View Full Version : Starting my short track 86 R

07-15-2012, 09:06 PM
I've had this trike sitting around for a while, my friend gave it too me last year after he decided not to rebuild it. Its got the 2+ westcoast swinger and a stock engine (not shown). I've decided to make it into a short track bike, I know the 2+ swingarm isn't favorible for cornering but it'll get the job done. So far I've accumulated a short track tank and triple via ebay the hard stuff right. Currently I've started dismantling the R to get all the grime cleaned off, the frames got a bunch of paint worn off from the sand but im not gonna paint anything here its just gonna get used. The swingarm was a pain I had to put my thinking cap on for a minute to figure out how to get the bolt out but pb blaster and my rivet gun did the trick after driving it back and forth a few times. So far I've got a fair amount of $310 approx. wrapped up into it 260 for the tank and 50-somethin for the triple :w00t:. I've got to have some input for the engine I've got a 310 nonpv cylinder and the stock cylinder thats gonna need a bore. If anyone has short track parts sitting around that they want to part with for a fair price let me know im looking for the rad. brackets, tank to shroud brackets and some shrouds. I've got some other things I'll be looking for but i'll save that for later. Enjoy.:TrikesOwn150767150769150770150768

Keith Salyer
07-15-2012, 10:25 PM
Very nice start to a great racer. That trike will slide just fine with that swingarm. If you pute some lead in the six pack rack traction wont be a problem :^)

07-15-2012, 10:40 PM
haha yea that six pack rack was the first thing to come off, maybe ill run an aux. fuel tank back there just incase :D. i was thinking about swappin to an 85 seat also just to lower my c.g. somemore plus i like how it looks. I've got a 10 inch wheel to run up front and i'll track down some 10's for the back also. I'm in no hurry to get it done just plan to work on stuff as the time and money is right.

07-17-2012, 04:52 PM
DC plastics makes the radiator shrouds, you can modify the stock radiator brackets easy enough also. I'd get a piece of 1" wide .125 thick aluminum, you can make the upper brackets quite easy for the shrouds, same goes to the relocation of the radiator.
Heat up the upper bracket on the stock radiator supports and bend it forward about a 1 1/2", cut 2 pieces of stock ~2", drill a 6mm hole in them toward the end. Bolt in the radiator in the bracket, don't bolt to the frame. Test fit the tank, when there is about 1-2" between the tank and radiator, that is where it needs to be. Use the pieces of metal stock to make the radiator to frame brackets. You will also need to make a bracket to move the shroud bolt hole up ~1

07-17-2012, 05:50 PM
Sorry to jack your thread rjs,,can't wait to watch this build unfold! ,, Deathman,,did you race back in the day? Were you ever up to POST Off Road in Monroeton PA? There was a crew that came up from Englishtown once in a while,alot towards the end.

07-17-2012, 08:14 PM
never raced anything serious. I did 2 races, both on quads, one was a harescramble and it wasn't that much fun doing a woods race on a mx width quad and other was a TT race, with wrong tires and way short of gearing. I got into riding quad in 00, dirtbike in 01, first trike 02, several quads and trikes later. I now have one trike(have 2 building/needing parts), 2 quads(one needs front end work), 3 dirtbikes(1 needs motor rebuilt) and a harley that is older than me. Lots of toys, not enough time or money to have all up and running at the same time.

09-30-2012, 08:10 PM
Made some progress this weekend. Cleaned all the crud off the frame *quite a bit of paint missing from the sand* and installed the OEM short track triple on last night. Today I started on the radiator mounting got all the brackets fabbed and installed just need a few bolts to tie the radiator mounts to the brackets. Did some trimming on the rock gaurds and installed the wiring harness also. Note: Its an 85 harness not my first pick but I swapped an 86 harness onto my 85 a while back and robbed the cdi and regulator off this bike. Its all good though it still works the same. 155095 155096 155097 155098 155099 155100 155101 155102 155103 155104

09-30-2012, 08:36 PM
Good work. Even with OE brackets they usually need tweaked. Are you gonna paint anything,or put her together and run her? I am so enjoying this one. I really wish /hope to build one up this winter. Chances are slim,,but I have the dream. Thanx for sharing!

09-30-2012, 09:15 PM
Just going to put it together and run it. They're running the western national sand drags here in Kingman in November and I'm hoping to run it there aslong as I can swing the funds for all the parts. It's going to be a tough one to pull off and I didnt plan on rushing with this build but now I'm pressing it. I'm trying to cover as much as I can on the ST setup because very few people have, like its a secret or something. I just built the mounting brackets out of sheet aluminum that I picked up at work. I made the tops out of .100 (which may be too brittle) with approximately a 1/8"-1/4" joggle in it, the joggle was a bit extreme but I wanted some inward tension on the top of the brackets so they'd stay put. The bottom bracket wasn't really neccesary but I did it anyways so the radiators don't move at all, those I just made out of .040. When I get the shrouds I'll have to see what it takes to make the top bracket that attaches to the tank. I plan on pressing one out of aluminum to make it similiar to the originals depending on how much time I feel like spending on it. Then to see what it'll take to make the bottom mount hole on the rad bracket work. I'll post more pics as I press on especially when I get to the Westcoast swinger:naughty:

09-30-2012, 09:36 PM
Drags in kingman?? Never heard of them!! Might have to join you, nice trike by the way looking good.....

