View Full Version : Metal Gas Tank Rust help-- Before and After Pix!

07-11-2012, 01:18 PM
I have seen different people recommend different things for restoring a rusty gas tank such as POR 15, Creeme and I think someone even mentioned an acid wash. I have a 250sx tank that is perfect on the outside but pretty messy inside. What is the best and cheapest way to make this tank usable again without taking it to someone?

07-11-2012, 03:31 PM
I put about 3-4 cups of small driveway gravel into the tank, wrapped it well in blankets and packed it well into the clothes dryer..

Then turned in on on 'fluff' or whatever no-heat setting your dryer has and left it for about an hour..you may have to remove and turn the tank on a different angle to get the stones to hit on all sides of the inside of the tank.

Once done I dumped the stones, washed the tank out thoroughly with water, then blew it out with compressed air..

If the rust is really crusty as mine was should bring back pretty well.

Then I just left it out in the sun to make sure all the water was dried out, reinstalled it with a small inline fuel filter.

Next time I might actually try filling the entire tank with coca-cola..I thought of that after. We've all seen the rusty nail in the glass of coke trick of course..comes out shiny as a penny!

07-11-2012, 03:38 PM
would coke actually work or would it take awhile?

07-11-2012, 03:41 PM
there is a great product at my local hardware store called evapo rust it looks pretty sweet.

07-11-2012, 03:43 PM
would coke actually work or would it take awhile?

it would work great, but probably leave in the tank for a few hours..it wouldn't eat the metal, just the iron oxide layer(rust)

hopefully your tank isn't so rusty that the coke ate away the scale and started it leaking though.

6 bottles should do it, get it on sale and it would cost you about $6..might even have a bit left over to mix with some rye. sit back with your drink and watch the tank bubble..

HMM..making myself thirsty!

07-11-2012, 04:13 PM
I got a bottle from the local auto parts store that was intended to eat away / disolve rust. I poured that in with a few nuts from my tool bin ( count them before you put them in to ensure you get them all out. I let it sit for a few days with the occasional shaking / mixing / flipping. I then dumped it all out and "rinsed with some 91% iso alchohol as whatever i didnt get out evaporated quickly. if you rinse with water it may stay too damp in there for the tank liner to work. I let it air dry a few days and then blew some compressed air through the top and through the petcock area. I ordered a quart of Red-Kote through O'reiliys, it was the only place that carried The red-Kote is supposed to stay a little flexible where some of the other "cremes" turn hard, crack, and let gas soak in behind over time. Good luck and take your time!!!

07-11-2012, 04:21 PM
Check out Metal Rescue
Stuff is just awesome
They have a website as well with some videos

07-11-2012, 04:41 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Any others? Im thinking of trying coke to see if maybe i can have it for the weekend

07-11-2012, 04:53 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Any others? Im thinking of trying coke to see if maybe i can have it for the weekend

Won't do any harm or cost you much..let me know how it goes. I wish I'd tried it.

07-11-2012, 04:58 PM
i just read that "the works" toilet bowl cleaner works wonders..no pun intended

82 250r
07-11-2012, 05:19 PM
Go to Walmart and get "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner as stated. $1.22 per bottle. There is nothing better that i've found that removes rust. Wear a mask because the fumes are nasty. fill up the tank and let it sit for 15 min or so and wash it out with the hose. Repeat until rust is gone.
DO NOT get it on concrete that you care about or it'll etch it white. DO NOT get it on aluminum or anything chrome or zinc plated or it'll strip it in seconds.

07-11-2012, 05:29 PM
Go to Walmart and get "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner as stated. $1.22 per bottle. There is nothing better that i've found that removes rust. Wear a mask because the fumes are nasty. fill up the tank and let it sit for 15 min or so and wash it out with the hose. Repeat until rust is gone.
DO NOT get it on concrete that you care about or it'll etch it white. DO NOT get it on aluminum or anything chrome or zinc plated or it'll strip it in seconds.

Do you mix it with water to make a solution such as 1:1? I also heard use water and baking soda to neutralize the solution when done. Did you remove the petcock ? I saw its recommended but im not sure what i would plug the hole with? Ill post up pix when done. Im gonna try it tomorrow

07-11-2012, 06:09 PM
I used white vinegar and salt on a atc70 tank and it worked pretty good. I filled it up to the top and let it sit for 5 or 6 days shaking occasionally then neutralized with baking soda and gave it a light coat of wd40 afterwords.

