View Full Version : Question about the oiling system on a Honda 185/200

07-11-2012, 06:58 PM
I was wondering if someone could explain to me how the oiling system works on a 185/200? How is oil brought up into the head? Even after looking again at the manual I don't see how oil it getting from the bottom end into the head. there is no passages in the cylinder.

I guess its just like Joe Dirts dad ask "How exactly does a posi track rear end on a Plymouth work?" It just does I guess:lol::wondering

Sorry for the newb style question but I want to know so I can sleep easy tonight:rolleyes:

07-11-2012, 07:14 PM
It uses one of the four bolt tubes thru the cylinder as a passage, this is why one there is an oring around one of the four bolt holes in the head gasket. This prevents the oil in this passage from forcing thru the gasket to the cylinder or outward to the outside of the engine.

The passage extends from the engine base up into the head then a small pilot hole in the head leads the oil from the passage to the cam.

07-11-2012, 07:20 PM
Yes,it's pressurized thru the clutch cover,to the cylinder stud. Which is WHY. When folks silicone their clutch cover,they starve the cam and lifters. They've blocked the oil flow.

07-11-2012, 07:29 PM
Pretty neat. So I take it then oil prolly goes back down another stud back into the bottom end? Now I under stand how important a leaky head gasket could be. Also the gasket maker could burn up a motor pretty quick too if it clogged anything up along the way.

07-11-2012, 07:38 PM
Pump,pumps it thru the Centrifugal strainer,,these don't have a filter. Which to this day,blows my mind Honda EVER did this? Squishes it thru the case/clutch cover,up the stud,returns down the timing chain galley. Unless you see external oil lines<,IE,350X,250SX/ES. Most 4 cycle 3 wheelers are using this method. Yamaha 200's Kawis,Suzukis.. Yes,gasket maker will melt these engines when put on the clutch cover.

07-11-2012, 09:35 PM
Gasket maker or silicone is okay to use on the clutch cover, as long as you know where and where not to put it. I have some aplied on my 200x motor (actually a 185). I pulled the clutch cover, and ripped the gasket in 3 or 4 spots. Instead of buying a new gasket for $20, I applied black silicone on the tears, and have been riding it ever since, going on 6 years like that. A guy just has to look it over real good, and apply at a minimun needed. In my opinion, the 185/200 Honda engine is the most bullet proof engine honda has ever made, even though it dosent have an oil filter, it lasts longer than anything I have ever seen, and can take the abuse.

07-11-2012, 10:20 PM
It uses one of the four bolt tubes thru the cylinder as a passage, this is why one there is an oring around one of the four bolt holes in the head gasket. This prevents the oil in this passage from forcing thru the gasket to the cylinder or outward to the outside of the engine.

The passage extends from the engine base up into the head then a small pilot hole in the head leads the oil from the passage to the cam.

07-11-2012, 10:49 PM
Nice post/picture mike! I had never seen that before and is now on my hard drive :)

07-12-2012, 08:38 AM
The ONLY thing Mike doesn't know Brendon,is who really shot Kennedy,,well,,he knows that too,,he just isn't talking! A TRUE asset to this site,,always coming thru with silent,but potent posts.

07-12-2012, 08:52 AM
Yes, great illustation Mike.