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View Full Version : 350x seat latch

11-01-2012, 01:36 PM
I know mosh used to make them. I have seen this seller mark them down to $89.00. Their feedback is very scary though and not worth the frustration to me. I would pop on $89 for one though.

11-01-2012, 03:41 PM
I never made them..Flyin Brian (angry neighbor) made those and he made the ones on Ebay. Those are the last in existence,( I ran out back in June) and we may not see anymore made for a long time, if ever again..

I have nothing to add about the guy's ebay feedback, nor do I know much about their business.. But I do know him to an extent..
If you want one, you better pop on his..Cuz they may be the last you will see. I think a total of 20 were ever made.

EDIT............Angry neighbor is not selling them on ebay..It is someone else..

11-02-2012, 12:04 PM
Ok thanks It says there are ten available so maybe not bryans? Should I see what my machine shop buddys can do with them?? Waht about an aftermarket company from the 80's that made them? Was this an actual aftermarket add on or something he decided to make based on the need?

11-02-2012, 12:33 PM
Those are Bryan's in the ebay ad but sold under a different supplier..Between that ebay seller and Me, there was maybe 20 total made.

I heard stories of people complaining they could not find good latches for 250R and 350X's, and us racers here in Ohio were having our fenders and seats fall off during MX races.
So with those 2 demands for them, Bryan decided to make some. Low and behold, once he made them, support from the internet communities was actually not there as most "prospective" buyers before hand, were "all about" buying them. But, once they were brought to the table, only a small fraction of folks would pay the price, or wanted them. For whatever reasons, many people that made a covenant to purchase them, were nowhere to be found..

Back in the day the TRX latches were selling for about 80 bucks and Bryan's were priced right on par through 3ww here, as me being the distributor, calculating inflation, and availability, and the materials he used, and still there was not enough support to warrant further production.

Angry Neighbor makes "works rider products" that probably benefit hardcore riders, more than collectors or restorers, and I actually believe more were sold within the racing community, than on the internet, where the full benefits of the product were actually realised out on the track/trail.

If you want to undertake your own endeavor of making them, I have no issues, or rights to comment on it, as they are not my product..But I would'nt expect much support for them, unless you think you can make and sell them for a cheap enough price, that you actually can make money and people buy them.. I would also advise you to make them in some different fashion as to not infringe any potential copyright issues that may arise, and ideally you may want to ask the maker of the product to see if he cares, or has reservations out of repsect..Especially since some of his are still on the market.
Bryan's wer not made from stamped mild steel, or flimsy aluminum and were tig welded all while retaining the orginal molds and shapes of the factory units...The quality is first rate on them and if they were Powdercoated, you wouldnt be able to tell on a restoration, other than they are far superior to the factory design..

I thought they were very affordable (at our 3ww price not ebay's) and would do better since a set of fenders and seat will cost people upwards of 500$, if they fly off on the trail or during hauling the trike around, and seeing 30 year old stock latches bringing half of what these new stronger units were selling for new..

11-02-2012, 03:11 PM
Answered a lot of questions there. I will think things through and seek permission if I decide to continue. I would be the tig welder extraordinaire! Used to tig my azz off all over the country. I have another simple project that I am working on for the 250es big red but I got stupid and let the wrong person try to do it. I had told him 2-3 weeks for a completion date and 2 months later.....nothing.

01-28-2013, 02:28 PM
Update: I just purchased one from ebay, looks like there is only 9 left in the world! I emailed them and they dropped the price back down for me. The price is still the same guys...$89 but not sure how long. :w00t: