View Full Version : Trimoto CDI unit Question

03-27-2012, 07:03 PM
Anyone have an idea what a 85 Tri-moto 225DXN CDI is worth? I checked ebay, most are listed as $150+. Is this the general worth? If i listed on fleabay for $100 would it sell? CDI came off a running trike, not cuts, no melted wires, no corrosion. Still has rubber jacket.

yamaha driver
03-27-2012, 07:18 PM
i thought the dr cdi was the hard to find expensive ones... i could be wrong

whitetail hunter
03-27-2012, 09:01 PM
they are hard to fine as well as expensive. i could not find one for my 225dr so i wire in a honda 200x cdi. i have had good experiences with starting low and let people bid it up. usually the high sticker price shocks them and they look on. but if they are bidding against other people they are quicker tospend the money? just my experience hope it helps.

Lil Earl
03-27-2012, 10:24 PM
they are hard to fine as well as expensive. i could not find one for my 225dr so i wire in a honda 200x cdi. i have had good experiences with starting low and let people bid it up. usually the high sticker price shocks them and they look on. but if they are bidding against other people they are quicker tospend the money? just my experience hope it helps.
the only thing about that is if there is not a demand for it at that time

03-27-2012, 11:41 PM
I think you would have better luck if you tried to sell it at around 75$, as the dx cdi are alot more common, and it is used, not wanting to sound crude but a 75$ price tag is a sure hit to the other $150 auctions

03-28-2012, 01:57 AM
I think you would have better luck if you tried to sell it at around 75$, as the dx cdi are alot more common, and it is used, not wanting to sound crude but a 75$ price tag is a sure hit to the other $150 auctions

It will get posted for $75 then.

Thank you all for the price advice.