View Full Version : The tri zinger.

10-21-2012, 07:05 PM
Winters coming and the zinger will be my project. I want to make it faster, ive already eliminated the oil injection to premix, i bought an air filter to replace the airbox, and thats about it. I have a dg pipe that im getting in less than a week too. Im planning on getting an oil injection block off plate to eliminate the internal gear, which ive heard will possibly make the bike rev faster. But what else can i do to give me the edge? ive heard of the yamahopper 2 speed tranny, but thats alot of work for a 15 year old kid. I know they got rid of the 70cc big bore kit, I dont know if rebuilding it would help it rev higher or pull harder. But if anyone has any ideas i would like to hear.

Big Mike
10-21-2012, 07:35 PM
pull the crank and have it knife edged and lightened. anything to help cut down on rotating mass will help get it to rev faster.

3 Wheel Drive
10-21-2012, 08:00 PM
I'm in the process of building my tri zinger too.

You can buy Boysen Power Reeds, bore the piston up the next size or buy a new top end kit :


There's got to be other tricks to getting a little more out of the tri zingers! I'm going to swap my tires off my alt 50, was thinking about pulling the gas tank and carb from my Suzuki mini quad just to play around with it. I also ordered those large foot pegs from the 3ww shop.

10-21-2012, 08:24 PM
x2 on boring the piston. I've had great results with that.

Jon Boy
10-21-2012, 08:26 PM
you've just about covered it i think. not too much you can do with the zingers without opening them up for internal mods.

3 Wheel Drive
10-21-2012, 08:31 PM
you've just about covered it i think. not too much you can do with the zingers without opening them up for internal mods.

What are the internal mods? I'd like to hear about these mods and what kind of results do you get out of them?


10-21-2012, 08:52 PM
NO! do not buy a after market knock off kit. I purchased a kit from the people in your link earlier this summer, the kit was complete crap. I was getting only 60psi for compression.
TRUST me on this your way better off getting oem even though it costs alot more. Just forewarning you.

I'm in the process of building my tri zinger too.

You can buy Boysen Power Reeds, bore the piston up the next size or buy a new top end kit :

http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=221120827900&index=0&nav=SEARCH&nid=96962721068 (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?campid=5336526073&toolid=10001&mpre=http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=221120827900&index=0&nav=SEARCH&nid=96962721068)

There's got to be other tricks to getting a little more out of the tri zingers! I'm going to swap my tires off my alt 50, was thinking about pulling the gas tank and carb from my Suzuki mini quad just to play around with it. I also ordered those large foot pegs from the 3ww shop.

10-21-2012, 09:04 PM
Also to the fact that russ98atc's zinger blew up today with the knock off kit. Thats only a couple months old. And i assure you he was mixing to the correct spec and did nothing wrong to make it blow up.

10-21-2012, 09:19 PM
Also to the fact that russ98atc's zinger blew up today with the knock off kit. Thats only a couple months old. And i assure you he was mixing to the correct spec and did nothing wrong to make it blow up.

It was broken in properly and taken care of well. Granted yes i did run the piss out of it this summer till now, but it showed poor performance from the start

10-21-2012, 09:24 PM
Im planning on getting an oil injection block off plate

When you get that let me know. I'd like to check it out and see how it goes in as I'd also like to get rid of the pump.
We'll be in Sat Spencer so I'll grab Russ and we can head over to your place with the pipe.

Yeah Russ it didn't seem to run right at all. We're just keeping Con's zinger stock. We bought the wheel adapters that will get us to 3/120 so
we can get some real rims and tires on it, but that is about it....other than a new carb.

This winter we are concentrating on redoing my LT250S. Found a powder coater and should have new plastics for it
this next week.

10-22-2012, 12:12 AM
I want to know more about this yamahopper two speed tranny mod?

10-22-2012, 01:30 AM
@riverrat it's a two speed automatic that came on the SG50 Sting,LC50 champ and MJ50 towny.Not sure what needs to be modified to put in a zinger frame.

10-22-2012, 08:48 AM
I want to know more about this yamahopper two speed tranny mod?

I'd like to know a little more about this mod as well. I rode Andy's (crazy70man) 2-speed Zinger in the drags at Trikefest '12 and the shifting is absolutely great. The only problem with the setup is the gearing is too tall, as Andy has mentioned in other threads. It's a bit tough to get the machine rolling from a standstill, even in first gear. Once you get going and it shifts into second, you're really rolling along at that point. As Andy said, I'm sure it approaches or even exceeds 40mph. If the gearing could be brought down a few notches it would be an absolute "must have" as far as Zinger mods go.

