last weekend either...too cold for it maybe i dunno

12-13-2003, 07:56 PM
I now have 3 trikes down and out in one day! WTF??? I have been having a bad week.

I feel for you holic.
I had the same problem here about a month or 2 ago. The only thing was everyone of our vehicles broke down. The car broke, then van died ( multiple problems ) then the Truck timing belt broke. This all happened in 1 week. I got them all running but the truck still needs 1 item fixed. The van was finished today. I might not have gotten it done but 3wheelsforever ( Virgil ) was there Supervising me. He wouldn't let me take a break. lol

12-13-2003, 08:02 PM
Did you check the GAS on the machines???????? :-D

12-14-2003, 10:09 PM
It may just be the cold and ice in the cylinder.Sometime my 4 strokes wont start until I pull the plug and put a shoplite next to the hole and let it sit awhile to warm up and dry out the inside a bit. A little while later and all hell brakes loose. :-D

12-14-2003, 10:26 PM
Well... the "showgirl' X is pretty cold blooded. I ALWAYS let a ceramic heat blow hot air on the engine from the footpeg for an hour before I even try starting it in the winter. Works like a charm!


Tri-Z Pilot
12-15-2003, 03:07 AM
Ice in the cylinder? Something must be very wrong with a machine if it gets ice in the cylinder, that cant be very good at all.

12-15-2003, 01:00 PM
The only thing wrong with my machines is, that they are not stored in a heated garage, and there is nothing I can do about condensation and cold weather.Most people do things there way not the way someone else might do it, if they have trouble then they ask for help.

ATC crazy
12-15-2003, 01:41 PM
mom said it was ok, so we went out to the barn.

:D Aint that how it always goes...mom's word is law.

If mama aint happy, AINT NOBODY happy ;)

12-15-2003, 02:07 PM
mom said it was ok, so we went out to the barn.

:D Aint that how it always goes...mom's word is law.

If mama aint happy, AINT NOBODY happy ;)

:D :D :D :D :D

Holic,you will have better days! Hang in there!