View Full Version : you are polluting my brain... honda XXXR and the like.....

11-29-2012, 11:44 PM
I came here to putt around on my 200es....grrrr...
those 2 strokes are shakin my stuff...
having the old CR I couldnt believe the CR is gone now only to
have the CRX...not sure if thats good... really.... not sure...

anything near SYR that might need some tlc?

more interested in a rescue that i can give the tlc to than a fixed up racer

mr happy just swims around the skull to the tune of the 2 stroke whine..... = power band.... yoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

just ben
11-29-2012, 11:49 PM
I came here to putt around on my 200es....grrrr...
those 2 strokes are shakin my stuff...
having the old CR I couldnt believe the CR is gone now only to
have the CRX...not sure if thats good... really.... not sure...

anything near SYR that might need some tlc?

more interested in a rescue that i can give the tlc to than a fixed up racer

mr happy just swims around the skull to the tune of the 2 stroke whine..... = power band.... yooooooooooooooooooooooooooplease translate..... Ithink you wanna buy a 2 stroke trike? Any idea of a budget?

11-29-2012, 11:59 PM
ahhhh, semantics... yes..you are right... i do indeed....
im talkin hundreds not thousands...
a runner.. but likely need top and bottom...
immediate budget low....
but must be complete.. not necessarily pretty
likely someone who wants done with old machine or
someone who wants to see the old girl re-done.. not
parted out... BTW, I dont part out...

OH, and sorry, MUST be Honda
just that thats what i know how to work on...

no offense on the brand preference though
im learning though.. cousin has YTM... just starting rear end on that one...

11-30-2012, 02:07 AM
Wow. I'm very happy I have found this thread cuz I will save it and use it as an example to show my children as y to never do drugs....

11-30-2012, 02:13 AM
Wow. I'm very happy I have found this thread cuz I will save it and use it as an example to show my children as y to never do drugs....

meaning, Im dreamin? what am i lookin at etc....

Oh, BTW, no drugs of ANY kind here...

11-30-2012, 02:35 AM
My head hurts..

11-30-2012, 09:40 AM
Keep an eye on CL brother... But be warned, around our area 250r's, especially the trikes seem to bring a premium if they are at all rideable, unless of course the seller has no clue as to what it is... And they don't pop up very often.

I did just the other day see a descent looking 86 TRX on there. The guy wanted to trade for a sled or something. Trading seems to be pretty hip lately. If you have something to barter that might increase your chances.

11-30-2012, 10:04 AM
You know how sometimes you get a picture in your head of the person you are talking too..weird how that happens huh?


This is the 1st guy I thought of after reading the 1st post!! Not Bruce either..he's cool.

I love that movie, thanks for the thought dude..I'll need to download Fifth Element and watch it tonight..it's been a while!

We're just having fun with you sammie..I hope you understand!!

11-30-2012, 10:17 AM
LOL Doug!!! :lol::Bounce:beer

11-30-2012, 11:47 AM
you may be better off looking on CraigsList in different locations and have it shipped or meet the person. Things are WAY over priced up there and they lie about the doondition a ton.

11-30-2012, 12:41 PM
I think it was more of a commentary on your unique stream of consciousness writing style.
That plus starting sentences with, "mr happy just swims around the skull.......".

meaning, Im dreamin? what am i lookin at etc....

Oh, BTW, no drugs of ANY kind here...

11-30-2012, 01:35 PM
I think it was more of a commentary on your unique stream of consciousness writing style.
That plus starting sentences with, "mr happy just swims around the skull.......".

fair enough... Im guilty...

I guess I was indeed experiencing a "unique stream of consciousness" last night...

the fact remains, I think these 2 stroke trikes are cool... and
im gonna have to start lookin' for one and re-live my youth

sorry for the meandering thoughts

11-30-2012, 02:18 PM
fair enough... Im guilty...

I guess I was indeed experiencing a "unique stream of consciousness" last night...

the fact remains, I think these 2 stroke trikes are cool... and
im gonna have to start lookin' for one and re-live my youth

sorry for the meandering thoughts

Good of you to come clean and explain yourself. The folks on here want to give you their best advice and discuss matters on a mostly professional level. But we do like to have fun too! There is way too much communication out there nowadays that insults the English language as we know it.

11-30-2012, 03:13 PM
I removed the naughty word


11-30-2012, 03:46 PM
Smoke on my fellow triker...

2 strokes rule!

11-30-2012, 06:01 PM
You know how sometimes you get a picture in your head of the person you are talking too..weird how that happens huh?


This is the 1st guy I thought of after reading the 1st post!! Not Bruce either..he's cool.

I love that movie, thanks for the thought dude..I'll need to download Fifth Element and watch it tonight..it's been a while!

We're just having fun with you sammie..I hope you understand!!
Doug, LMAO!!!
FYI, I LOVE that movie!! I bet I have watched it 15 times or more. I need a red headed woman like her ( in the movie ).