07-11-2012, 07:33 PM
I used white vinegar and salt on a atc70 tank and it worked pretty good. I filled it up to the top and let it sit for 5 or 6 days shaking occasionally then neutralized with baking soda and gave it a light coat of wd40 afterwords.

what did you plug the petcock hole with and did you leave the gas cap on or off?

07-11-2012, 09:45 PM
I tried a 350x tank with the vinegar / salt method. I followed all guidelines given from another website, the moped one. This method did not work in my case, and I let it sit for 7 days, it did take out some rust, but not good enough. There was still too much rust, and I ended up getting a plastic tank and said screw it with the old rusty tank. I have used evaporust before, and it works, but is expensive to fill a tank enough to be effective (at least 1/3). I believe it was $10 for a half gallon.

82 250r
07-11-2012, 09:55 PM
Remove the petcock and plug it. If you can't plug it, then put the cap on and fill it upside down. That would not be my first choice because it'll ruin the anodizing on the cap. (if there's any left). :)
You can dilute it, but in my experience, the water neutralizes it somehow.

This stuff is cheap and it works better than Rust Mort which is $10 a pint. You don't have to fill it all the way. Buy 5 or 6 bottles, do 1 bottle at a time, and shake it every 5 minutes, then rinse after 15 minutes or so and repeat until rust is gone.


07-12-2012, 01:38 PM
okay i got 6 bottles of "the works" and using about 2 bottles per 15 min interval. Just started and we will see how it goes.

82 250r
07-12-2012, 01:46 PM
If it's still bubbling or foaming after 15 minutes, let it go longer...

07-12-2012, 02:24 PM
Can you post up some pictures? I want to see how well this method works, very interesting!

07-12-2012, 03:27 PM
If it's still bubbling or foaming after 15 minutes, let it go longer...

Didnt really notice it bubbling or foaming but it was steaming a little. I found that its best to just fill up the tank versus doing 1 bottle here and there. Gets more accomplished and can get more surface area. So far it looks ok. I got 1 more 15 minute treatment to go. In the process i did wreck my anodized cap a tad (it was shot pretty much anyway) and removed some paint (accidental) but the tank needs restored anyway

07-12-2012, 03:28 PM
Can you post up some pictures? I want to see how well this method works, very interesting! Yes i will do some pictures. Its really hard to get pics of inside the tank but i do have some before and (hopefully) after pix. They just might not be the best but we will see

82 250r
07-12-2012, 03:49 PM
When you get near the end, sometimes the acid will neutralize a coating over thick areas of rust. Take a screwdriver or wire brush and scrape it a bit and continue with the acid.


07-12-2012, 03:59 PM
Marc- pix are about to come. It def didnt work as I had hoped but I am begining to think the tank was coated prior to me doing these treatments. The bottoms came out OK but the rest left much to be desired. Im uploading the pix as we speak. Stay tuned...

07-12-2012, 04:24 PM
Heres the pix as stated...

This is what it started as

This is after a few treatments and rotating the tank

This is after about 2.5 hrs and neutralizing with baking soda..

and this is after. Notice the down tube area of the tank...does anyone else think this is a coating versus rust...seemed unaffected.

Left Side...notice the red line where it looks like it can be peeled off...again maybe it is a coating versus rust? The bottom came out nice though..

and right side

In conclusion - I am stumped:wondering

82 250r
07-12-2012, 04:32 PM
Does if feel soft like a coating? The pics look like rust. Can you scratch it with a screwdriver?

07-12-2012, 04:51 PM
Does if feel soft like a coating? The pics look like rust. Can you scratch it with a screwdriver?

Ill keep you posted

Mr. Clean
07-12-2012, 04:59 PM
If it is a coating like Kreem then you can use Acetone or methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) to aid in removing it. Available at you local home improvement box store.

07-12-2012, 05:05 PM
Yes i can. Pic uploading. The rust however doesnt seem hard and crunchy...it seems more soft. Esp on the side of the tank (where it had peeled up), its thin like paper and seems that it will peel and tear versus just crunching and shattering.

82 250r
07-12-2012, 05:16 PM
Sounds like some type of coating if it's soft and peeling off...

