03-04-2013, 02:27 PM
Hi Sorry about grammar im french .! Ok here the trouble.
Rear master cylinder started leaking so i bought from yamaha a banshee i think 2003 or w/e master cylinder rebuild kit .. old one and the new one look exactly same but here the prob.
Im enable to bleed my rear brake and i found out that when i slowly push the pedal i hear from the cylinder a air leak. So good here the problem but why ??
After some research i found out that try-z and bansee 87 have same part #(on yamaha) but the recent banshee dont have the same part #... I can still buy the try-z/banshee rear master cylinder for 140$ canadian and the more recent banshee the cylinder cost about 70 $ can.
So Do some1 know the difference between old banshee master cylinder and the newer model because on picture they look exactly the same. And if the newer master cylinder inside diameter change from the older that could explain why i have an air leak since i put a recent banshee rebuild kit in a older model.
And for info. i reinstalled the 2 seal on the spool the same way they were on the older.. so the open lid facing out (maybe im wrong there too.)
I need to know if im buying a brand new master cylinder or buying another rebuild kit but for older model or i dont know. and if my problem seem to be the casing himself should i buy newer banshee one or the original try-z ? they have same hole pattern and only the lenght of the rod that connect to pedal change ?
Rear master cylinder started leaking so i bought from yamaha a banshee i think 2003 or w/e master cylinder rebuild kit .. old one and the new one look exactly same but here the prob.
Im enable to bleed my rear brake and i found out that when i slowly push the pedal i hear from the cylinder a air leak. So good here the problem but why ??
After some research i found out that try-z and bansee 87 have same part #(on yamaha) but the recent banshee dont have the same part #... I can still buy the try-z/banshee rear master cylinder for 140$ canadian and the more recent banshee the cylinder cost about 70 $ can.
So Do some1 know the difference between old banshee master cylinder and the newer model because on picture they look exactly the same. And if the newer master cylinder inside diameter change from the older that could explain why i have an air leak since i put a recent banshee rebuild kit in a older model.
And for info. i reinstalled the 2 seal on the spool the same way they were on the older.. so the open lid facing out (maybe im wrong there too.)
I need to know if im buying a brand new master cylinder or buying another rebuild kit but for older model or i dont know. and if my problem seem to be the casing himself should i buy newer banshee one or the original try-z ? they have same hole pattern and only the lenght of the rod that connect to pedal change ?