View Full Version : 200es shifter

05-21-2012, 10:46 PM
bought a new shift lever for the 200es, put in on and overtightened it and stripped the inside of the shift lever. I was looking a little closer at it and realized that the splines on the shaft itself were not in the greatest shape either. do you guys recommend putting a new shift shaft in or just weld on the new shift lever? i guess i could re-file the splines but it seems like it be a pain in the arse. I figure someone else has had this problem before as well. thanks

05-22-2012, 10:32 PM
if i were you rather then weld it i would drill through it and put in a roll pin

05-23-2012, 12:32 AM
Replace the shifter shaft since you have a new shifter. It isn't that hard of a job, just takes a hour or 2 and a couple gaskets. ;)
I have seen a 4-5 shifters with roll pins put in them to fix worn splines. I know 3 of them the end of the shifter shaft had broke because of the roll pin. I have also seen quite a few welded and some of those were welded so badly that the shaft had to be cut to get the shift shaft out later. But if it's welded lightly on the end the weld can be ground off later if needed.


05-23-2012, 11:04 PM
thanks for the input guys. the shifter i bought got chewed up on the inside too. i think im going to try and lightly weld it much like howdy says. if it don't work the worst i will do is get another shifter and start over again.

05-23-2012, 11:05 PM
the shifter i bought was probably a cheapo, u get what u pay for i guess.

05-23-2012, 11:59 PM
You may be able to put a longer bolt through and put a nut on if it doesn't interfere with anything. That is if you think the splines will hold up

05-24-2012, 12:16 AM
just tack the shifter on the shaft, then down the road when you feel like changing the shaft just grind your tacks, or cut it off! atleast it will keep you going for a while! you could do like 86t3 said also

tri again
05-24-2012, 12:21 AM
Not sure how but I have also seen people cut the space
that the shifter pinches so it can pinch tighter.

Seems like most will pinch and almost touch so they can't get any tighter
and all the bolt can do is strip.
I like the thru bolt with nut idea too but it really does need adequate space to pinch.
Maybe ruin a couple hacksaw blades to widen it? idk but I've seen and heard of it being done.
Have you tried the search key for 'stripped shifter'?

On a lighter note:
I had a couple 90's that the kids would stomp and strip so I set the shifters vertically
so they had to hand shift them.

tri again
05-24-2012, 12:27 AM
the shifter i bought was probably a cheapo, u get what u pay for i guess.

Like rear axle hubs, we all hope they are a little softer by design
so the cheap easy parts get ruined before the important, expensive stuff.

Might be wishful thinking however.

05-24-2012, 10:50 PM
i have not searched for stripped shifter yet. Before i try the weld job im going to attempt putting a new bolt in with a nut. i believe that may work. i will keep you guys updated

just ben
05-24-2012, 11:08 PM
I'm with howdy,replace the shaft or weld it. You will need more than a tack. If you can make the shifter flush with the shaft just run a bead around the shaft but keep the heat as low as possible with still being effective.