View Full Version : my first 250r now with pics

01-07-2013, 02:19 AM
Im going to start off by saying that this is my first 2 stroke. So im sure im going to have some questions. Well the trike is a mix of parts from what i can tell. Its an 1981 frame and swing arm and i think its an 83-84 motor but i might be wrong as this is the first 250r i have been up close to. as for what it needs. Im going to need a complete top end, seat, and plastics sometime, i would greatly appreciate any help on what to look for, and what upgrades to consider. i will be post pics as soon as i find my cable. but im warning you guys its a little rough.

01-07-2013, 03:55 AM
There's no better way to get to know your machine than spending quality time in the shop :D

01-07-2013, 06:41 AM
Rough is fine, it's how you learn. The motors for 81-84 are the same with exception of the shifting spindle and carburator size.
What plastics do you need? Engine parts? Going to take you're time and go through the whole engine?

Good luck and congrats just the same.

01-07-2013, 03:26 PM
yeah im going to go through the whole bike. new bearings seals and gaskets everywhere. as for parts i havent had much time to look at it closely because i live in north dakota now and its in an unheated garage. but i do know that im going to need swing arm, jug, head, and piston also im going to need the seat ( pan foam and cover). the plastics i can live with until i get everything else where i want it.
what are good upgrades for the suspension, like will a 83-83 swing arm fit in the 81 frame or im i going to a have to get a 82 swinger to get rear disc breaks.
my wife is probably going to kill me because im going to have the motor torn apart on the kitchen table when she gets home from work

01-07-2013, 07:34 PM
Good upgrades would be 83-85 200x front end, but you change the appearance with the skinny front tire. They have better travel and better disc brakes. For the carb, a 85-86 250R carb is a great upgrade and will alow the motor, even a stock motor, to breath much better. Get a pipe, either old school aftermarket would be best, or a new DG, and that will really wake the motor up. You could also get the top end ported, to allow for much better power. I dont think the 83-84 R rear end will bolt on without a lot of mods, the frames and mounting points are different, and the second gen uses a link. Another thing to keep your eye out for is a Hondaline 300 top end. You can still use all the engine mods listed above as well.

01-07-2013, 08:57 PM
Need a swing arm? Manbearpig here on the forums may be able to help you out. Just purchased one a few weeks ago from him.

Can't upgrade to a 2nd gen swing arm without doing major frame alteration. As for having disc brakes over drums, that was a priority lower on my the list. Work on the engine until you NEED to stop better.
Like Yamaha_Rules69 said, Upgrade the carb. Some from a TRX or a CR250 (if you like twist throttle) may work as well as later gen R's.

Tapered roller bearings in the steering stem is a nice upgrade as well.

Try to plan ahead with how deep you're going into this machine. It's very easy to jump in and loose interest when it's spread around the garage.
Also (in my case) it is very easy for a build to get a little out of control and take a lot more time and money than you anticipated. Not trying to discourage you in anyway. We ALL WANT you to make a killer wheeler. Just a little planning ahead saves a LOT of aggravation.

Good luck.

01-07-2013, 09:02 PM
Need a swing arm? Manbearpig here on the forums may be able to help you out. Just purchased one a few weeks ago from him.

Good luck.

hahhaha looks like its manbearpig to the rescue!!

ive got anything and everything you could ever want for 81/82R. just contact me...

01-07-2013, 09:08 PM
RDH: Using rear wheel hubs from a TRX a nice upgrade also. Gives a slitghtly wider wheel base.

Manbear: the "junk" swing arm you sent me is nicer than the one I'm running! Thanks for the help.

01-07-2013, 10:20 PM
My current swing arm is cracked where the shock mounts to it. Also I'm going to be going though the bottom end as the crank bearings are a little stiff and I don't want to take an chances. I won't be able to mess with the bike till Wednesday. So I will know more then. I'm trying to get pics to upload from my phone but its not wanting to work.

01-08-2013, 04:16 PM
well here is what im working with. on a good note the tank has no dents and no rust inside. 160708

01-08-2013, 05:26 PM
i just went and looked though the box of paqrts that came with my trike and there is no swing arm bolt.
also i got the numbers off the bottom end so if anybody could tell me what year my engine is. thank you

02-23-2013, 05:21 AM
Well I have good news and bad news. So let's start with the bad first. I am going to be pushing the 250 aside for now so a can save my money for things more important.
The good news. Me and my wife are going to be having our first child. She will be due beginning of October. But at least I will have a better reason to get a 70 now. Looks like this will be turning into a slow and detailed build.

