View Full Version : Installing a new transmission in my 200x, ran into a problem

11-21-2003, 09:27 PM
I started a few hours ago taking apart my trike and not long after I ran into a problem. I'm trying to install a new transmission, and this is my first time taking my trike apart so please bare with me. I understand all I have to do is split the center crankcase, and I'm following what the book says. Heres where I ran into my problem. The book says to remove the alternator rotor, however I don't have the tool necessary to take it off. Now I'm not sure if I even have to take off this rotor to split the crankcase. (I'm thinking I have to so I can get at the cam chain). So If I do have to take it off, can I just use a bolt or something and not the tool? In the picture below in Fig. 33 it seems like thats all the tool is. Lastly, after this is off its just the piston head and crankcase... right?? Thanks for helping me out.

11-21-2003, 09:50 PM
pull your swingarm bolt out and use that. it is the right size, i think that is how i did it.

11-21-2003, 10:19 PM
Yep, swing arm bolt works, I'm 100% sure of it, maybe even the front axle might work if your swing arm bolt is rusted in.

11-21-2003, 11:12 PM
Ive split the cases on mine many of times....You can use the swingarm bolt, but im not really sure if that will be enough, you might have to put a ball bearing or a piece of bolt in there and then screw in the swingarm bolt...after you do that, there is a bolt on the kickstarter side of the motor that the clutch cable goes through, BE SURE TO TAKE THAT OUT BEFORE TRYING TO SPLIT THE CASES, or you will probably end up hitting it to hard and breaking the case...make sure the countershaft sprocket and such is off, and i think thats it....good luck! if you need ANY help....e-mail me at mc91b1@hotmail.com or post here....i have a manual (probably dont need it anymore, i know just about everything about the 83-85 200x's!) keep us posted!

11-22-2003, 02:11 AM
Geez, you dont have to do that! Just goto your local hardware store, and get a bolt with a 14mm thread, and 1.5 pitch. That will take that flywheel right off, i know cause i've done it before.

11-22-2003, 11:02 AM
What do I hold the alternator with? I shifted it into first and put a vice grips on the sprocket countershaft, turned the bolt and the alternator turned in jerks with the bolt... hmmm. I tried alot of stuff to hold the alternator in place as im turning the bolt but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

11-22-2003, 12:41 PM
What do I hold the alternator with? I shifted it into first and put a vice grips on the sprocket countershaft, turned the bolt and the alternator turned in jerks with the bolt... hmmm. I tried alot of stuff to hold the alternator in place as im turning the bolt but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

If you have an air gun you can hold the flywheel with your hands and just zing it off. Or put the piston back on there and put some wood under the piston and it will stop the crank from turning over while you tighten the bolt.

11-24-2003, 01:37 PM
Once you have the flywheel puller/14mm bolt bottomed, you can usually pop the flywheel off with a sharp tap with a mallet. Just don't wind up and miss the bolt and smash your case. Less is more for this job.