View Full Version : my tri z taken apart in the basement

11-19-2003, 06:51 PM
these are pix of the tri z taken apart awating dg pipe and silencer new handlebars, grips, tires, reeds, head plaining. i took it apart and when i checked it over i found alot of bolts missing here and there looked like the guy threw the bike together real quick to me. and also imtaking the flat side carb to get re jetted for my bike. i cant wate till spring

11-19-2003, 06:53 PM
another pic of the rear

11-19-2003, 08:20 PM
Looks like a pretty clean project. It should a kick butt Z once you get it all together.

Really smart to look over the parts....check those swingarm bearings....and re grease all you can!


11-19-2003, 08:23 PM
yeah when i got it it was all together and ready to ride but i took it all apart to make sure. and good thing cause i found like 4 motor mounts missing i knew there was something up cause it vibrated alot when u rode it. ill have it back together with the new parts by spring no hurry thow. next winter im takign it all apart and having it all repainted.

Tri-Z Pilot
11-19-2003, 11:40 PM
That looks exactly like mine at the moment, (I better go check my shed to make sure it is still there). LOL!

11-19-2003, 11:49 PM
haha lol i just got done taking the radiater off of mine like 2 mins ago what fun that was i found some more cob jobs that i had to take care of like some one used a big screw to hold the radiater to the frame instead of a bolt but all is well cause i havent found any cracked cases or oil leaks of any sort just looks like he was careless in the way he put it all back together. also found out the reason i dont have headlights that work is cause both of the bulbs are blown and there is this mystery brown wire up by the headlights that comes out of the wiring harness that isnt hooked up and i cant seem to find out ware it goes so if any one knows ware it goes please tell me i think it has something to do with me blowing the bulbs in the lights. ill have to take a better look later. :twisted: lol "check yah later"