10-22-2012, 10:03 AM
Here ya go Riverrat...http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php/129856-Yamaha-tri-zinger-durablue-axle-and-more!!!!-Raffa-Where-ya-at?highlight=speed+zinger John is right. The zinger will hit 40 with a 230lb adult on it without the NOS and a few more mph with it. The internals are a little involved...uses the mj50 aka Yamaha Towny moped crank, towny gears and clutches and right side towny cover as the crank is wider than stock zinger. Mine also incorporates qt50 rear gear in the rear end which I have never actually been into, just told by the great builder of it who recently passed away. The problem I beleive was that the original primary clutch for my original motor was drilled and machined to be very light. Well it was broken and repaired so I did not risk installing it. I bought a new stock clutch which was much much heavier. If I can get another clutch machined down and install some different springs.... I think it would be night and day as I have heard stories of this trike from back in the day and it is not there yet. The NOS helped but can be dangerous if you are not up to speed!! Give Raffa a shout...he re assembled my motor and did a great job. Gonna tear into it this winter and get to lack of low end. Still was cool to hear Fabio hit that NOS trigger in the drags at TF12!!:lock::lock:

3 Wheel Drive
10-22-2012, 09:56 PM
I just pulled my motor and installed the Boysen power reeds last night. I was wondering if anyone has ever made a torque reed spacer for their tri zinger?

I'm waiting for my new foot pegs and DG exhaust to arrive before I install the motor. I was thinking about making a spacer out of some 1/8" plastic just to see what happens. My parts should be here any day.

Jon Boy
10-22-2012, 11:31 PM
IMO, a spacer wouldn't be worth it really without engine mods. not saying you might not feel a differance, just not as effective on basicly a stocker. i will admit i could very well be wrong though. :beer

x2 on giving Raffa a hollar, he's the man to talk to about really opening up and modding the zingers. just about all the internal things were touched upon in some of the previous posts above. have read about a few things with lightening the flywheel and playing with the clutch weights and springs too for better reponse when launching if i remember correctly.

hey fabio, have you tried playing around with differant tire sizes yet? or is the gearing too far off to make it up that way?
the zinger i sold my brother is still factory stock and will probibly stay that way unless something major happens or i get a real bad itch that just has to be scratched. lol

10-23-2012, 11:41 AM
The thing i wanna figure out is, when i accelerate, and i give it too much gas it burbles. I would like to know if its supposed to do that or if i can change that.

10-23-2012, 12:33 PM
The thing i wanna figure out is, when i accelerate, and i give it too much gas it burbles. I would like to know if its supposed to do that or if i can change that.

I'll give you one guess on whether or not it's supposed to do that.

10-23-2012, 04:00 PM
Obviousy not, when got it, it would burble even worse. Then i put the needle in carb all the way to lean, and it fixed it more. But heres what i mean exactly, Say its idleing and i sitting on it in a field. I pin it and it takes off. it will accelerate for a bit then burbles. If i let off the gas a bit it will accelerate more. Idk what it could be. Ive tried giving it more air with a k&n air fiter on the carb, but could it be a jetting issue? My buddy keeps on saying that it does that to prevent it from revving to high and blowing up. Then he tells me if i lean it out any more it will blow up. Id rather hear some better opinons from people on here and not just him.

10-23-2012, 10:23 PM
I get what you're saying now. These little buggers can be temperamental and sometimes they "load up" if left idling or if they're not up to operating temperature. When a two stroke "loads up", you have a buildup of fuel in the crank case that needs to be cleared out. With my Zinger, I hold it open and zing up to speed until the point of burbling. I then keep it pinned until it's cleared out. Now, don't do this to a cold engine. Take it easy until she's warm then let it rip and get it hot. If it never clears out, you're probably a bit fat on the jetting. Make sure your choke plunger is seating all the way down and it's not sucking excess fuel from there.

And your buddy is incorrect. These little buggers can and will rev to the moon.

10-24-2012, 11:46 AM
Its worse when it starts but when it warms up it gets better, but not by much. Ill check the choke plunger, and maybe clean out the jets today. Whats the stock jet size because ill maybe go to my local dealer and pick up some smaller jets to play around with. I cleaned out my pipe so its not built up with crap too.

10-24-2012, 11:51 AM
I clean my pipes every morning ;)

But seriously, have you read the plug?

