View Full Version : early 70/90 carb kit confirmation

Jon Boy
05-18-2012, 01:21 PM
i got my carb kit for the 74' 70. just want to make sure they sent the right kit. label on the bag says ATC90, did the early 70/90's use the same carb? it does look to be the right kit after looking at my carb, but just want to be sure. is this right?

sidenote: i am happy with them since i ordered it Tues and it got here today. kit was $19, $5 handling, $1.95 shipping, total $26.95 which i thought was decent and it got here fairly quick IMO. the only complaint i do have is they were supposed to of thrown an ATC70.com sticker in with it, but they didn't. :rolleyes:

the label that has ATC90 on it is on the back of this package.

thanks :beer
Jon Boy

05-18-2012, 01:28 PM
Some parts might be the same but the jets would defenatly be a different size .

Jon Boy
05-18-2012, 08:56 PM
:beer ok thanks shortline, that's what i was thinking too maybe. i really only need the gaskets, but i'll double check the needle and jets again and compare them too.

still bummed they didn't send me a sticker. :(

Jon Boy
05-20-2012, 12:45 PM
well, everything in the kit seemed to be the same except the main jet, but i've yet to run it though since my tank is getting sealed right now. ill post up any problems if there are any. :beer