07-12-2012, 05:18 PM
If it is a coating like Kreem then you can use Acetone or methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) to aid in removing it. Available at you local home improvement box store.If its coated, MEK is strong, but works.
If its rust. Electrolysis works great. http://www.ehow.com/how_7660779_remove-motorcycle-fuel-tanks-electrolysis.html
I would coat afterwards and have used this http://www.kbs-coatings.com/
Ive run racing fuel the last 5yrs.
Good luck! Beets

07-12-2012, 05:19 PM
Plan B..time for a Coke!!:D

07-12-2012, 05:19 PM
Here is a pic after scratching with a screwdriver

07-12-2012, 05:42 PM
Here are some pix of the pieces i just pulled from the "flaking wall" inside the tank


07-12-2012, 05:44 PM
Plan B..time for a Coke!!:D

As much as i would love to do that and enjoy a premium beverage I figure if the Muratic acid in the works didnt do it, then i doubt coke would as i would think acid is stronger.

07-12-2012, 05:46 PM
If its coated, MEK is strong, but works.
If its rust. Electrolysis works great. http://www.ehow.com/how_7660779_remove-motorcycle-fuel-tanks-electrolysis.html
I would coat afterwards and have used this http://www.kbs-coatings.com/
Ive run racing fuel the last 5yrs.
Good luck! Beets

I have a battery charger but how high of a setting do i leave it on? Do you just bend the coat hanger in a spiral or something and push it towards the back part of the tank? I like this idea but im unsure where i would find a rubber grommet to fit the filler neck - any suggestions bud?

07-12-2012, 05:58 PM
I took it over to my fathers and he said it looks like dried gas more than anything:wondering

07-12-2012, 07:13 PM
Those flakes look mineral. Has it sat sometime in it's life with water in it? Sure looks like hard water flake to me. Don't know what to tell you at this point.

07-12-2012, 07:26 PM
While 'The Works' put on a good show in my personal opinion it blows!!

My high school chemistry says that the results of iron oxide reacting with hydrogen cloride(toilet bowl cleaner) is water and a salt byproduct (maybe iron chloride??)..exactly what you are seeing in the tank.

82 250r
07-12-2012, 07:37 PM
What did you decide...Is it rust or coating?


07-12-2012, 07:37 PM
Actually I used a 1/2" althread with a double nut on the end and taped a plastic bottle cap over the double nut. I used a 1 gal milk jug cap for the top. ALTHREAD CAN NOT TOUCH THE TANK. +pos. to the althread and --neg to the tank. Used 10amps for 4-6 hrs at a time. Clean rust off the althread and back in the tank.
If its old gas thats just caked, I've put a dozen 1/2" nuts in the tank and hand shake lightly for 10-15min. blow out dust and repeat to desired effect.

82 250r
07-12-2012, 07:42 PM
My high school chemistry says that the results of iron oxide reacting with hydrogen cloride(toilet bowl cleaner) is water and a salt byproduct (maybe iron chloride??)..exactly what you are seeing in the tank.

I believe "The Works" and "Vanish" bowl cleaners contain Muriatic Acid.


07-12-2012, 10:19 PM
My 200x tank was as bad as yours and I poured metal rescue sit in there for 4 days and flipped it and treated the other side. It still had a coating like your tank so I took a pressure washer and stuck in the gas fill and shoot it till I blasted it all off. It looks like a new gas tank on the inside now. Metal rescue is awesome and it doesn't hurt if you spill it on your hands. It was cold outside when I done mine. The directions say it has to be like 70 degrees or something to work so I took my tank inside to treat it and there is no fumes. It's the safest way to clean a tank without using harmful chemicals.

07-13-2012, 08:18 AM
Buy concrete etch or pool cleaner it has muriatic acid in it. Here is a very rusty cobra exhaust that I did half and half to show people the before and after. IMO it is the easiest and most effective way to get rid of rust!
I like electrolisys with the battery charger results but was not too keen on water and electricity. I found pool cleaner for 10 bucks a gallon and pics speak for themselves. The cleaner can be reused, I take a sink strainer to remove the rust flakes from previous projects. Now I am working on a US90 tank that had old gas in it for at least a decade.

http://inlinethumb19.webshots.com/48978/2417577540075801804S600x600Q85.jpg (http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2417577540075801804qabUmw)
http://inlinethumb24.webshots.com/50903/2451390620075801804S600x600Q85.jpg (http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2451390620075801804PeoljW)

07-13-2012, 10:55 AM
My 200x tank was as bad as yours and I poured metal rescue sit in there for 4 days and flipped it and treated the other side. It still had a coating like your tank so I took a pressure washer and stuck in the gas fill and shoot it till I blasted it all off. It looks like a new gas tank on the inside now. Metal rescue is awesome and it doesn't hurt if you spill it on your hands. It was cold outside when I done mine. The directions say it has to be like 70 degrees or something to work so I took my tank inside to treat it and there is no fumes. It's the safest way to clean a tank without using harmful chemicals.. So your saying power wash the piss outta it then treat it with metal rescue? And where can I buy this metal rescue? Thanks!

