View Full Version : What type metal are swing arm bolts made of??

07-22-2012, 11:32 PM
Stock swing arm bolts that is. Cold rolled ? Hot rolled? 4140? 1018?


just ben
07-23-2012, 07:23 AM
heat treated high carbon steel

07-23-2012, 05:37 PM
I'd have to assume they are an annealed tool steel.

If they were hot or cold rolled, they would bend and prevent us from smashing our thumbs, getting Pb Blaster in our eye and touching it immediately after getting it cherry red :lol: Thats always the best feeling :)

07-23-2012, 06:01 PM
Heat treated how? Annealed? Normalized?

If a guy wanted to make a swing arm bolt what would have to be done, besides the obvious turning and threading?

just ben
07-23-2012, 06:04 PM
I'd have to assume they are an annealed tool steel.

If they were hot or cold rolled, they would bend and prevent us from smashing our thumbs, getting Pb Blaster in our eye and touching it immediately after getting it cherry red :lol: Thats always the best feeling :)they are fairly soft so they can be formed then they go through a heat treatment to make them hard. it all starts with a big coil of wire

just ben
07-23-2012, 06:10 PM
Heat treated how? Annealed? Normalized?

If a guy wanted to make a swing arm bolt what would have to be done, besides the obvious turning and threading? with a high carbon steel all you need is heat the faster its cooled the harder it gets. with mild steel you have to introduce the carbon into the steel.That can be done with charcoal but it won't be as hard because it will only be case hardened. I've looked into it quite a bit myself I just need the right tooling for my lathe to cut threads.

07-23-2012, 07:23 PM
I'd have to assume they are an annealed tool steel.

If they were hot or cold rolled, they would bend and prevent us from smashing our thumbs, getting Pb Blaster in our eye and touching it immediately after getting it cherry red :lol: Thats always the best feeling :)

That was kind of the direction I was leaning, but since I'm not a metallurgical expert I'd thought I'd ask here.

07-23-2012, 10:53 PM
Hey, I'll never claim to be an "expert".

But many bike/trike parts are hardened. such as if a roller/needle bearing runs on it.

Other stuff that they "press" a bearing on, not so much.

I worked with a toolmaker for a few seasons and we had this hotter than hell furnace. You heated the parts a bit, dunked them in oil and then surface ground them flat.

None of it is "chicken" and if you didn't know what you were using, you may even make it worse.

I use to make plates for a press that a dozen dies would work in. Before that they had one die of each, male and a female. She didn't have boobs though :(

El Camexican
07-23-2012, 11:45 PM
If you have to make one ASAP you can use stainless steel. It's soft enough to be machined, but a lot harder than cold rolled carbon steel, but if you want the best (short of titanium) contact John at Precision Machine in MN for a vacuum hardened 4130 hollow axle made to your $pecs.