View Full Version : 4-Snow on the front wheel?

01-02-2013, 09:35 AM
I just ordered my first set of 4-Snows. I've never run them, but obviously guys absolutely rave about how they perform so I'm excited to see how they do. Two of my buddies have posted lately saying that the only issue they have is the front end "pushing" with the 4-Snows on there. I guess they get a lot of traction, which is obviously good, but they can make it tough to steer.

Has anyone ever run a 4-Snow on the front to try and counter the "pushing" issue? I'm not looking for hundreds of posts of people's speculation, thanks. I'm looking for real-world experience if anyone has tried this or has a similar solution. I know some guys are probably going to suggest studding the front tire but I don't think that will help. Studs are for ice, not snow.

01-02-2013, 10:38 AM
We all have 4 snows the the best winter tire ever. On my Ltz 400 I riged up some skis and it's unstoppable. As far as tires you can go threw a decent amount of snow even pretty deep snow. I found leaning way back helps alot. Also keep a good momentum up. I also find off the start don't gun it roll on the throttle smooth try not to spin the tires untill you have good momentum then pin on it. If your cornering let off a bit the 4 snows tend to want to push you straight. So I'd say try your stock tires first they work for us( our rides raptor 660 700 z400 400ex ktm 450 ect ect)
I haven't tried them on the trikes yet hope to have them out in the next few weeks.

01-02-2013, 10:41 AM
Now I'd like to see that Ski setup on the Z400. Any links to pictures of that?

roostin atc
01-02-2013, 10:46 AM
I don't think a 4 snow on the front would help the pushing. I would think for powder a sand tire would be your best bet. But for packed snow the more studs the better. A skinnier tire in the front will always steer better than a fat one.

01-02-2013, 10:48 AM
I have a pic of the 400 with the skis on in my profile under toys

01-02-2013, 10:58 AM
4-sno is a driving tire, a simple knobby up front is your best bet for turning-stopping.

01-02-2013, 11:01 AM
I have a pic of the 400 with the skis on in my profile under toys

Got a close up pic or two of the set up? My hephew wants me to fab a set of skis for his quad. I have a few ideas, but another idea wouldn't hurt.

Fabio, not to derail your thread, but who did you order from?

01-02-2013, 11:21 AM
OK guys, thanks.

This was my train of thought here- I've never seen a 4-Snow in person, but I was curious about the composition of the rubber. I don't know if any of you have ever seen the Michelin Blizzak (car tire) snow tire in person, but the tread pattern on those is not all the aggressive for a snow tire. I wondered how they got such rave reviews with such a mild tread pattern. Well it turns out that the tread pattern isn't the big part of the Blizzak's success. The key is the composition of the rubber that the tread is made out of. I was curious if the 4-Snow is the same way.

Fabio, not to derail your thread, but who did you order from?

I got mine from Amazon. I paid $70 a tire.

01-02-2013, 11:43 AM
There real soft I think 2 ply they get skinner and taller the faster you go. There's a directional arrow on the tire. They look like you should put them on like a paddle tire but the tread goes on backwards. We run a little less air for more expiation and a wider track. We usally get them for around $110 at the dealer so 70 isn't bad at all. We live in Canada I'm sure they sell a lot more here. You will not be disappinted

Hair Bear Bunch
01-02-2013, 12:00 PM
If the tyres are directional, how about running the front one backwards as you might with herringbone patterns?

01-02-2013, 12:24 PM
OK guys, thanks.

This was my train of thought here- I've never seen a 4-Snow in person, but I was curious about the composition of the rubber. I don't know if any of you have ever seen the Michelin Blizzak (car tire) snow tire in person, but the tread pattern on those is not all the aggressive for a snow tire. I wondered how they got such rave reviews with such a mild tread pattern. Well it turns out that the tread pattern isn't the big part of the Blizzak's success. The key is the composition of the rubber that the tread is made out of. I was curious if the 4-Snow is the same way.

I got mine from Amazon. I paid $70 a tire.

Thanks! And for what it's worth, I'm running Bear Claws on the rear and a Front Max on the front of my 200S and I get front end push too, a little more in fresh powder than on a packed trail, but it still pushes a bit on packed snow too.

110 atc
01-02-2013, 04:59 PM
My buddies and I al run 4 snows on all three corners of our 200's.

the great gazoo
01-02-2013, 05:27 PM
How do they do with the 4snows on the front?

01-02-2013, 06:08 PM
My buddies and I al run 4 snows on all three corners of our 200's.

Here's the man we need to hear from. 110 atc, the stage is yours.

110 atc
01-02-2013, 06:58 PM
They work better than any other tire we have ever tried. The front end still pushes around in the deep snow , but on ice and hard pack they can't be beat.

01-03-2013, 09:49 AM
There's some real world information right there.

01-03-2013, 12:11 PM
Back in the 80s my brother ran a pair of Pro-Wedge 2s on rear and 1 pro-Wedge 1 on the front of his 82 250r . The pro wedge looks just like the 4 snows. He had good luck with it.Ran all winter like that.160454 160455

01-03-2013, 02:43 PM
Coolpool,,, has 3 pro wedge on his US90 160456,,,You might want to talk to him Fabio!!

01-03-2013, 05:57 PM
This is all great but how can I fit one on the front of a tecate since none of these come in 10" rims? Will a 9" rim work on a tecate front>>>> Hmm I'll need to check for a thread on that or start one

Bryan Raffa
01-03-2013, 08:17 PM
if I ever get over this Cold .. ill throw some 4 snow's and the ski on ... I forgot I bought this...LOL :Bounce

01-03-2013, 09:06 PM
if I ever get over this Cold .. ill throw some 4 snow's and the ski on ... I forgot I bought this...LOL :Bounce

hey Bryan how does that attach to your tri-z, do yo let all the air out of the front tire and then put it in the ski and air it back up?

01-03-2013, 11:01 PM
I can't really speak for snowy conditions (I've never seen more than 4" of snow in my life....), but the thick silt mud that we have around here is really bad about stoppin the front tire and pushin. Typically this problem can be almost completely taken care of by just runnin a directional tire "backwards" up front. I can't guarantee that this will work in snow, I've never had the opportunity to try that, but it does work in mud.


Before some of you city slickers go callin me crazy like in the last thread I posted this, remember: this is not my original idea. This technique has been in practice by farmers for as long as there have been rubber tires on farm equipment. It does work in muddy conditions.

01-04-2013, 09:29 AM
Before some of you city slickers go callin me crazy like in the last thread I posted this, remember: this is not my original idea. This technique has been in practice by farmers for as long as there have been rubber tires on farm equipment. It does work in muddy conditions.

You and I are on the same page Stonewall. I remember agreeing with you in your thread about the treads on the front tire. I've known since I was a kid about running the front tread "backwards".

01-04-2013, 08:16 PM
well her eismy experiances with the snow. the reason the 4 snow works so wellin snow is because it grows in diamiter the faster you spin it, and it doesnt clig up with snow. and for the front the reason we suck is snow is cause they push to eliminate pushing make sure the tire has enough tread to rotate not carve, a thin tire lots of air pressure to get it talland narow, and i agree on a directional tire backwards also it helps keeping the tire spinning instead of plowing if that makes any sence.

Bryan Raffa
01-04-2013, 08:48 PM
hey Bryan how does that attach to your tri-z, do yo let all the air out of the front tire and then put it in the ski and air it back up?

ratchet strap the two arms together on the tire.....is what I was told..