View Full Version : 1987 200x carb problem

05-02-2012, 09:49 PM
Ok this one has me stumped and I have tried everything I know but I am sure it is something simple I have over looked.Here is the problem, I cannot for the life of me to get this 87 200X to idle right. I have adjusted the clip on the needle valve on every notch and adjusted the air screw on every level. Here is the thing I can get it to idle perfectly on the last 2 notches but when I give it gas around the yard it cuts out bad. then I move the clip to the top 2 notches and it runs smooth and strong all through the gears but it will NOT idle very good . So i have it on the top notch and it sounds like it is idling rich, not sure. The carb is clean and it has a new OEM main jet and it is the original factory carb. It's not the compression release cable and I have adjusted the air screw on every level of the needle valve clip ,, Could the needle valve be worn??? :idea:

05-02-2012, 09:54 PM
If you KNOW !!!!! Your carb is spotlessly Clean! And I'm sure you do ! I would replace the Needle jet and seat and air screw. That would have to fix it.. IF it is clean! they can be contamperous!

05-03-2012, 05:59 AM
It could be a few things.....firstly change the slow jet, thats what the engine uses for idle (not the main jet that is only used from mid to high rev range)check the 'o' ring at the top of the carb......if both doesn't work, i would change the float and the float valve....i don't think its the needle as that only used in mid range and not idle......if all else fails..... its maybe ware in the carb body, only thing to do then is new carb.....

05-03-2012, 10:27 AM
Thanks guys, I will inspect the slow jet and I may just get a full kit. Now are the carb kits for the 86-87 200X that are on eBay ok as long as they say made in Japan? I would think the correct kits would be in Honda bags Appreciate the info! Here is a kit for examp: http://www.ebay.com/itm/110820163203?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649

05-03-2012, 12:06 PM
I believe you keep your stuff stock, correct??

If so, I would put it back at all stock jetting specs.

The air screw underneath stinks to deal with, I use a tiny thin washer.

Make sure the tip is in place and the order goes o ring, washer,spring, screw. Set that stock also.

Follow the OEM manual to adjust that air screw and enure the o ring is on there......

05-04-2012, 09:20 PM
I think I have found the culprit. It seems to missing the gasket, as shown in the link below, In the diagram number 1 there suppose to be a gasket set there but when I took out there was just a tiny thin washer then the spring then the jet screw which ha s an "O" around it. So I am going to order the gasket and screw set, that should do the trick. Maybe it fell out when I was cleaning the carb .

05-04-2012, 11:26 PM
I think I have found the culprit. It seems to missing the gasket, as shown in the link below, In the diagram number 1 there suppose to be a gasket set there but when I took out there was just a tiny thin washer then the spring then the jet screw which ha s an "O" around it. So I am going to order the gasket and screw set, that should do the trick. Maybe it fell out when I was cleaning the carb .

Hey, nothing is scarier than when you blow out a carb with an air nozzle and something goes flying....... :D You forgot your link.

05-05-2012, 10:12 AM
woops I did forget the link http://www.cheapcycleparts.com/model_years/416-honda-1987-all-terrain-cycle-atc200x/assemblies/7106-carburetor

05-05-2012, 10:32 AM
I deal with idle problems almost daily on customers bikes and for the most part its the dirty passage ways that are the culprate (After a carb kit installed). Were your idle jet screws in make absolutely sure its very clean their , on your carb I believe it makes a Z turn before it enters the carb throat and the slightest bit of crud will affect the way it idles . If you had to raise the needle valve a little to get it to idle that's telling me its asking for more fuel to get the bike to idle . I have been using the shindy kits with no issues but OEM is always best if you can get it .

05-05-2012, 02:08 PM
I think I have found the culprit. It seems to missing the gasket, as shown in the link below, In the diagram number 1 there suppose to be a gasket set there but when I took out there was just a tiny thin washer then the spring then the jet screw which ha s an "O" around it. So I am going to order the gasket and screw set, that should do the trick. Maybe it fell out when I was cleaning the carb .

The purpose of that washer is to protect that o-ring while you adjust the air screw....

05-05-2012, 02:40 PM
Also check your manifold gasket.