03-29-2012, 10:05 PM
...i forgot to snap a pic before i started >_<
... my hunny bought this machine for me as a birthday present, for a whopping total of $50, bent forks, no rear fenders, not running, and with tires so dry rotted you could push your hand right through the sidewalls... a little carb cleaner, and she was running again. got some used knobbies for 40 at the local mc yard, and turned the fork tubes out- and our first 200x was rideable. (and don't worry i repaid his gift on christmas with his own titled 200x and again this last march with an 86 250r XD )
... Now that we live at the shop, there couldn't be a better opportunity to do 'er right.
here's the progress so far...
here she is motor out- lookin pretty hollow
..and the motor, the bike did sit for a long time before we bought it, i'm betting on it needing a new piston
red scotch brite is your friend, shiny is your enemy.
I stripped the frame where the chips were to deep to sand out... 320 is also your friend
started the slow process of stripping the decals of the tank. i'll have to remove the adhesive with laquer thinner later
and here's the frame still hanging in the booth.... and that crazy painter guy. painted it with ppg, lol it's the same black as on a 1999 toyota landcruizer.... you would not believe how many different kinds of black there are >_<
...and as of this moment my hardware is in a case tumbler, being cleaned and pollished :)
hunny also got me new plastics for this b-day, and i hope to get all the neccicary engine parts this payday
... and send my dg exaust off to get cerama-chromed :)
...anyone else ever used that ceramachrome? i know it works great for headers on cars, anyone ever do it to a bike/trike/quad?
... my hunny bought this machine for me as a birthday present, for a whopping total of $50, bent forks, no rear fenders, not running, and with tires so dry rotted you could push your hand right through the sidewalls... a little carb cleaner, and she was running again. got some used knobbies for 40 at the local mc yard, and turned the fork tubes out- and our first 200x was rideable. (and don't worry i repaid his gift on christmas with his own titled 200x and again this last march with an 86 250r XD )
... Now that we live at the shop, there couldn't be a better opportunity to do 'er right.
here's the progress so far...
here she is motor out- lookin pretty hollow
..and the motor, the bike did sit for a long time before we bought it, i'm betting on it needing a new piston
red scotch brite is your friend, shiny is your enemy.
I stripped the frame where the chips were to deep to sand out... 320 is also your friend
started the slow process of stripping the decals of the tank. i'll have to remove the adhesive with laquer thinner later
and here's the frame still hanging in the booth.... and that crazy painter guy. painted it with ppg, lol it's the same black as on a 1999 toyota landcruizer.... you would not believe how many different kinds of black there are >_<
...and as of this moment my hardware is in a case tumbler, being cleaned and pollished :)
hunny also got me new plastics for this b-day, and i hope to get all the neccicary engine parts this payday
... and send my dg exaust off to get cerama-chromed :)
...anyone else ever used that ceramachrome? i know it works great for headers on cars, anyone ever do it to a bike/trike/quad?