View Full Version : Broker kicker on T-3

11-23-2003, 11:38 AM
I have an 86 tecate 3. Yes, this ia another question? When i kicjk it it sometimes the kicker just goes down with not moving the piston. It will do this for 3-4 times and then hookup. I would assume the kicker is about to break. If I bring it to the top slow it hooks up and will start the engine.

My question is what do you think the problem is? And I would guess the whole side case would have to come off along with the KIPS stuff? And how difficult is it?


200x Basket
11-23-2003, 01:50 PM
i wished you lived closer. yes the side cover will have to come off. either your kicker gears are worn or it is not assembled correctly. when you yank the rt cover you will have to remove some of the kips stuff. the small cover on the top of it will have to come off. then remove the 8mm bolt just below the small cover. it should be about 1cm long. there is a small pin under that bolt. try to remove it. if you get the pin out you can then pry up on the lever under the small cover to disengage the kips activator. if you cant remove the pin you can remove the nut on top of the lever. THAT NUT IS REVERSE THREADED. Then remove the rt cover and redo the gears. i think you have to remove the clutch. when you put the clutch back on be sure you have the tranny in neutral.

11-23-2003, 02:00 PM
Hey 200x, have you replaced crank seals on a T3 before?

200x Basket
11-23-2003, 03:50 PM
Hey 200x, have you replaced crank seals on a T3 before?
3 Times. it is alot of work and requires to much detail to type out. you need a kawasaki manual or a good mechanic.

11-24-2003, 02:57 AM
my 85 tecate does that too...it is worn kicker gears...it isnt a big deal untill it doesnt work anymore..i just ignore it, get it hooked and then kick it but if your gonna fix your crank seals then you might as well fix that too

11-24-2003, 06:49 AM
I figured pulling that side case would be some work, so I'll most likely wait till it breaks completely. I dont think I have any problem yet with my crank seals everything there seems to be fine. The stripped shifter pisses me off though!