View Full Version : Hondaline 300r Cylinder and Head

07-25-2012, 12:31 AM
Hey ya'll, I've got this 300r Cylinder and Head for my 84 250r that I had a few questions about. First, from looking at the pics- does it need to be re-sleeved or is this something that can be cleaned up with boring or honing or whatnot? I don't know if you can tell from the pics, but it looks like somebody ported it. Not real familiar with the process, so is this a crappy job? Also, I've got the reeds and boot on it still but if I got new ones are they the same as stock? Finally, the head is stuck on- how can I get that off without damaging it?

Thanks for your patience and input!


07-25-2012, 10:02 AM
cool piece! pretty crusty looking though. hard to tell anything until its cleaned up a bit. just dont use any screwdrivers to pry apart! plenty of penetrant, and a rubber mallet. Just keep working at it.

07-25-2012, 11:07 AM
Take the wooden or plastic handle from a hammer or similar and tap up through the bore on the head. Like Rory said do not use a screw driver and pry.

07-25-2012, 12:33 PM
Yea, I was thinking the same thing. I was just scared the wood would damage the head. I knew enough not to use a screwdriver though. How would I go about cleaning the bore?

curtis slawson
07-25-2012, 03:16 PM
you could always use baking soda to sand blast it wont hurt it

07-25-2012, 03:38 PM
Never heard of that. How would I go about that. If I take it somewhere, would they be set up to do that? I'm assuming since you suggested baking soda, I shouldn't use sand.

curtis slawson
07-25-2012, 05:15 PM
Never heard of that. How would I go about that. If I take it somewhere, would they be set up to do that? I'm assuming since you suggested baking soda, I shouldn't use sand.

I suggested baking soda cause it wont hurt alumum takes rust off etc.... Sand will put pits and cause to much heat and do stuff you dont want can warp if it get to hot from sand hitting it.
Iv done my whole 200x motor with baking soda worked great and paint stripper wouldnt even take it off but the baking soda did.

you can get a cheap sand blaster from a store and do it your self, or bring it somewhere to get sand blasted and ask them if they use baking soda on there alumum parts if they dont just ask them if you can bring them baking soda to blast your parts

there a few videos on how to make your own soda blaster on YOUTUBE and you can also watch how it works.

07-25-2012, 06:37 PM
Same as Aldochina said, soak that thing in ATF,Brake fluid, mystery oil, WHATEVER. Then be very careful what you tap and where. Those fins break off so easy.............

07-26-2012, 05:08 PM
Alright, I got the head off- it looks pretty good. I wanted to try and clean it up as best I could before taking it to the sand blaster. Can I just fill up a bucket with gas and soak it in there? I'm thinking it will get the gunk and maybe the paint off. Is there something better to soak it in? Also, my reeds look shot. Does this cylinder take the stock boots and whatnot? And excuse my ignorance, but the chamber things on the bottom of the cylinder kinda look like somebody scratched the inside with a dremel tool. It doesn't look too bad, but would that have ruined it. Please say no. I really just want to get it all as clean as possible before taking it somewhere, so that it don't look like so much work lol.


07-26-2012, 05:28 PM
Any degreaser will clean it up. And it needs honed ,at least. Any decent machinist will hone it and measure your bore for you. Then and only then,you'll know where you're at for piston size. It will clean up and work absolutely fine! If not,,I'll buy the scrap!

07-26-2012, 05:45 PM
It's not too nasty really although the pics tell a different story. It's mostly dirt and paint on the outside. But it is pretty grimy inside. I really want to get as much of the paint off because blasting is $55 an hour and I'd like for them to get it done in an hour lol.

I just talked to they guy who blasted and coated my frame and he says he only uses sand. Says he has done a number of cylinders and heads without any problems. Says he just has to be careful. I offered to bring the baking soda, but he told me that to do soda blasting takes a different kind of set up and I won't be able to get it done anywhere around here. He did a really good job on my frame, but what he said kinda goes against what all of ya'll have said. Just wanted to check back and see what ya'll said. To me, this piece is irreplaceable. It was given to me and if I had to buy another it would be the stock 250r one.

07-26-2012, 05:59 PM
you may consider shipping it off to someone whom can go over it and restore it all properly for you then. it's not worth chancing the sand ruining the head or even worse, accidentally having some sand in the oil hole and dislodging during your rebuild and causing you to loose the motor. It's a special piece, take your time. send it to one of the guys here to do it up for ya, andheck, maybe one of them may be able to help source a piston and bore it for ya as well.

07-26-2012, 06:15 PM
I'm glad somebody came out and said that, because that is probably exactly what I am gonna do. I've got a really nice bottom end lined up (haven't seen pics- just going off somebody's word- hint, hint atc007 lol/jk). I think getting this right would really put the icing on the cake. I'll be looking to send it off the first of the month. Anybody got some suggestions on who on here I should get to do it.

Thanks Oscar for putting that idea in my head. I really need to get it done right.

07-26-2012, 06:34 PM
I'd send the topend for porting and the 330 piston mod to Denny Mears at Flotek. He really does a good job on the 300 kits. I know aircooled 300r pretty good and I could go through the bottom end , put new bearings in, assemble the topend and pressure check it to make sure no leaks. I just got a mantenence job and have some time on my hands. Check out my aircooled builds. Pm me if your interested.

07-26-2012, 06:37 PM
How much is the porting and 330 piston mod you think? I really don't care about going any higher, really just want this one restored. As far as the bottom end, I don't have it yet, but the one I am getting should be bolt on ready.

Thanks for the suggestions and the offer man. I appreciate it.

07-26-2012, 06:43 PM
You have to contact him but he does great work. He has a website.http://flotekperformance.com/services

07-26-2012, 10:35 PM
Thanks man. I sent him an email. Also talking to a fellow member about doing it. Trying to figure out how I want to get the paint off first. I'm thinking aircraft stripper or Permatex gasket remover. Will a brass scrubby or brush scratch the aluminum? I'm also thinking I could just coat it and then take it to a manual car wash and spray it down. Any suggestions would be great.

07-27-2012, 12:13 AM
Update: Aircraft stripper didn't touch the paint. I put a lot of elbow grease into it for nothing lol. I'm just gonna put it up until I can afford to send it off. Hopefully Mr. Mears will email me back tomorrow, but really that is more power than I need. I'm also figuring on it being pretty expensive. From what I've read though, he produces some great results.

07-27-2012, 08:52 AM
I had my 300r ported and modded for the 330 piston by Denny, then when it arrived over here in australia i made up wooden blocks that could be bolted to all the openings to protect the bore. I then had it media blasted with fine sand then i had it high pressure water blasted, then polished.




07-27-2012, 09:51 AM
I had my 300r ported and modded for the 330 piston by Denny, then when it arrived over here in australia i made up wooden blocks that could be bolted to all the openings to protect the bore. I then had it media blasted with fine sand then i had it high pressure water blasted, then polished.



http://i366.photobucket.com/albums/oo105/ForeverThreeWheels/102_9096.jpgThat is like a work of art.