View Full Version : heres some pics of my 1985 kawasaki tecate tell me what you think

11-20-2012, 03:57 AM
here it is .......in the pic the seat isn't covered but it is now and its black ........I know how allot of you guys feel about spray painted trikes and i feel the same way unless its plastics are weather damaged
(like mine was) ,and plastics are multiple colors that clash (also like mine) But if its going to be done it
needs to be done right sanding and prepping .......... theres a trick to making the paint stick well anyways
im not sure but i don't think i ever have seen a monster energy three-wheeler i came up with this
design and i think it turned out cherry 158125158126158127158128 feedback please *****im not sure how many of you are from california but i am and I'm headed to pismo beach in like 48 hours i am so stoked can't wait ........is anyone else going

11-20-2012, 08:41 AM
Looks cool but.... Paint just never stick to fenders. When they start bouncing and flapping it will crack and chip.

Definitely a lot of repeated monster decals. Seems to me if u had varying sizes of them it would look much better. Like bigger monster graphics for the bigger part of the trike. And also having them flow with the lines other then just filling space.

But yeah looks much better then before.

11-20-2012, 10:50 AM
Well for people like me who cant afford to buy all these fancy and shiny new parts, I too have rattle canned a couple sets of fenders. I dont care what anyone says, if you do a good job, the paint will stick for a long while. I have painted fenders that lasted through alot such as long and short rolls and brushes against trees. If there were any chipping, it was minimal. As for the "monster" theme, I have seen it a couple of times. My opinion, I think it looks good.

11-20-2012, 11:57 AM
Who cares what it looks like how the hell does it run. I bought a turd that ran like a raped ape and turned it into a jem that runs like a turd. I'd take back all the shiny for the speed

11-20-2012, 12:12 PM
It really doesn't matter what others think, it's your trike.

Since you're asking for opinions though, I think it looks like a turd. I can't stand painted plastics. The first time you ride that thing it's going to look like holy hell. I'm not a fan of the decals either.

11-20-2012, 01:06 PM
it runs like a champ i hate painted plastics also ....however it is a tecate parts aren't exactly cheep for them or available i cannot spend that kind of cash on something i just got running this bike has not proven to be worthy of new fenders ............yet this weekend at pismo I'm going to be drag racing it (thats why i painted it ) if she is a winner she will get
new plastics if not .................im selling it

11-20-2012, 01:45 PM
Makes sense to me.

11-20-2012, 01:46 PM
If it's not a winner, you have all the more reason to build it up. Fair warning: Tecates are geared for the Holeshot, not for all out speed. They may be able to rip out of the corner and zip over jumps, but once you get to the straights there are plenty of other bikes that will happily walk past it.

By the way, interested in going into a fender run? :naughty:

11-20-2012, 01:46 PM
I think it looks better than before, on a temporary basis, because it WILL look like arse after a few miles. Not down with the decals. Good luck in Pismo, there's some BIG money in toys out there.

11-20-2012, 06:20 PM
looks good except for those damn monster stickers...

11-20-2012, 06:39 PM
yup...peel off the decals and it 1000% better looking! I never understand why people go crazy for monster. Good luck at the dunes :acr

roostin atc
11-20-2012, 06:42 PM
Monster decals no good on anything. But yet there everywhere. I never got it

12-19-2012, 03:33 AM
Monster logos makes things go fast!!

Think about it, ever seen a machine that was slow in it's class with a monster logo? thats because it adds 20hp!! i got 6 of them on my car.

12-19-2012, 09:48 AM
If it's not a winner, you have all the more reason to build it up. Fair warning: Tecates are geared for the Holeshot, not for all out speed. They may be able to rip out of the corner and zip over jumps, but once you get to the straights there are plenty of other bikes that will happily walk past it.

By the way, interested in going into a fender run? :naughty:

Tecate's are geared how you gear them, if your getting walked past on a regular basis your doing it wrong...

12-19-2012, 10:12 AM
If this your 1st build its ok. I would of honestly spend the money on some polish and worked the plastics out nicer. you had RED which is very rare for a tecate so im sure you could of even sold them and funded some new maier plastics. Just keep in mint paint will flake off, and if you keep your trike out side in the weather its gonna happen every sooner.

I am not a suporter of the monster energry era so I cant commont on those pics. its really just a bad fad.

12-19-2012, 10:14 AM
If anyone here watches Pass Time, you'd know that stickers make everything go faster..

12-19-2012, 10:19 AM
i will only put stickers on a machine for products i really use on that machine. they make bikes look cheap. we have all seen that guy driving the 83 f150 who put 90 vote for bush 2004 stickers on his tail gate cuz it was cheaper then fixing it right. :wondering

12-23-2012, 04:58 AM
I didn't realize how rare a red tecate was >.< maybe I should sell my fenders lol

For weathered plastic... I'm going to create a thread. I just prettied up my tecate gastank. Was almost white!!