View Full Version : what i would do if I had lots of money and extra time....

06-04-2012, 07:48 PM
That about sums it up.. If I won the lottery, I think i would have 1 or 2 model of every major manufacturer. but they would have to be heavily modified.. so without further ado the bucket list

ready go!
first would be a gen 1 250r like the one i have now.. except it would have a 480 motor.
next would be a 3rd gen with.. yup a water cooled 500...
then a 350x with a 600 is it?
thats it from the big H now onto Y
tri-z with a banshee motor.. nuff said..
this one is tough..
a 250r/es with either a 400 2 stroke, or a 850 twin or something like that

now for kawasaki idunno. don't know anything about green stuff...

oh yeah, and either a senicrusier bus, or a flxible clipper bus to haul em around..

now its y'alls turn... if you could have a jay lenno collection of 3 wheelers stock or modified, what would it be?