02-23-2013, 09:01 AM
Congratulations! Some things are much more important than 3 wheelers ! Did I say that out loud?

02-23-2013, 12:16 PM
Congrats on the soon to be new addition to the family.

04-02-2013, 10:00 PM
So this build is going to take a lot longer that I had planned but I have been ordering parts. In the next week or so I will be getting some titan fast trekkers in the mail as well as a swingarm pivot bolt and a new to me set of motor mounts and bolts. My wife thinks I'm crazy for rebuilding this ( pile of parts) as she put it but I love putting my heart and soul into it plus I have a hard time letting a 3 wheeler die no mater what the cost is. Still in search if a stock bore jug and head and a swing arm for a decent price. Ttfn Ryan.
PS will post more pics over the week as it is no longer -15 during the day. I can work in my garage again. Yay me.

04-02-2013, 10:22 PM
Just caught on to your post here! Gotta love that it's warming up! Haha was reading through your posts and was going to say I'd trade you my 70 for it haha! But read your last post Can't wait to see some current pics!

04-03-2013, 12:21 AM
I've barely made any progress on it other than a little disassembly and accounting for what I have. I will be taking my time on this build for sure as I have very little knowledge with 2 strokes. It may be weird but I got it mainly to learn as opposed to wanting an every day rider. Which is why I want to rebuild it as close to its stock form as possible minus tires and other small things of course. I'm also fixing up two squares right now as well. 85 and an 86 Honda 250 quawd version of the big red 250es. There is something about the 80s ATV/atc's that just draws me towards them. What's nice is I only have 3 bills in all three.

04-03-2013, 05:32 PM
well here is some pics of it mostly taken apart.you can see why im going to need a new swingarm. the parts in the last pic i am pretty sure dont go to this. im thinking 83-84 250r?

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04-05-2013, 02:38 PM
just a thought but how hard would it be to put a blaster motor in an 81r frame. i know the chain is on different sides but could i flip the swinger and re-weld the shock mount or what other 2 stroke engines are out there that have the chain on the right side. i know i can find an engine for the bike im just thinking it would be cool to have a newer engine with a better parts availability. let me know what your opinions are. Ryan.

04-05-2013, 08:00 PM
Newer engines with the chain on the other side are very few. ROTAX maybe??? Most newer engines will be water cooled. A good engine, but just as old or older, is the CR 480.


04-11-2013, 07:47 PM
Got a question about my tank. The 250 on it was painted on was this an option or something that was done to replace the stickers.

Got a bunch of stuff coming in the mail will post picks when it gets here. Should have some pics tomorrow after I get home.

04-11-2013, 09:56 PM
Here is a little teaser of what's to come. Many more parts on their way.


04-20-2013, 09:19 PM
I can't wait till I get off work Monday morning. Reason being I get to go pick up the heart for my r from fedx. With that being said I should be able to make some real progress on this thing now. Its starting to warm up outside finally and I can work in the garage again. Will post pics when I get it.

04-23-2013, 02:06 PM
so i finally got my motor and i have a few questions. the first of which is the head and some scaring i was just wondering if i will need a new one or if the one i have will be fine. second. i got my digital caliper out and the bore was 71mm not 70mm so will a stock head gasket work or will i have to get a bigger one and if so where would be the best place to do so.

the guy i bought the motor from made sure it wasnt going to get damaged in shipping thats for sure. he wraped it in about five pounds of bobubble wrap and then incased it in spray foam. it took me about an hour to get it out of the box.

can anybody identify the twist throttle it says TCI and its got some age on it in the pic it has been cleaned.

hopefully progress on this will pick up now that its starting to warm up.

04-23-2013, 02:45 PM
Looks like it had a ring let go at some point. Might explain the +1 on the bore. No need to be concerned with what I'm seeing. The standard gasket (from Honda if available) will work fine. You had a shipper that cared about the parts he was sending out... lucky you! No clue on the twist throttle. Good to see another air cooled bike being put back together. Without guys like you, they will only be a memory for most. Congrats on the family expansion and good luck on the trike.


04-23-2013, 03:11 PM
i have a hard time letting any three wheeler go to waste even though mine would have been a parts bike to most. in some sick and twisted way i like them like that. it lets me get to know the bike really well and after im done i will know that nothing will be wrong with the trike.
thank you for the congrats i cant wait till may 21st. we get to fing out if its a boy or a girl. then i need to start looking for a 70 to restore.