10-24-2012, 12:03 PM
Ill see when i get home because im in school. I ordered a new plug last night.

10-24-2012, 05:33 PM
I went ahead and played around with it a bit. I warmed it up and played with the idling, and the other adjustment screw to the right of the idling screw. I got it to rev a very tiny bit higher, then i tried "clearing it out", i put the back on a stand and reved it up. Once it started to burble i just pinned it. It burbled for a while then just suddenly revved realy high, So i let off the gas and let it die down a bit. Then when i hit the throttle it started to die then reved again. Then i let off the gas and it dropped in revs until it died. I started it back up and did the same process until it revved realy high and stopped burbling. But when i let off the gas its just like i hit the off switch, unless i pin it again. After this i got on it and went down my street and it acted like it always has.

10-25-2012, 08:15 AM
I put a 50cc Chinese top end on my wife's Zinger a year ago, and am very happy with it. I can also say that SETUP PROPERLY, they run better than a stock 60cc because of the porting. the ports are about twice as large as the Yamaha cylinders. Most of that addition opening was cut into the cylinder side though, so these aftermarket ones cannot be bored to 60cc like the Yamaha PW50. At the time I also got one of the $80 Chinese crank assemblies as well.

To use the China cylinder and get optimium performance, you need to open up the exhaust. I simply put a 250R silencer I had laying around on the end of the headpipe. This, of course is not nearly as good as using a pipe with an expansion chamber, but far better than clogged stocker. Then I found it was still hungry, and went to a slightly larger E-Ton 50 carb, I had laying around. Once It jetted it correctly, this thing will cleanly open all the way up and scream on the top end. On the bottom, it runs like a 60, but on the top, it is greatly improved. Also, I removed all the oil pump garbage, and used a plastic hole cap with a couple screws and washers in the pump mount holes to keep it tight and not leaking. I also got a handful of 39mm pod filters for a song on ebay. Oh, and i also took and old set of beat Boysen Reeds for a TriZ, and cut them to fit it as well. I used heater hose to couple the carb to the stock intake.

Yeah, it may be cobbled, but she runs super, and has lots of hours, and is quite dependable, and it didn't cost a fortune.

10-26-2012, 11:54 AM
How did you get the eton 50 carb to fit? does anyone still have any ideas on why my zingers messed up?

10-27-2012, 06:56 PM
update- So i cleaned the carb, and jets today, and im going to hook it back up in the morning and see if that helps. I got a new spark plug today, i just need to gap it. Im going to change the oil again, any suggestions? Im running brp full synthetic that i had extra of from my quad, and im sure theres a better option. The dg pipe will be coming with the next 2 weeks because my friend didnt come up to my area this weekend. Im still getting the burble. Could it have anything to do with how im mixing the gas? Im mixing it a 40:1 usually.

10-28-2012, 05:43 PM
40:1 should be a good mix. That's not your problem.

10-28-2012, 05:49 PM
I looked at th plug and it seems dark tan. Maybe a tad rich. I have the needle in the carb all the way to lean. when i first got it i had to lean it out all the way to make it run like it does. So wouldnt it make sense to lean it out more to make it run even better?

11-10-2012, 01:24 PM
Update: So i did the oil block of plate to eliminate the oil pump. It didnt do anything to make it run better but its now more reliable. I still cant get that burble out of it so im probally going to re jet it and see if that helps. Still havent gotten the aftermarket pipe but i will eventually. Not much else i can do that i can think of to make it run better than it is.

11-10-2012, 06:14 PM
Remove oil injection gear , less rotating mass. I did that will all my zingers and two four zingers I have.

11-10-2012, 06:34 PM
I did that and installed an oil block off plate, essentially its just a cover now.

11-10-2012, 06:48 PM
Im going to try and rejet the carb soon, should i go to my local dealer to get the jets? i dont know the stock jet size.

11-10-2012, 11:31 PM
We should be in next weekend. Would like to see what you did for the block off plate.

11-12-2012, 08:36 AM
Im going to try and rejet the carb soon, should i go to my local dealer to get the jets? i dont know the stock jet size.

It is pointless to do any jetting changes if you are awaiting the arrival of a pipe. The stock pipe is single biggest limitation and obstruction for getting it to open up, and ANY other pipe on the Zinger will run much leaner.

When it is time to re-jet, take your main out and take it with you to the shop. Most just have bins of Mikuni jets not sorted by make and model so you just get the number you need of the correct type. I'm thinking they use Mikuni large round type in teh Zinger, but don't remember.