View Full Version : tire help please fast

11-18-2003, 06:24 PM
ok i have a 83 250R and an 85 350X

i'm going to get a set of rear tires for both but i don't know what kind to get i need to know what everyone likes for tires the R i want to put 18" on and the X is going to get 20" my riding is about 70% hard packed dirt in the woods 25% sand and about 5% mud, sow for that what should i get
and where can i get them from..


11-18-2003, 06:33 PM
For the 350x I would get hoosiers, if you do mostly hardpack riding. I have a set of tri-track hoosiers and they are unbelivable. They dont ware to bad either...They are just a little expensive lol

11-18-2003, 07:40 PM
I put these on mine and I love them. They are one of the best all around tires I have found. Great for alittle sand, hard packed areas, and even alittle mud........peace

11-18-2003, 09:59 PM
With 70% hard pack, Id go with Holeshots, Razers, or a similar tread pattern which are great for hard pack, but versatile enough to be mediocre under more adverse conditions. Are you going to be running a track with the R? If not, Id go with 20" on it too.

What might be a wise way to go is get one set at a time, and try them out on both trikes. Get some 20" for the X, try them on the R, then decide if you want 18's on it.