07-13-2012, 10:56 AM
Those flakes look mineral. Has it sat sometime in it's life with water in it? Sure looks like hard water flake to me. Don't know what to tell you at this point.. I'm not sure how long it sat, I bought it off ebay few years ago and never had any motivation to get it in working order until now lol.

07-13-2012, 12:29 PM
I let the metal rescue do it's job breaking up the rust but there was still a rusty film in the tank so I took the pressure washer to it and it blasted it clean. I wish I took before and after pics but my camera wouldn't focus in the tank.

07-13-2012, 01:00 PM
I let the metal rescue do it's job breaking up the rust but there was still a rusty film in the tank so I took the pressure washer to it and it blasted it clean. I wish I took before and after pics but my camera wouldn't focus in the tank.

Is metal rescue something I can find at Napa or something? I have never heard of it

07-13-2012, 03:41 PM
I have never seen this metal rescue product either...

What i would do is pressure wash the inside best you can, toss in a couple handfuls of roofing nails and put on the cap and shake the piss out of it and keep repeating till its all out. It sure looks like it did a fantastic job in the bottom. I would keep at it, get the loose stuff out and even redo with some more Works cleaner if it needs it. I will have to make a trip to Wal-Mart this weekend, i want to get a few of these products containing Muriatic acid and try them. I have used straight acid before from a chemical supplier... It's very effective though more dangerous in my opinion then products that just have some in it.

Blown 331
07-13-2012, 03:48 PM
I tried muratic acid in an ATC200 tank once. The tank seriously disappeared! No joke. It was a very rusty but not leaking tank. I poured muratic acid in it, let it sit for a few hours, sloshed it around then dumped it out. The inside of the tank looked new. I think where I went wrong is not neutralizing it. A few weeks later it was nothing but a pile of rust with some paint and decals, never seen anything like it.

07-13-2012, 06:48 PM
Here's where I got my Metal Rescue. I got the gallon size.http://www.summitracing.com/search/Brand/Metal-Rescue/?autoview=ProductName

07-13-2012, 09:22 PM
I tried muratic acid in an ATC200 tank once. The tank seriously disappeared! No joke. It was a very rusty but not leaking tank. I poured muratic acid in it, let it sit for a few hours, sloshed it around then dumped it out. The inside of the tank looked new. I think where I went wrong is not neutralizing it. A few weeks later it was nothing but a pile of rust with some paint and decals, never seen anything like it.

Yep, neutralizing it is essential. I have done a few with straight acid, let them sit this way and that, a half a day will get a pretty rusty tank new inside, worse might have to sit overnight if the bottom is really bad. But you have to keep an eye on it and neutralize it with water and baking soda, then rinse with alcohol or MEK or some other solvent. Then i like to spray down the inside of the tank with WD-40 and get it back on and filled up with fresh fuel. It will last a long time as long as it doesn't get water logged again.

07-15-2012, 04:46 PM
. What is the best and cheapest way to make this tank usable again without taking it to someone?

Cider vinegar & copper BB's
Shake it
Rinse it
& then http://www.rockymountainatvmc.com/p/43/72/216/942/-/-/48985/Kreem-Fuel-Tank-Prep-and-Liner-Combo-Pak?ref=gmc&gclid=CMuJtaXGnLECFcXe4Aodnm_Yew it !

07-15-2012, 04:54 PM
Is metal rescue something I can find at Napa or something? I have never heard of it

Here you go


08-05-2012, 07:41 PM
old thread but i'm doing another tank now and wanted to look up how to do it right as i've done this in the past. a lot of people are mentioning products WITH muriatic acid but only the last couple people actually mentioned the acid itself. Last time I did a tank I used straight muriatic acid. It's cheaper than all the chemicals you guys are buying. It's $7 for an entire gallon at home depot. I forget how I neutralized it, but then i rinsed it, then used acetone twice to evaporate all the moisture. Last I used Red Kote as a tank sealer. Stuff is AWESOME and highly recommend it. Way better than kreem which is garbage. Just my $.02. I'm off to do some more searching because I forget how long to let the acid sit and how to exactly neutralize it afterward.