View Full Version : Wildest Ride Stories!

Chazz of Blades
05-12-2012, 07:16 PM
So let's hear your wildest ride stories, craziest encounters, and best tales of off roading!

05-12-2012, 10:54 PM
Last summer I was at Haspin Acres with 2 of my buddies. They both had 4 wheelers, Ron had a YFZ450r, and Jeff had a Grizzly 660. We weren't there for an hour when we decided to attack the Clays Hills by the playground. For those who arn't fimiliar, straight up at a 75 degree angle and rutted up something fierce. We all make it up fine, turn around and start back down. The 450r goes first, then me in my 86r, and the Grizzly 660 was last. Jeff in the 660 only weighs in at about 130 lbs soakin wet, and decide to follow me down at about 2 bike lengths. His bike got away from him and he bailed. All I know is that I was riding down one of the most difficult climbs in the 800 acres, hammering the brakes and negotiating the rutts when I get Judo chopped in the shoulder by Stan Lee. I look back, mind you half way down the hill, and I got a Grizzly on my back. Best part is, I stop to see the damage on my trike. My perfect OEM rear fender is folded over and my factory grab bar is shaped like an "L".:(:(:( I make it down the hill safely thanks to my legendary riding skills.:D:D:D I hop off at the bottom to find a ruined grab bar and a 9" slit in rear fender. Needless to say, even though I escaped near death, it still ruined my day. I still roll with cut up rear fender, just stitched it up with 18 gauge wire. It adds character to the trike, and anytime anyone asks about it, I tell them that I was attacked by a Grizzly.

05-13-2012, 12:17 AM
me and my friends drove to the local dirt bike racing track one guy had a 350X the other had a Raptor 660
and i had a 200M i went over on jump and it was about ten foot high but rounded and i figured well i can take this no problem so i dropped it in second and gunned it got to the second one which was way more sharp then the first and i saw my life flash be for my eyes as i came to a dead stop and my 200M was damn near vertical the finally when the rear end came back down i pulled off the track and took pictures and videos for the rest of the time there as they were jumping them no problem
and the worst part is now my suspension is about like depressing a wet washcloth

05-13-2012, 12:53 AM
When I was a kid in 76', we had a rope swing down in a field next to the road. You could stand on the road and put your foot in a loop and swing out into the field.
I had the good idea of jumping my XR75 across the road from the field, I had done it a couple of times and my confidence was growing.
It was a late Sunday afternoon and a catholic church lets out. I see a steam of cars coming and wanted to show off. So I
nailed it. Most of the time I'd hit it in 3rd gear 1/2 throttle, this time I hit it in 4th. Mind you, this when Evel Knievel http://evelknievel.com/# was at the height of his career.
The rope wraps around my handle bar and I go sailing about 15ft in the air, I know cause I saw the roof of the garage.
The rope lets go and come crashing to the ground on its side, I got my leg underneath tank which now has a big dent, broke my brake lever,bent the handle bar, bent the rear brake around the foot peg, bent the rear brake adjuster by the tire. Everbody stops to check me out. My knee was bleeding as I tryed to drag the bike off the road. The wheels wouldnt roll with the brakes locked.I think my pride was hurt more than my knee. Lesson: Tie the rope back before jumping.

05-13-2012, 01:25 AM
Insufficient brakes on an lt250E coming down a dune can be disastrous. The first quad I ever owned was an 86 lt250E. four stroke, no rear suspension, tank under the seat, not much for front suspension, no rear brakes, front had to be pumped up to work. Well the old POS broke down a couple dunes from the truck so I had to be towed back in. Coming down the final hill into the area known as Spinreel, the person towing me turned to the right and I continued to go straight. Next thing I know I being pulled backwards at 30 mph, yelling at the top of my lungs to 'STOP!' I contemplated bailing off the side for what seemed like forever, but probably less than 10 seconds. Miraculously, the tow rope broke and I was set free; left alone to sit there for a few minutes and gather my thoughts and check my shorts.

El Camexican
05-13-2012, 02:23 AM
I was driving my trike minding my own business and a buddy on a DT 175 drove into right rear back tire of the trike at about 30MPH. I felt the jolt and saw the word YAMAHA flash past in my peripheral vision as he literally jumped the trike. I’ll guess the foot peg missed my head by a fraction of an inch. Neither of us was wearing lids. He ended up landing on his front wheel and planting his face into the metal gas tank before crashing so hard the chain came off the rear sprocket. Lots of blood, but fortunately none of it was mine.

Jon Boy
05-13-2012, 11:28 AM
nothing too crazy for me. was out riding the field ditches out at my buddys place. was making my way down the part of the creek all overgrown with steep sides and looked up to see him pointing and laughing his butt off. when got to him i asked him what the deal was he said a deer had jumped down from the field right behind me (damn near on top of me) and i didn't even know it. :lol:

05-14-2012, 09:28 PM
Gotta say the BEST day riding I had was the day my wife made me a metallica riding mix on my Ipod, hooked me up with some ear buds a Monster Energy drink and sent me off riding!:twisted: The adrenaline rush along with the BEST riding music was AWESOME! It was like being in my own Krusty's video! Gotta get back out and do that again soon!!

05-14-2012, 10:03 PM
Back about 7 years ago I was ripping down a 2 track road on my ktm 380. This road is like a tunnel with all of the brush and small trees that grow next to the road, off in the distance I can see what looks like a rabbit. I let off the throttle and see it is a bunny, I start to think about what would happen hitting a soft object like this doing probably close to 60 mph. I slow down a little more and the bunny hops off the road, all is good so I lay into the throttle, WHAM !!! A deer came out of the bush and ran right into the fork leg on my left side, then it swung around and smashed my leg into the frame and motor. I don't know how but I never fell, my leg is just burning and throbbing and all I can do is think about the poor deer, I went back to check and the deer had died. I brought that bike home and never touched it again, then traded it for some quad racer stuff.

05-14-2012, 11:40 PM
throttle stuck on a 89 banshee ridign ont he road int he snow and taged the tounge of a tag along equipment trailer behind a dumptruck 6thgear 1/2 throttle, hillshootign a coal hillon a xr600 4th gear flat out cross rutted front tire ina wider rut than the rear and face planted into a coal wall, drag racign int he snow on a my mildly ported 250r against a skidoo mxz583 and a zr580 and cliped somethign under the snow 5th gear pinned and soem others when i have time to type them out

05-15-2012, 02:26 AM
I image the 6 cruisers chasing me for 5 miles of roads, trails and rail road tracks might not be a good thing to share :D

Hey, I was only 15! :lol:

05-16-2012, 12:12 AM
My mom has had to drive me to the ER more times then I can count! It seems like every ride something crazy happens to someone. I've had plenty of roll overs, tree encounters, got my YZ stuck upside down in a tree hanging off a hillside I was trying to climb, Jumped over my buddys heads, and the list of stupidity goes on every weekend!

But the craziest one I can think of was riding my buddies 200x down the road giving it all kinds of hell when it burst into flames. All I know is when I seen the flames come out from around the tank I didnt even think about stopping it I just rolled off the back while it was still cruisin. Must have been going at least 25mph when I bailed,what a ride! My buddy was standing on the side of the road drinking a strawberry soda when it happen so he ran over and tryed to put the fire out with it.:lol: good times!