View Full Version : this is probably sacrilige 250r to 4 wheeler?

12-01-2003, 12:50 PM
is there a kit to conver my 250r three wheeler to a 4 wheeler?

Dan Tenn
12-01-2003, 01:42 PM
yes, there is a kit that came from the factory. Its called a 250R 4-wheeler. This has been gone over a thousand times. DONT hack a trike to make a quad, sell the trike and buy a quad.

12-01-2003, 02:06 PM
There was some kits available a while back. They sold for $1500 or so. Factoring the cost of the kit + the value of your machine if you sold it now you could probably have some money left over when it's all said and done.

Now if you was to convert it over I am willing to bet you won't even get the cost of the kit out of it when sold.

Basically it's a no brainer which way to go.

Here is other view points on the subject:

12-01-2003, 03:06 PM
$1500?? screw that you could buy another trike with that money, dont waiste your money man, if you want a 250r 4wheeler get a trx250r.

12-01-2003, 09:16 PM
for the $1500 yo probably could buy a trx 250r rolling chassis, you could get one with out the swingarm/brake/axle for around $800, so if yo wan tto save some money buy a chassis minus the swingarm/brake/axle and use the 3 wheeler ones on the quad. there is alot of racers out there that buy a 250r quad/trike just for the motor, find a guy that is selling a chassis, I'm sure there has got to be some on ebay. don't hack up a trike, besides those 3-4 kits are so ungodly ugly, I would be caught riding one of them and the factory 4 wheeler probably handles alot better

12-02-2003, 02:40 AM
Its sacrilege and it makes me almost cry just thinking about it. Dont do it man, there are plenty of TRX250R's to choose from. In this weeks Cycle Trader there musta been 15 of them in there, all different price ranges and levels of aftermarket modifications. Sell the trike to someone who will love it for what it is.

12-03-2003, 06:07 PM
I agree!!! Please dont cut the trike!! before too long, there wont be many atc 250r's to choose from. They're always making aftermarket frames for the trx 250r, but ive never seen any aftermarket atc 250r frames by lonestar or whoever else makes them. Its a no brainer!!!