View Full Version : Chewed starter gears symptoms? 250 sx/es

tri again
10-11-2012, 04:08 PM
I just replied to a new member about starter gears,
chewed metal blocking the stator and intermittent
valve train paralysis.

Do those electric starter gears make extra noise before they
self destruct?

I'm not the only one who runs these machines altho
everyone KNOWS that if they don't start in under 2 seconds,
something is wrong...gas off, switch off, etc.

We also try to kick start them every chance we get in the delusional
hopes of saving the electric starter parts.

Maybe I need something else to worry about...

10-11-2012, 06:45 PM
wow, i got a pile of them and havent had any issues... knock on wood.... prolly all fall apart 2morrow.... hehe but i believe in running all of them all at least once a month ???

10-11-2012, 07:25 PM
Once the dirty oil has caught up to them and the one way bearing starts failing. yes,,they make a horrible clunking noise that noone in their right mind could ignore! yes,,they WILL break off a tooth on the reduction gear and in really bad cases,strip the splines off the armature!

10-11-2012, 10:12 PM
If you kickstart the machine and it slips ( peddle goes down motor don't turn over ), or if you hear a whirling sound when you shut it off, then the one-way clutch is most likely the problem ( 99.9% of the time ). If the one-way clutch is bad it is just a matter of time before the big clunk and starter gear / starter trashing will happen. Seen this many, many times.

tri again
10-11-2012, 11:21 PM
Once the dirty oil has caught up to them and the one way bearing starts failing. yes,,they make a horrible clunking noise that noone in their right mind could ignore! yes,,they WILL break off a tooth on the reduction gear and in really bad cases,strip the splines off the armature!

Cool, thanks. so it's pretty obvious something is just not right.

Not like thy're gonna commit suicide while we're sleeping or anything.

Good to know.

tri again
10-11-2012, 11:26 PM
If you kickstart the machine and it slips ( peddle goes down motor don't turn over ), or if you hear a whirling sound when you shut it off, then the one-way clutch is most likely the problem ( 99.9% of the time ). If the one-way clutch is bad it is just a matter of time before the big clunk and starter gear / starter trashing will happen. Seen this many, many times.

On the trail 90's, if the kicker feels like it losing friction, aka no engine spin with kick, they say the clutches are glazed.

So the one way clutch and one way bearing?
I'll hafta look at a parts diagram.

Bottom line is their destruction phase is real obvious and hard to miss the fact
that somethings definitely wrong.