View Full Version : Left with 1 came home with 2

05-09-2012, 11:42 PM
Hey guys i had been not showing to much love to my old honda 200s and had this urge to get a pit trike. So i posted on craigslist would trade the 200s for any little guy i could find. Found this guy in upperco MD that had 2 little tri zingers he traded me for the honda. Guy was super nice and visits the site from time to time he had a handfull of trikes a old 4 zinger quads and a boat load of parts i was in heaven but could only bring these guys home. The yellow one is in the best shape except for the front fender. It actually fires up and runs but dies out after a minuet or two. Tires, brakes, forks, all seem to b in great shape. Then there is the blue one this little guy has had a rough life from what i can tell. It has some homeade hitch on the back and is missing the air box and who knows what else but its front fender is awsome and the motor has good compression. Plus it never hurts to have extras around. Any way this is the first zinger I will have owned so any mods you guys suggest? Keep the oil injection or delete it and run pre mix? Exhaust made for these little guys? Reeds? I know you guys will help me out a ton you always do thanks and let me know what you think!

Jon Boy
05-10-2012, 01:59 AM
there's few things you could do. best mod i'd say would be a MJ50 2speed case swap, but i'd work the motor a little first. there's a DG pipe for the pw50, Grand Nat i think. till then check to see if the exhaust restrictors are taking out. there's one at the header going into the head. looks like a washer basicly. then clean and open the expansion chamber theres a screen deep inside that usually gets clogged. after that it's down to what you want to spend. :beer

05-10-2012, 07:14 AM
Thanks jon boy! I'll pull the exhaust all off and take a look to see how much spoge and crud is in there and remove those restrictions you talked about. I also want to clean the carb really good and do just some basic maintenance. I can't wait to play around with these little guys is that wrong for a grown man lol?:w00t:

Jon Boy
05-10-2012, 04:21 PM
nope, only wrong if you don't like having fun. :lol: :beer

Louis Mielke
05-10-2012, 08:21 PM
Upperco MD? You were pretty close to where I live off of 91, finksburg.

05-10-2012, 09:39 PM
Yea it actually was not to far from where I work. I work in shrewsbury PA and live in stewartstown all right near the MD line. Are u in finksburg? Because this guy had his little three wheeler wonder world over there but I met him at his place in upperco.

05-11-2012, 01:27 AM
Well i went to take the little yellow one out tonight and she died. So i pulled it in and tore it all down i pulled the pipes from the header back and made sure all passages were clear there was some build up but nothing to fully restrict air flow. I then put that all back together and pulled the air box and cleaned the carb. Drained the gas tank and put some fresh stuff in her and started to pull. Even when i first got her she was not firing first pull. So i sprayed starting fluid in there and she fires up but then dies off agin. Im not big on using ether so i started to try and track down the problem. I pulled the plug and gave her a few pulls and i felt a little shock lol. Then i cracked the drain for the bowl of the carb and gas is coming out. So i know its getting fuel and gas kind of dont know where to shoot next guys. When she fires up it will sit there and idle for about a min but then dies out. I know these guys are supposed to be started in the start not run postion. Any help would be great! And john boy is this the waser like restrictor you were talking about kinda looks more like a gasket to me but thats all i could find were it bolts to the head.146721146722

Jon Boy
05-11-2012, 09:22 AM
your good, nothing there in the header. biggest thing is the expansion chamber clogging. would have to think about what's going on with yours. i've been lucky enough the one i picked up had been recently gone through and runs like a top. tried running it with the chamber off with just the head pipe on? it sounds like there's something else happening though.

05-11-2012, 11:10 AM
I'm leaning towards a carb issue. But will have to investigate further when I have free time. I was up till 1:30 last night playing with the little guy. It really has me scratching my head.

05-19-2012, 04:43 PM
what are you doing with the blue one? let me know if you would be interested in selling the rear fender, ive been looking for one for quite some time without any luck.

05-19-2012, 04:45 PM
when i bought my tri zinger it did the same thing, turns out it was water in the fuel from sitting

06-12-2012, 09:44 PM
heres some new pics guys did the poor mans oil pump block off thanks to vealmonkey. I may do a how to on it. Wet sanded and polished the crap out of the blue plastics got the wheels powder coated black and the forks painted black and got some cool reflective wheel tapes for it.148340148341148342148343