09-30-2012, 09:51 PM
Thanks, they ran the winter and spring nationals here in the winter of '10 and spring of '11 but they skipped em this past winter and spring. They do a lot of things around here in the spring and fall some years its street drags some years sand. This coming weekend they're having an airshow, :rolleyes: i have to move a bunch of midsize jets and cargo planes this week and prep the ramp for it. As for the drags these are the real deal top fuelers again as far as I know I just found out about the event yesterday while I was at a parade so I haven't done any research, It kind of caught me off guard with such a short time to get this trike together.

09-30-2012, 10:21 PM
Awesome fill me in with more info when it comes available!

10-01-2012, 11:39 AM
thats awesome man! wish my friends would give away their 86 r's lol

def going to watch this build finish up.

10-01-2012, 11:19 PM
I'm very fortunate to have gotten this thing from my friend even though our friendship has dwendled (his woman master is the cause for that). But anyways I did somemore cleaning and assembling tonight, nothing really important fitted the line between the radiators and installed the overflow tank and rear brake lever. Spent about 2 hours cleaning the forward wishbone link for the suspension, it was caked but cleaned up fairly nice and I got the zerks all working again so no more problems with it not taking grease. I wish I would have snapped some pics of the link before I cleaned it but I just have the finished product. Probably shouldn't be wasting time posting all this uninteresting stuff but it gives me something to do for the moment since I'm finished for the night. 155152 155153 155154

10-02-2012, 08:15 PM
:wondering, Alright guys today I've got an issue with this build I've been cleaning parts and getting stuff ready to go together on the 86 but I started thinking maybe I should switch this all over to my 85. Reason being I havent secured a title for this bike yet (slacker) therefore I havent got a registration to ride it legally and I dont need to have an issue the day of the races. I've got a long list of things that need to be fixed on the 86 other than getting the title like rebuilding the forks, and picking up many parts to replace broken or worn out ones. I was just staring at my 85 and I don't believe it would be too hard to get it swapped out and ready. That would leave less work and more funds for building my 310 and the 85 already has everything I need. I prefer the 85R ST look over the 86 anyways but need some outside input. I plan to swap out the swingers, my 85 has an 86 prolink in it already so no issues with changing brakes or sprockets. I'll also swap my extended axle and poly chain slider onto the westcoast. That leads me to a question does anyone know if a tm designworks chain slider works on a westcoast swingarm?

10-04-2012, 07:57 AM
Let's see some pictures of the '85.
Cut some material from the tm slider, that's the only way.

10-04-2012, 09:26 PM
Hope there are enough pictures of the 85. The last ones a little blurry but if you want to look at more theres some older pictures with the 310 and the FMF exhaust in my profile album. 155311 155312 155313 155314 155315 155316 155317 155318 155319 155320 155321 155322 Point taken with the slider also I'll just buy another and make it fit. My whole racing idea has kind of faded though something big has come up at work and ill be working 6-10's for probably the remainder of this year. In todays times OT is more important than racing but I will be able to afford everything I need now after all that work, I'll also try to keep up with the build too I do atleast want to try and have it done.

10-04-2012, 09:34 PM
what pipe is that?

10-04-2012, 09:51 PM
ESR atc 5 with the curved stinger. The silencer's ESR as well.

11-23-2012, 09:19 PM
Well I side lined the 86 project until I can secure a title for it. I transferred everything too my 85 and she's looking good. I planned to make this a strung out project to spread out the funds but we recently came into a very large project at work and overtime was more than plenty so needless to say I finished my trike. I started ordering parts about 3 weeks ago and recieved a whole shipment on this past thursday the 15th. I started tearing the R apart around 7pm got the stock engine out first thing and then moved on to cleaning the case halves and removing and installing the bearings for the 310 setup. Also removed the stock swingarm and installed the westcoast. Had to do some dremel work on the TM designworks slider to get it to fit no pictures of that though. 158314 158316 158322 158327 158328 158333 158335 Around 2am I wrapped up day one I still had to work in the morning.

11-23-2012, 09:55 PM
Cut work short at noon on Friday so I could get home and back at it on the trike. Recieved my DC plastic shrouds so I was all set with parts minus a few odds and ends that I could get at the hardware store. I started working again at 1pm on the final prepping of the cases and getting the transmission all figured out. I then got the crank fitted in and joined the cases and started on the top end. Finished up the engine around 9 I believe (I was starting to get out of it from lack of sleep so I was slowing down to prevent mistakes). I installed the engine and routed the plumbing to go around the short track setup. Got the intake setup up on and fought with the chain for a while to get that on if only they made the right size. 4am pretty much wrapped up day 2 I wasted about an hour or two trying to get some race fuel but they #$&*ed me so I just went to work in the morning and picked up some av gas. 158366 158367 158368 158369 158370 158371

11-23-2012, 10:40 PM
Woke up at 6 on Saturday morning and did a hardware and fuel run. Got the shrouds fitted on the tank and made the final brackets. Moved on to servicing all the fluids and low and behold when I got to the fuel guess what. The tank started leaking around the aft mounts, upon inspection the inside of the tank was cracked all around those lower mounts. So I emptied the fuel removed the tank and epoxied around those areas. It stopped most of the leaking just have to do a few small touch up areas but I eventually plan on sealing the inside to eliminate the problem all together. But I finished everything and the whole drive behind this was to get it done for the national sand drag event that was held here last weekend but I missed registration time by an hour. I've since did a little tweaking here and there I need to pull the head off and see whats causing it to leak while its running the outer o-ring must have not seated right when installed the head. Anyways got it all stickered up minus numbers, still have to get a number plate and install my short track triple. Theres a more current picture of the guy behind all of this too see what kinda nicknames you can come up with there lol. 158372 158373 158374 158376 158379 158382

11-23-2012, 10:46 PM
Here's the video I just uploaded to youtube also. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWguWff244Q