View Full Version : Left side of forks is sagging.

06-05-2012, 10:14 PM
I finally got to take my new 3 wheeler out to ride it and i noticed after riding it for awhile that it was pulling to the right and i got off and looked at the front tire and the left shock was was compressed more than the right. Any ideas on how to fix this? If not i'll drill holes and put bolts in the forks to make them solid.

06-05-2012, 10:22 PM
wow dude.

most guys spend hours or years trying to improve the suspensions on the 30 year old wheelers, and you want to bolt them solid.

what kinda bike you running. first thing id check is the tire pressure in the rear tires, are they even. after that id say your fork springs are sagged

06-05-2012, 10:26 PM
What model is your trike?

06-05-2012, 10:28 PM
It's an '84 200es.

06-05-2012, 10:59 PM
Its either your damper or your springs. You can still buy the damper on bike bandit for 60 bucks. Progressive suspension may sell a progressive spring kit for your bike or you can try ebay for your springs. I don't advise drilling holes and bolting the shock together.

06-06-2012, 07:55 AM
Something is bent and stuck on one side. One weak spring will cause both sides to sag. Take the front axle/wheel off and you'll easily be able to tell which fork is the problem.

06-06-2012, 08:00 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I'll take a look at it when i get some time.

Keepah Rolln
06-07-2012, 02:47 PM
Looks like you may have a bent fork tube. you'll have to replace it if :beerthis is the case

06-10-2012, 04:35 PM
If the left front fork is compressed more than the right side, then that means the bike is leaning to the left, right? Guys, this is a 3-wheeler...no matter what you do to either one of the front forks, the bike will not lean to one side unless there is an issue with the rear end! Hell, technically you could cut one of the front forks out and the bike wouldn't lean without a problem with the rear end. Check rear tire pressure, swingarm, frame, etc.

08-26-2013, 11:23 AM
So I found several newer posts that I could post this to but since the restriction on new members, I'll just resurrect this one.

Does anyone have a suggestion on where to source the front dampers for an '84 200es? I have checked the places I know (like bike bandit) and no one appears to have them available. I even considered buying them used from fleabay but there aren't even any there from what i found.

So assuming this part has completely disappeared from the face of the earth, is there any appreciable difference in the front end performance if I just reassemble the fork with the blown out dampner? I plan to polish up the sliding surfaces as best I can (they are pitted to hell from someone not looking after the machine) but hate to do all this work just to reassemble something that isn't going to ride like rubbish.

Thanks for any suggestions or advice, Chris