View Full Version : ebay UK...some questions...why so many 'Z's and no 'R's..???

12-05-2003, 01:25 AM
I was thinking I would search ebay UK (the United Kingdom equivalent of our U.S. ebay) to see some trikes.

When I search for Tri Z's I get tons of stuff:


When I search for ATC or ATC 250R I get hardly anything:


What gives..where ATC called something else there ??

12-05-2003, 02:07 AM
That just goes to show what was king of the hill over there.Long live the mighty Z!!!!!!

12-05-2003, 03:07 AM
It makes me realize how we in the U.S. over estimate our importance. Yamaha probably marketed and sold more 'Z's there than in the U.S. (who knows)...but interestingly we think what goes down in the states is all there is.

Even more interesting....

I bet British Trike lovers hate us Americans...it was our silly product safety commission that killed the trikes.

Brits were probably think...jeez just keep making them over here...we can ride them fine....

Raises an interesting question: Did any of the other counties have any governmental involvement or outcry in response to citizen safety at the hands of 3 wheelers?

If they were really popular over seas (I speak of 3 wheelers in general) then the Big 3 would have kept making them (yes I left out the Zooks).


12-05-2003, 08:00 AM
In Australia there was no government involvement in the demise of three wheelers.
Because there was no longer a U.S demand for the product it probably wasn't worth it for the manufacturers to continue to make trikes world wide.
In fact I seem to remember a heap of TRI-Z's available in Australia after the CSPC agreement had come into force in your country. Called 87 models but most likely 86 models.
I love my Tecate three wheeler but i think it was just a matter of time before quads would have taken over anyway. So much easier to ride for the novice!

12-05-2003, 09:30 AM
most of the 250r`s here in uk were taken in pieces and used for quad racing ,engine and swingarm and hubs etc etc. so thats the reason there so rare now.
the tri z was the same as ozquad44 said for australia, loadsa triz got shipped over when they were banned in the states, you could buy them new back then in crates for about 800 pounds, there still worth that now!!!
theres plenty of utility trikes about, mostly hondas but farmers tend to keep them till they die, alot also go to the coast, fishermen use them for checking cockle baskets ( i think) so they pretty much get killed there too. :(

12-05-2003, 03:34 PM
Hey Wolf spider...call me obtuse regarding international monetary exchange rates.....

how much is 800 pounds in U.S. dollars these days??


12-06-2003, 06:36 AM
the exchange rate is 1 pound is 1 dollar 70, making 800 pounds about 1340 dollars ish
wolf. :-D :shock: