View Full Version : Awesome night at the shop!!

04-08-2012, 10:24 PM
Went to the shop to look up some parts for members here and to work on unloading and finding spots to store the stuff I got yesterday. I took my boy with me for help. I started labeling motors and stuff and Anthony started asking how I knew what was what, and that turned to differences in this machine and that machine ( School was in session ). I explained some things ( while organizing ) and then I started asking him what years different machines / models were made, options, ect. It was a great father / son bonding time like no other.

After a while he wanted to be able to identify motors and such. So I pulled out the Honda Identification Manual and showed him how to look up motor serial numbers. He took to that like fish to water and started indentifying motors as fast as I could tag them. Then Mike's "Pickle" daughter ( 12yo ) came out and she wanted to learn as well. I started to explain some differences in motors and then got side tracked talking to Mike.

Anthony jumped in and started showing Heather how to use the book and the 2 just went to town ( we have probably 100 motors to get labeled ). The kids were working on labeling motors with so much passion that I hated to leave. I honestly think Anthony learned more in 2 1/2 hours tonight than he has in the past year combined. I think I know 2 kids that will probably take over the shop in the future.

Yep, I have never been such a proud parent ( and proud friend to Mikes daughter )!!!

04-08-2012, 10:29 PM
Absolutely awesome Howdy. Thanx for sharing.

04-08-2012, 10:45 PM
Definitely a special time Howdy...

04-08-2012, 10:49 PM
That is a great bonding time right there. I try to get my 6 yr old to putts around with me and then the 2 yr old wants to join in and starts taking hammers to stuff. Ahhh...parenting at its finest moments!!

04-08-2012, 11:42 PM
That is a great bonding time right there. I try to get my 6 yr old to putts around with me and then the 2 yr old wants to join in and starts taking hammers to stuff. Ahhh...parenting at its finest moments!!

My boy got his first ride on a 350x before he was 7 months old. After that when ever he would get cranky I would set the car seat on a machine and rev it up. He would go right to sleep and wake up in a GREAT mood. Start them early and they won't forget it. lol

When he was 3-4 he took a set of seat & fenders, a gas tank and handle bars. He set them up on the floor and acted like he was riding. I got to find that picture it was AWESOME!!! It pissed mom of real bad, but I couldn't have been prouder. I always made sure the tools were out of reach unless I was there explaining what and when to use them.
