View Full Version : Speaking of follow ups! Sputter-pop-pop!!

11-25-2002, 07:52 PM
Four years ago when I was unaware of this board I had a problem. My 85 250SX would break up at mid to high revs? I changed the fuel filter cleaned the carb good enough to eat off and insude it but still it ran like crap. On that model you can't adjust the timing so I took out Mr. Clymer and started the old ohms check etc, and guess what - the black box wiring was retaped? As I removed the electrical tape I found at least three of the wires to be barely hangin onto their soderless connectors. This box wiring harness flexes with the suspension so I'm sure that what caused them to break. I followed the wiring diagram and it ran perfectly after I fixed the wires. It's amazing how your totally convinced as to whats wrong and then you find out the real deal!